| English  | German |  |
 | timeless {adj} [not restricted to a particular time or date (e.g. poetry, themes); also: eternal] | 614 zeitlos [nicht zeitgebunden (z. B. Dichtung, Themen); auch: ewig] |  |
 | lit. inly {adv} [poetry] | innerlich [Poesie] |  |
 | nature {adj} [attr.] [e.g. deity, film, lover, mysticism, park, photographer, poetry] | Natur- [z. B. Gottheit, Film, Freund, Mystik, Park, Fotograf, Dichtung] |  |
Verbs |
 | to poetize [to write poetry] | 176 dichten |  |
 | to sing sth. [celebrate in poetry] | etw. besingen [durch ein Gedicht preisen] |  |
Nouns |
 | lit. literature [esp. poetry, epic poems] | 50 Dichtung {f} |  |
 | lit. verse [poetry] | 21 Lyrik {f} |  |
 | lit. lyrics {pl} [treated as sg.] [lyric poetry] | 18 Lyrik {f} |  |
 | hist. mus. lit. paean [in ancient Greek poetry and music] | 17 Päan {m} [feierlicher altgriech. Gesang] |  |
 | hist. mus. lit. paean [in ancient Greek poetry and music] | 8 Paian {m} [feierlicher altgriech. Gesang] |  |
 | lit. verse [poetry] | 8 Versdichtung {f} |  |
 | lit. poesy [archaic or literary] [poetry] | 6 Poesie {f} |  |
 | lit. cynghanedd [Welsh poetry metre] | Cynghanedd {f} |  |
 | lit. Diwan [collection of Persian, Arabic or Urdu poetry] | Dīwān {m} [persische, arabische oder urduische Lyriksammlung] |  |
 | lit. lyric [lyric poetry as a literary genre] | Lyrik {f} [als dichterische Gattung] |  |
 | lit. poetics {pl} [treated as sg.] [the art of writing poetry] | Dichtkunst {f} |  |
 | slam [coll.] [poetry slam] | Slam-Wettbewerb {m} [Dichterwettstreit] |  |
2 Words |
 | heavily attended [of poetry and other classes, court sessions, etc.] | stark besucht [Übungen, Vorlesungen, Sitzungen] |  |
 | hist. lit. spec. Lake School [of English poetry] | Seeschule {f} [Gruppe englischer Romantiker] |  |
 | lit. nonsense verse [nonsense poetry] | Unsinnsdichtung {f} [seltener] [Unsinnspoesie] |  |
 | lit. nonsense verse [nonsense poetry] | Unsinnslyrik {f} [seltener] [Unsinnspoesie] |  |
 | lit. nonsense verse [nonsense poetry] | Unsinnspoesie {f} |  |
 | lit. nonsense verse [nonsense poetry] | Nonsense-Dichtung {f} [auch: Nonsensedichtung] [seltener] [Unsinnspoesie] |  |
 | lit. nonsense verse [nonsense poetry] | Nonsense-Lyrik {f} [selten: Nonsenselyrik] [seltener] [Unsinnspoesie] |  |
 | lit. nonsense verse [nonsense poetry] | Nonsense-Poesie {f} [selten: Nonsensepoesie] [seltener] [Unsinnspoesie] |  |
3 Words |
 | jobs theatre smaller scale performer [in a revue, music hall, poetry slam etc.] | Kleinkünstler {m} |  |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
 | lit. F The Wild Iris [Louise Glück; poetry book] | Wilde Iris [Gedichtsammlung] |  |