Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: [pre Columbian]

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geogr. hist. Mesoamerican {adj} [refers to pre-Columbian Central America, esp. as a culture area]mesoamerikanisch
ethn. Adena culture [Pre-Columbian Native American culture]Adena-Kultur {f} [auch: Adenakultur]
ethn. Hopewell culture [Pre-Columbian Native American culture]Hopewell-Kultur {f} [auch: Hopewellkultur]
ethn. Hopewell tradition [Pre-Columbian Native American culture]Hopewell-Kultur {f} [auch: Hopewellkultur]
hist. interzonal {adj} [pre-reunification]Interzonen-
to anticipate [pre-estimate]vorausberechnen
biol. sociol. preadolescent {adj} [also: pre-adolescent]präadoleszent
biol. sociol. preadolescent {adj} [also: pre-adolescent]vorpubertär
comp. precomputed {adj} {past-p} [also: pre-computed]vorberechnet
comp. tech. predefined {adj} {past-p} [pre-configured]vorkonfiguriert [Programmablauf]
biol. preovulatory {adj} [also: pre-ovulatory]präovulatorisch
med. prepandemic {adj} [also: pre-pandemic]präpandemisch
preshaped {adj} {past-p} [also: pre-shaped]vorgeprägt
math. [pre-decimal point position]Vorkommastelle {f}
archi. RealEst. [pre-WWII residential building]Altbau {m}
gastr. [small pre-cooked sausage]Brühwürstchen {n}
biol. sociol. preadolescence [also: pre-adolescence]Präadoleszenz {f}
med. preeclampsia [also: pre-eclampsia]Spätgestose {f}
preplanning [also: pre-planning]Vorausplanung {f}
educ. student [pre-university]Eleve {m} [geh.]
hist. interzonal train [pre-reunification]Interzonenzug {m}
gastr. mother dough [pre-ferment]Vorteig {m}
to reserve [book, subscribe, pre-order]vorbestellen
curr. hist. florin [Br.] [pre-decimal coin]Zweischillingstück {n}
spec. infant [pre-walking]Kriechling {m} [veraltet] [selten]
hist. pre-Enlightenment {adj} [also: pre-enlightenment]voraufklärerisch
med. Cowper's fluid [pre-ejaculate]Präejakulat {n}
archaeo. biol. Cro-Magnon [pre-historic human]Cromagnonmensch {m}
med. pre-cum [coll.] [pre-ejaculate]Präejakulat {n}
early printed book [pre 1501]Inkunabel {f}
to anticipate sth. [pre-empt]etw.Dat. zuvorkommen
educ. [examinations ending the pre-clinical stage]Physika {pl}
hist. incunabulum [early printed book, pre 1501]Inkunabel {f}
hist. incunabulum [early printed book, pre 1501]Wiegendruck {m}
astron. hist. philos. lunar sphere [pre-Copernican astronomy/astrology]Mondsphäre {f}
med. precancerous lesions [also: pre-cancerous lesions]Präkanzerosen {pl}
geol. zool. preglacial fauna [also: pre-glacial fauna]Präglazialfauna {f}
bot. geol. preglacial flora [also: pre-glacial flora]Präglazialflora {f}
hist. prewar phenomenon [also: pre-war phenomenon]Vorkriegserscheinung {f}
electr. engin. telecom. signal preprocessing [also: signal pre-processing]Signalvorverarbeitung {f}
archi. RealEst. [flat /apartment in a pre-WWII tenement]Altbauwohnung {f}
pre-cum [coll.] [pre-ejaculate]Voranzeige {f} [ugs.] [Präejakulat]
relig. spec. pre-existentialism [pre-existence of the soul]Präexistentialismus {m}
pre-lash [Br.] [sl.] [pre-drinking]Vorglühen {n} [ugs.]
jobs med. post-offer screening [pre-hire screening]ärztliche Voreinstellungsuntersuchung {f}
tech. pre-acceptance testVorabnahmeprüfung {f} [auch Pre-Acceptance-Test]
curr. hist. schilling [Austrian pre-euro currency]Schlei {m} [österr. ugs.: Schilling]
jobs law legal trainee [female] [in pre-approbation internship]Referendarin {f} [Rechtsreferendarin]
hist. Assembly of Notables [pre-revolutionary France]Notabelnversammlung {f} [vorrevolutionäres Frankreich]
jobs spec. work done by candlelight [pre-electricity]Lichtarbeit {f} [vor Elektrizität]
to subscribe for sth. [pre-order]etw.Akk. vorbestellen [Buch etc.]
constr. [pre-engineered home, standard design, relatively cheap]Typenhaus {n} [vorgeplant, standardisiert und preiswert]
art hist. [perspective (in pre-renaissance painting) that sizes persons and objects according to importance]Bedeutungsperspektive {f}
psych. pre-Oedipal {adj} [also: pre-oedipal, preoedipal]präödipisch [selten] [Freud] [auch: prä-ödipisch] [präödipal]
educ. infants' school [Br.] [spv.] [pre-school]Vorschule {f} [für 4/5 bis 7 Jährige]
[pre-Nazi, German nationalist provision of club rules excluding Jews]Arierparagraph {m} [Geschichte des Deutschnationalismus]
med. native image [e.g. as a pre-contrast study]Nativbild {n} [z. B. bei einer Präkontrast-Studie]
gastr. [pre-dinner drink, aperitif, appetizer, etc.] Aperetif {m} [FALSCH für: Aperitif]
tech. refurbishing contract [pre-owned equipment]Refurbishing-Vertrag {m} [Aufarbeitungsvertrag für Gebrauchtwaren]
comp. ChatGPT [short for: chat generative pre-trained transformer]ChatGPT [ohne Artikel]
curr. hist. schilling [Austrian pre-euro currency]Schilling {m}
curr. hist. half crown [Br.] [pre-decimal coin, worth two shillings and sixpence (2/6, 2s. 6d.)]Halfcrown {f} [zweieinhalb Shilling]
pol. purdah (period) [Br.] [coll.] [pre-election period]Vorwahlzeit {f} [im V. K., in der keine schwerwiegenden Entscheidungen getroffen werden]
audio premasking [also: pre-masking]Premasking {n}
acad. hist. spec. Old Europe [also: old Europe] [pre-industrial Europe, before the Age of Enlightenment]Alteuropa {n} [vor der Aufklärung, vorindustriell]
ling. print suspended hyphen [e.g. pre- and post-war]Ergänzungsbindestrich {m} [z. B. Grünspechte und -finken, Grün- und sonstige Spechte]
ling. print suspended hyphen [e.g. pre- and post-war]Ergänzungsstrich {m} [z. B. Grünspechte und -finken, Grün- und sonstige Spechte]
pol. RadioTV [pre-election TV debate of leading representatives of the major parties]Elefantenrunde {f} [TV-Diskussion] [österr.]
pre-nominals {pl} [pre-nominal letters] [name prefix, e.g. Mr., Ms., EUR ING]Namenszusatz {m} [vor dem Namen, z. B. Dr. med., Dipl.-Phys., Mag.]
QM pre-control chartPre-Control-Karte {f} [auch: Pre-Control-Regelkarte]
DIN V [pre-issue of DIN standards]DIN V {f} [DIN-Vornorm]
mus. Vorkriegsjugend [literally: pre-war youth] [influential 1980s cult Deutschpunk/hardcore punk band from West Berlin]Vorkriegsjugend {f} [deutsche Hardcore-Punk-Band der 1980er Jahre aus Berlin-Kreuzberg]
med. Bishop's / Bishop score [pre-labour scoring system]Bishop-Score {m} [geburtshilfliches Scoring-System]
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