| English | German | |
| current {adj} [present] | 635 jetzig [attr.] | |
| contemporary {adj} [present-day] | 588 heutig | |
| niggardly {adj} [rare in present-day Am. usage] | 102 geizig | |
| temporarily {adv} [at present] | 63 zurzeit <zz. / zzt.> | |
| [you] thrust [present tense] | 50 [du] stößt | |
| modern {adj} [present-day] | 24 heutig | |
| today {adv} [at present] | 13 gegenwärtig [heute] | |
| existent {adj} [present] | 12 gegenwärtig [präsent] | |
| sb. goes [coll.] [present historic tense] | 9 jd. sagt [hat gesagt, geschrieben] | |
| plausibly {adv} [to present one's excuses] | 8 geschickt | |
| there {adv} [present] | 7 dabei | |
| current {adj} [in the present time] | 6 gegenwartsnah | |
| law instant {adj} [present] [e.g. in the instant case] | vorliegend | |
| perennial {adj} [present during all seasons] | das ganze Jahr hindurch | |
| sb. beareth sth. [archaic] [third-person singular simple present indicative form of bear] | jd. übt etw.Akk. aus. | |
| temporarily {adv} [at present] | zur Zeit [alt] <z. Z., z. Zt.> | |
Verbs |
| to give sb. sth. [a present] | 1052 jdm. etw.Akk. schenken | |
| to exist [to be present] | 661 vorliegen [bestehen] | |
| journ. to profile sb. [present a description, analysis of sb.] | 97 jdn. porträtieren [jdm. einen großen Artikel widmen] | |
| to thematise sth. [Br.] [also rare for: present or select as a theme] | 58 etw.Akk. thematisieren | |
| ling. to thematize sth. [also rare for: present or select as a theme] | 39 etw.Akk. thematisieren | |
| to exist [occur, be present] | 33 geben [vorhanden sein, existieren; nur unpersönlich: es gibt / gab ...] | |
| to attend [be present] | anwesend sein | |
| to attend [be present] | gegenwärtig sein | |
| fin. to bill sth. [present a statement of costs or charges] | eine Rechnung über etw.Akk. ausstellen | |
| to exist [to be present] | da sein [vorhanden sein] | |
| to exist [to be present] | gegeben sein [vorhanden sein] | |
| to exist [to be present] | vorhanden sein | |
| to pose sth. [present, e.g. a problem, a threat] | etw.Akk. (in sich) bergen [geh.] [enthalten] | |
| to receive sth. [present, praise etc.] | mit etw.Dat. bedacht werden [geh.] [Geschenk, Lob etc.] | |
| to submit sth. [present sth. for consideration or judgement] | etw.Akk. unterbringen [ - - ' - - ] [selten] [regional, schweiz., luxemburgisch] [etw. unterbreiten, zur Begutachtung vorlegen] | |
Nouns |
| room [people present in a room] [treated as sg. or pl.] | 143 Stube {f} [die in einer Stube befindlichen Menschen] | |
| gift [small present] | 43 Aufmerksamkeit {f} [kleines Geschenk] | |
| gift [small present] | 29 Mitbringsel {n} | |
| prezzie [coll.] [present] | 17 Geschenk {n} | |
| gift [present] | 16 Angebinde {n} [geh.] [veraltet] [Geschenk] | |
| fairing [archaic] [small present] | 13 Mitbringsel {n} [ugs.] [bes. von einem Markt, Kirchtag] | |
| prezzie [Br.] [Aus.] [coll.] [present] | 11 Mitbringsel {n} [Geschenk] | |
| floor [people present at a speech, lecture etc.] | 6 Zuhörerschaft {f} [Anwesende] | |
| ling. [portion of word present in all inflected forms] | Flexionsstamm {m} | |
| gift [present] | Präsent {n} [geh.] [kleineres Geschenk] | |
| geogr. hist. Neumark [historical region in present-day northwest Poland] [also: New March] [also: East Brandenburg] | Neumark {f} [historische Landschaft im Nordwestpolen] | |
| geogr. hist. Uckermark [historical region in present day northeast Germany] | Uckermark {f} [historische Landschaft im heutigen Nordostdeutschland] | |
2 Words: Others |
| at hand {adj} [postpos.] [present, on hand] | vorliegend | |
| for hours {adv} [+present perfect or past perfect] | seit Stunden | |
| for hours {adv} [+present tense or past tense] | stundenlang | |
| for now {adv} [for the present] | vorerst | |
| latter-day {adj} [attr.] [of the present period] | heutig [modern] | |
| these days {adv} [at the present time] | zurzeit <zz., zzt.> [gegenwärtig] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to be gone [no longer be present, no longer exist] | verschwunden sein [nicht mehr da sein, nicht mehr existieren] | |