Dictionary English German: [procedure]

Translation 1 - 25 of 25

English German
cumbersome {adj} [procedure]
until {adv} [e.g. Repeat this procedure until ... ]so oft ..., bis [Diesen Vorgang so oft wiederholen, bis ... ]
law to sist sth. [Scot.] [to stop or suspend a legal procedure by judicial decree]etw.Akk. aufheben [ein Gerichtsverfahren offiziell beenden oder aussetzen]
indirection [indirect procedure]
Umweg {m} [fig.]
proceeding [procedure]
Procedere {n} [geh.]
schlep [chiefly Am., from Yiddish] [coll.] [arduous journey or procedure]
Plackerei {f} [mühselige Reise oder Prozedur]
regime [procedure]
Behandlungsweise {f}
pol. [voting procedure similar to a division in the House of Commons where MPs re-enter the floor through one of three doors]
Hammelsprung {m} [Abstimmungsverfahren]
[acquisition procedure based on the Mining Code]bergbauliches Grundabtretungsverfahren {n}
MedTech. embolization [a non-surgical, minimally-invasive procedure]Embolisation {f}
proceeding [procedure]Prozedere {n} [geh.]
electr. tech. scanning [scanning procedure]Scanvorgang {m}
2 Words
constr. closed procedure [procurement procedure]geschlossenes Verfahren {n} [Vergabeverfahren]
med. MedTech. follow-up [procedure, research result, etc.]Verlaufsbeobachtung {f}
naut. leaving service [procedure that ends the service of a sailor]Abmusterung {f}
constr. negotiated procedure [procurement procedure]Verhandlungsverfahren {n} [Vergabeverfahren]
constr. open procedure [procurement procedure]offenes Verfahren {n} [Vergabeverfahren]
textil. superwash (procedure) [Hercosett® procedure]Hercosett-Verfahren {n} [Hercosett®]
3 Words
to skip a step [in a procedure]einen Schritt überspringen [einer Prozedur]
direct debit (payment) [procedure]Lastschriftverfahren {n}
med. MedTech. extracorporeal membrane oxygenation <ECMO> [procedure]ECMO-Verfahren {n} [veno-venös angeschlossene Unterstützungsform]
med. Seldinger / Seldinger's approach [also: Seldinger / Seldinger's procedure]Seldinger-Methode / Seldingermethode {f}
med. split-skin graft [procedure]Spalthauttransplantation {f}
4 Words
U.S. / US driving cycle [Am.] [federal test procedure FTP-72 / FTP-75]amerikanischer Fahrzyklus {m} [Ermittlung der Abgasemissionen]
5+ Words
law attachment of all assets (of the debtor) [acc. to the German Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO)]Kahlpfändung {f} [siehe Kahlpfändungsverbot (§§ 811 ff. ZPO)]
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