Dictionary English German: [possibility]

Translation 1 - 7 of 7

English German
sb./sth. may [indicating possibility or probability]
jd./etw. mag [zum Ausdruck von Möglichkeit oder Vermutung]
automot. [possibility of burning a variety of fuels]
Vielstofffähigkeit {f}
econ. EU Grexit [portmanteau combining the words Greece and exit, referring to the possibility that Greece could leave the Eurozone]
Grexit {m} [Kunstwort aus Greece und exit; möglicher Austritt Griechenlands aus der Euro-Zone]
to have but sth. [e. g. possibility, task]nur etw.Akk. haben [z. B. Aufgabe, Möglichkeit]
to rule sth. in [include sth. as a possibility]etw. als möglich erscheinen lassen
He might have died. [It's a possibility that he did]Er könnte gestorben sein.
belief in the future [the possibility of progress]Fortschrittsglaube {m}
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