| English | German | |
| med. alterative {adj} [likely to produce alteration] | 6 alterativ [selten] [verändernd] | |
| thin {adv} [in a thin manner, so as to produce something thin] | dünn [auf dünne Weise, in dünner Weise] | |
Verbs |
| to yield sth. [produce] | 4125 etw. hervorbringen | |
| to manufacture sth. [produce] | 3849 etw.Akk. herstellen [anfertigen] | |
| biol. hort. zool. to breed sth. [to produce by mating or cause to reproduce] | 2281 etw. züchten | |
| to create sth. [construct, produce] | 1241 etw.Akk. erstellen | |
| to make sth. [manufacture, produce] | 729 etw.Akk. herstellen | |
| to create sth. [produce] | 683 etw.Akk. erzeugen | |
| econ. to manufacture sth. [produce] | 623 etw.Akk. produzieren [Waren] | |
| to afford sth. [produce] | 541 etw. erzeugen | |
| to manufacture sth. [produce] | 522 etw.Akk. anfertigen | |
| to make sth. [create, produce] | 495 etw.Akk. erzeugen | |
| to manufacture sth. [produce] | 483 etw.Akk. erzeugen [Waren] | |
| to cause [produce] | 462 erzeugen | |
| to yield sth. [produce] | 376 etw. erbringen | |
| to manufacture sth. [produce, esp. from raw materials] | 296 etw.Akk. verarbeiten [zu einem Produkt umformen] | |
| to yield sth. [produce] | 183 etw. hergeben [erbringen] | |
| to yield sth. [produce] | 157 etw.Akk. bringen [einbringen] | |
| to spring sth. [produce suddenly] | 141 etw. rausholen [ugs.] [herausholen] | |
| to manufacture sth. [produce] | 109 etw.Akk. fertigen | |
| theatre to mount sth. [stage, produce] | 109 etw. inszenieren | |
| to make sth. [construct, produce] | 75 etw.Akk. erstellen | |
| ind. to manufacture sth. [mass-produce] | 42 etw.Akk. fabrizieren [veraltend] [fabrikmäßig herstellen] | |
| agr. bot. to crop [produce] | 40 tragen [Ertrag bringen] | |
| to aberrate [produce aberration, diverge from the expected] | 33 abweichen [vom Üblichen, auch: zu einer Anomalie führen] | |
| to author [produce, generate] | 29 hervorbringen | |
| to manufacture sth. [produce by hand] | 5 etw.Akk. manufakturieren [veraltet] [in Handarbeit anfertigen] | |
| to skirl [Scot.] [esp. of bagpipe, police whistle, etc.: produce a shrill sound] | 5 schrillen | |
| to bootleg [produce illegally] | schwarz herstellen | |
| zool. to breed [produce offspring] | Junge haben [Junge bekommen] | |
| bot. hort. to fruit [e.g. of a tree or bush; to produce fruit] | Früchte tragen [z. B. Baum, Strauch; Früchte hervorbringen] | |
| ind. to manufacture sth. [mass-produce] | etw.Akk. fabrikmäßig herstellen | |
| agr. to milk [produce milk (animal)] | milchen [regional] [Milch geben (Tier)] | |
| agr. to milk [produce milk (animal)] | Milch geben [Tier] | |
| to stain [produce stains] | Flecken hinterlassen | |
| to stain [produce stains] | Flecken verursachen | |
Nouns |
| agr. crop [amount of produce harvested at one time] | 3737 Ernte {f} [Ertrag, Ausbeute] | |
| mus. [notes, that when played together, produce a concord] | Concordanten {pl} [veraltet] | |
| jobs [peasants who bring their produce to the market in tall backpack baskets] | Refträger {pl} [veraltend] [regional] [Bäuerinnen/Bauern, die ihre Waren im Huckelkorb zum städtischen Markt bringen] | |
| agency [means of exerting power, produce an effect] | (wirkende) Kraft {f} | |
| influence [the power or capacity to produce an effect] | Einwirkungsmöglichkeit {f} | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| film to do movies [Am.] [coll.] [produce, shoot] | Filme drehen | |
| to knock out sth. [coll.] [produce rapidly] | etw. aus dem Ärmel schütteln [ugs.] [Redewendung] | |
| to put out [produce, emit] | ausstoßen | |
| to put out [produce] | produzieren | |
| to trot out sth. [coll.] [to produce unthinkingly] | mit etw.Dat. kommen [ugs.] | |
| to turn out [to produce] | produzieren | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| agr. comm. fin. import tariff [on produce] | Agrarzoll {m} | |
| agr. comm. fin. import tariffs [on produce] | Agrarzölle {pl} | |
| agr. yield increase [esp. of agricultural produce] | Ertragssteigerung {f} | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to be productive of sth. [produce or give rise to] | zu etw.Dat. führen [ein bestimmtes Ergebnis nach sich ziehen] | |