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| wanted {adj} {past-p} [e.g. by the police] | 2982 gesucht [z. B. von der Polizei] | |
| known {adj} [to the police] | 337 aktenkundig [polizeilich] | |
| popped {past-p} [sl.] [arrested by the police] | 68 hopsgenommen [salopp] [festgenommen] | |
| port {adj} [attr.] [e.g. authority, map, police, tour, town] | 26 Hafen- [z. B. Behörde, Plan, Polizei, Rundfahrt, Stadt] | |
| rail railroad {adj} [attr.] [Am.] [e.g. area, embankment, gate, police] | 18 Bahn- [z. B. Gelände, Damm, Schranke, Polizei] | |
| FireResc Clear! [shouted by police on securing a room] | 8 Sauber! [Meldung beim Stürmen eines Objektes durch Polizeikräfte, wenn ein Raum oder das ganze Objekt als gesichert gelten] | |
| hot {adj} [esp. Am.] [sl.] [wanted by the police] | (polizeilich) gesucht | |
| plainclothes {adj} [police officer] | in Zivil | |
Verbs |
| to control [surveil, police] | 137 überwachen | |
| law to question sb. [police etc.] | 131 jdn. verhören | |
| to elude sb./sth. [police, enemy] | 129 jdm./etw. entkommen | |
| law to question sb. [police etc.] | 115 jdn. vernehmen [befragen] | |
| to summon [police, fire brigade etc.] | 60 rufen [Polizei, Feuerwehr etc.] | |
| to elude sb./sth. [police, enemy] | 51 jdm./etw. entwischen | |
| to skirl [Scot.] [esp. of bagpipe, police whistle, etc.: produce a shrill sound] | 5 schrillen | |
| to raid [police] | eine Razzia durchführen | |
| law to report sth. [to the police] | etw. zur Anzeige bringen [bes. amtssprachlich] | |
| to surrender [to police, enemy] | sich gefangen geben | |
Nouns |
| raid [police] | 206 Durchsuchungsaktion {f} [Razzia] | |
| jobs inspector [police] | 157 Kommissar {m} | |
| forensics [police department] | 126 Spurensicherung {f} <SpuSi> | |
| superintendent [police] | 126 Hauptkommissar {m} [Deutschland] | |
| backup [of police] | 125 Verstärkung {f} | |
| bullpen [esp. Am.] [coll.] [detention cell as in a police station or courthouse] | 92 Arrestzelle {f} | |
| cruiser [Am.] [police patrol car] | 84 Streifenwagen {m} | |
| siren [police, ambulance, fire-engine] | 80 Martinshorn {n} | |
| cordon [chain of police etc.] | 76 Kette {f} [Postenkette, Absperrung durch Polizei etc.] | |
| headquarters {pl} [police] | 51 Präsidium {n} | |
| angle [of police investigation] | 50 Ermittlungsansatz {m} | |
| nick [Br.] [coll.] [police station] | 50 Polizeirevier {n} | |
| admin. law officer [police] | 50 Beamter {m} [Polizeibeamter] | |
| insur. endorsement [clause appended to an insurance policy] | 42 Nachtrag {m} [z. B. zum Versicherungsschutz, zu einer Police] | |
| admin. station [police] | 37 Postenkommando {n} [österr.] [Gendarmeriedienststelle] | |
| district [police] | 34 Revier {n} [Polizei] | |
| snout [Br.] [coll.] [police informer] | 30 Informant {m} | |
| law Interpol [International Criminal Police Organization] | 23 Interpol {f} [Internationale kriminalpolizeiliche Organisation] | |
| jobs law inspector [police] | 21 Kommissär {m} [schweiz.] | |
| jobs superintendent [Am.] [Police] | 21 Polizeipräsident {m} | |
| law testilying [Am.] [coll.] [police perjury] | 20 Falschaussage {f} [eines Polizeibeamten bei Gericht] | |
| kettling [Br.: police tactic] | 17 Einkesseln {n} [Polizeitaktik] | |
| misper [short for missing person] [police slang] | 17 Vermisster {m} | |
| raider [participant in a/the police raid] | 16 Beamter {m} [der an einer/der Razzia beteiligt ist] | |
| RIP [Am.] [NYC police sl.] [also: rip] [reduction in pay] | 16 Gehaltskürzung {f} [als Strafe für Polizeibeamte] | |
| nick [Br.] [coll.] [police station] | 15 Revier {n} | |
| pigs [sl.] [police officers] | 13 Bullen {pl} [ugs.] [Polizisten] | |
| nick [Br.] [sl.] [police station] | 10 Wache {f} [Polizeiwache] | |
| siren [police, ambulance, fire-engine] | 10 Einsatzhorn {n} | |
| law [prohibition to return to a particular site, often imposed by police] | 9 Platzverweis {m} | |
| [the sound a European police/fire siren makes] | 9 Tatütata {n} | |
| jobs peeler [sl.] [Northern Irish] [police officer] | 9 Bulle {m} [ugs.] [Polizist] | |