Dictionary English German: [produced]

Translation 1 - 33 of 33

English German
yielded {adj} {past-p} [produced]
hergegeben [erbracht]
synthesised {adj} [Br.] [artificially produced]
künstlich [hergestellt]
homemade {adj} [produced in the country]im Inland hergestellt
econ. law proprietary [sth. used, produced, or marketed under exclusive legal right of the inventor or maker]
Eigentum {n} [Sache, über die jemand die Verfügungs- und Nutzungsgewalt oder rechtliche Herrschaft hat]
oenol. champagne [produced within the Champagne region of France]
Champagner {m}
law exhibit [object produced in a court as evidence]
Asservat {n}
snore [sound produced]
Schnarcher {m} [Geräusch]
gastr. [group of cheeses produced in the Alps]
Bergkäse {m}
gastr. Bündnerfleisch [air-dried meat produced in the Grisons canton of Switzerland]
Bündnerfleisch {n} [schweiz.]
rheum [mucus produced by the eyes during sleep]
Augenschleim {m}
mus. [a standard reference to determine the chronology of J. S. Bach's vocal works composed in Leipzig produced by the musicologist Alfred Dürr (1976)]Chronologie {f} der Leipziger Vokalwerke
gastr. [ersatz rum, traditionally produced in Austria]Inländer-Rum {m}
mus. [keyboard instrument strung with gut strings, the tone of which is produced by a steadily revolving well rosined cylinder]Bogenflügel {m}
mus. [keyboard instrument strung with gut strings, the tone of which is produced by a steadily revolving well rosined cylinder]Bogenklavier {n}
mus. [keyboard instrument strung with gut strings, the tone of which is produced by a steadily revolving well rosined cylinder]Geigenklavizimbel {n} [veraltet]
mus. [keyboard instrument strung with gut strings, the tone of which is produced by a steadily revolving well rosined cylinder]Geigenwerk {n} [Streichklavier]
mus. [keyboard instrument strung with gut strings, the tone of which is produced by a steadily revolving well rosined cylinder]Streichklavier {n}
jobs [piece of work produced to qualify as master craftsman]Meisterstück {n} [im ursprünglichen Sinn]
oenol. [Produced and bottled by the Co-op; bottling statement on wine labels]Erzeugergemeinschaft {f} [Etikettangabe]
med. VetMed. zool. decaplet [one of the ten siblings produced in one pregnancy; one offspring]Zehnling {m}
med. VetMed. zool. decaplets [set of ten siblings produced in one pregnancy; ten offspring]Zehnlinge {pl}
brew gastr. Kilkenny™ [a brand of beer produced by Guinness] [Irish]Kilkenny™ {n} [irische Biersorte (Red Ale), obergärig gebraut]
biochem. biol. megaphone [cytotoxic lignan produced from the plant Aniba megaphylla]Megaphon {m} [zytotoxischer Neolignan von Aniba megaphylla]
tools sawzall [Am.] [based on reciprocating saws produced by Sawzall®]Multisäge {f} [Motorfuchsschwanz]
2 Words: Others
art lit. mus. highly romantic {adj} [refers to the quality of a work of art, not necessarily to the period it was produced in]hochromantisch
naturally produced {past-p} {adj} [ecologically produced foodstuffs, clothing etc.]naturgerecht hergestellt [ökologische Lebensmittel, Bekleidung usw.]
2 Words: Nouns
furn. bentwood furniture {sg} [esp. produced by Thonet]Thonetmöbel {pl} [ugs. auch generell für Bugholzmöbel]
blood diamond [produced in a situation that risks lives]Blutdiamant {m} [Konfliktdiamant]
agr. chem. oenol. carbon dioxide [CO2] [if produced by fermentation]Gärgas {n} [ugs.] [Kohlendioxid]
ind. cottage industry [produced in agricultural communities]bäuerliches Gewerbe {n} [Produktion in Heimarbeit]
comp. print printer steganography [type of steganography produced by color printers]Machine Identification Code {m} <MIC> [„Druckersteganografie“]
ecol. storage gas [e.g. methane produced using excess electrical power from grid]Speichergas {n}
surface noise [noise produced by the friction of the needle or stylus of a record player]Eigengeräusch {n} [Plattenspieler]
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