| English | German | |
| scored {past-p} [points etc.] | 342 gepunktet | |
| salient {adj} [most noticeable or important, e.g. feature, points of arguments] | 72 Haupt- [hervorstechend, z. B. Merkmal oder Eigenschaft, Punkte der Argumentation] | |
| games sports tied {adj} [even on points] | 49 punktgleich | |
| sports even {adj} [even on points] | 10 punktgleich | |
| connectable {adj} [e.g. points] | verbindbar | |
| holeproof {adj} [having no flaws or weak points] | haltbar [von dauerhafter Beschaffenheit, strapazierfähig] | |
Verbs |
| to score [marks, points] | 293 erzielen | |
| to gain sth. [marks, points etc.] | 271 etw. erzielen | |
| to score sth. [gain points] | 209 etw. erringen [Punkte in einem Spiel, Wettbewerb] | |
| constr. to jag [cut in points, e.g. along an edge] | 66 auszacken | |
| math. to circumscribe sth. [to construct one regular geometrical figure around another so as to touch as many points as possible] | 5 etw.Akk. umbeschreiben | |
Nouns |
| issues [points of controversy] | 75 Streitfragen {pl} | |
| head [obs.] [one of the chief points of a topic] | 19 Thema {n} [Schwerpunkt] | |
| constr. ind. [system of anchor points for fall protection] | Anschlageinrichtung {f} | |
| photo. [The distance between similar image points on two different photographs properly set up for stereoscopic viewing] | Blickpunktentfernung {f} | |
| [traffic violation points registered in Flensburg, Germany] | Punkte {pl} in Flensburg [Strafpunkte beim KBA] [Deutschland] | |
| print unit pica [type size of 12 points] | Cicero {f} {m} [Schriftgröße von 12 typografischen Didot-Punkten] | |
2 Words |
| to comment on sth. [e.g.: a few points] | etw. ansprechen | |
| to notch up [coll.] [score, points] | erzielen | |
| to rack sth. up [achieve sth., e.g. points, a high score, profits] | etw.Akk. erzielen [z. B. Punkte, ein gutes Ergebnis, Profit] | |
| rail catch points {pl} [trailing points] | stumpf befahrene Weiche {f} | |
3 Words |
| math. eight-point circle [also: eight-points circle] | Acht-Punkte-Kreis {m} [auch: Achtpunktekreis] | |
| math. four-point circle [also: four-points circle] | Vier-Punkte-Kreis {m} | |
| geogr. six-points circle [also: six points circle, six-point circle] | Sechspunktekreis {m} [selten] [Feuerbachkreis] | |
| math. twelve-point circle [also: twelve-points circle] [rare] | Feuerbachkreis {m} | |
5+ Words |
| law to be on all fours with sth. [one case or lawsuit is in all points similar to another] | praktisch identisch mit etw.Dat. sein [Rechtsfälle] | |
| analysis of strong and weak points [strong and weak points analysis] | Stärken-Schwächen-Analyse {f} [Stärken-/Schwächenanalyse] | |