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|  |
 | down {adv} [to a lower position, place] | 1055 herunter |  |
 | up {adv} [to higher position, place] | 909 hinauf |  |
 | cloudy {adj} [argument, position, point of view] | 327 diffus |  |
 | cloudy {adj} [argument, position, point of view] | 318 unklar |  |
 | sb./sth. lies [is in a horizontal position, is situated] | 287 jd./etw. liegt |  |
 | down {adv} [at a low or lower position] | 281 unten |  |
 | tenuous {adj} [insecure] | 263 unsicher [Position] |  |
 | intermediate {adj} [position, stage, etc.] | 138 mittlere [Position, Stufe etc.] |  |
 | mil. sports overrun {adj} {past-p} [an enemy position] | 138 überlaufen |  |
 | sustainable {adj} [position] | 118 haltbar [vertretbar] |  |
 | jobs ousted {adj} {past-p} | 113 abgelöst [von Position, Stellung, Amt] |  |
 | unequivocal {adj} [position] | 59 aufrichtig [Standpunkt] |  |
 | electr. tech. offset {adj} {past-p} [from a normal or reference position] | 58 verschoben [räumlich] |  |
 | exalted {adj} [rank, position] | 55 bedeutend [mächtig, einflussreich] |  |
 | ironic {adj} [position, situation] | 41 paradox |  |
 | advanced {adj} {past-p} [in position] | 17 vorgeschoben [örtlich] |  |
 | educ. jobs teaching {adj} [attr.] [e.g. certificate, couple, position, profession] | 17 Lehrer- [z. B. Diplom, Paar, Stelle, Beruf] |  |
 | vacant {adj} [post] | 14 verwaist [Stelle, Position] |  |
 | tech. Off [closed position "Off"] | 11 Zu [Schließstellung "Zu"] |  |
 | replacing sth. {pres-p} [in a previously occupied position] | 10 etw.Akk. zurückversetzend [wieder an seinen (früheren) Platz versetzend] |  |
 | down {adv} [to a lower position] | 6 niederwärts [veraltet] |  |
 | ling. [able to be used in the forefield (first position) of a German sentence] {adj} | vorfeldfähig |  |
 | ling. [not usable in the forefield (first position) of a German sentence] {adj} | vorfeldunfähig |  |
 | leading {adj} [attr.] [e.g. circles, position, power, axle] | Führungs- [z. B. Kreise, Position, Macht, Achse] |  |
 | shooting {adj} [attr.] [e.g. angle, distance, foot, position] | Schuss- [z. B. Winkel, Entfernung, Bein, Position] |  |
 | upright {adj} [placed in a vertical position] | aufrecht stehend [Grabstein etc.] |  |
 | med. vertical {adj} [in the vertical position] | steilgestellt [z. B. Uterus, Herz] |  |
Verbs |
 | to lie [be in a horizontal position, be situated] | 3618 liegen |  |
 | to groom sb. [for a job etc.] | 1468 jdn. aufbauen [für eine Position] |  |
 | to poise [maintain a position] | 1032 verharren [geh.] [in einer Pose] |  |
 | to occupy sth. [a space; a position in a system or hierarchy] | 965 etw. einnehmen [Raum; eine Stellung, einen Rang] |  |
 | to consolidate sth. [position, growth, memory, identity, etc.] | 837 etw. festigen [Position, Wachstum, Erinnerung, Identität etc.] |  |
 | to resign [from a position in a team, organisation] | 580 ausscheiden [zurücktreten] |  |
 | to plant sth. [put in position] | 359 etw. setzen [in Position] |  |
 | to site [place, position] | 167 platzieren |  |
 | to rest [lie, be placed in a specified position] | 160 liegen [(auf etw.) ruhen] |  |
 | pol. to install sb. [appoint to office etc.] | 140 jdn. einsetzen [in eine Position setzen] |  |
 | to quit [to resign from a job or position] | 103 ausscheiden [aus Firma, Amt etc.] |  |
 | to vacate sth. [office, position] | 99 etw.Akk. niederlegen [Amt, Position] |  |
 | to right sb./sth. [return to upright position] | 71 jdn./etw. aufrichten |  |
 | to translate sth. [move from one position to another] | 65 etw.Akk. umsetzen [an eine andere Stelle setzen] |  |
 | to preempt sb. [prevent them from acting by acting in advance or gaining a commanding position] | 63 jdn. ausbooten [ugs.] [jdm. zuvorkommen / jdn. ausstechen] |  |
 | to maintain [position in an argument] | 58 verfechten |  |
 | to displace sb. [remove sb. from his office / position] | 41 jdn. ausbooten [ugs.] [aus seiner Stellung entfernen / verdrängen] |  |
 | comm. mil. to penetrate sth. [market, position] | 36 etw. aufrollen [fig.] [Markt, Stellung] |  |
 | to pull sth. [remove from a fixed position, extract] [tooth, weeds, etc.] | 32 etw. entfernen [ausreißen, herausziehen] [Zahn, Unkraut etc.] |  |
 | mil. to embattle [military formation or position] | 23 verstärken [militärische Formation oder Position] |  |
 | sports to cover sth. [place of a team-mate in football / soccer] | 15 etw. absichern [Position eines vorgerückten Spielers im Fußball] |  |
 | to plant sth. [put in position] | 13 etw. stellen [in Position] |  |
 | to unhorse sb. [fig.; very rare: from a position or office] | 13 jdn. vertreiben [aus Position oder Amt] |  |