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| |
| there {adv} [to that place] | 3337 dorthin | |
| nowhere {adv} [place] | 1766 nirgendwo | |
| down {adv} [to a lower position, place] | 1055 herunter | |
| shady {adj} [place] | 913 schattig | |
| up {adv} [to higher position, place] | 907 hinauf | |
| pol. sociol. queer {adj} [in place of LGBT or gay] [more politically correct and inclusive] | 671 queer [für alle LGBT-Formen] [fachsprachlich oder Szenejargon] | |
| inconvenient {adj} [time, place] | 522 ungünstig [unpassend, ungeeignet] | |
| up {adv} [at high place] | 517 oben | |
| thither {adv} [archaic or literary] [to that place] | 506 dahin | |
| nowhere {adv} [place] | 500 nirgends | |
| engaged {adj} {past-p} [locked in place] | 445 eingerastet | |
| away {adv} [from a place] | 428 entfernt [von einem Ort] | |
| present {adj} [pred.] [existing in a place or thing] | 423 vorhanden | |
| solitary {adj} [place] | 369 abgeschieden [einsam gelegen] | |
| there {adv} [to that place] | 315 dahin | |
| settled {adj} [living in one place] | 261 sesshaft | |
| they {pron} [non-gender-specific] [after an indefinite singular antecedent in place of "he" or "she" or "he or she"] | 146 [geschlechtsneutral, statt „er“ oder „sie“ oder „er oder sie“] | |
| anywhere {adv} [to any place] | 136 irgendwohin | |
| noon {adj} [attr.] [taking place at or around noon] | 134 Mittags- | |
| louche {adj} [person, place] | 118 berüchtigt | |
| gaunt {adj} [of a place] | 101 öde | |
| glum {adj} [place] | 92 trostlos | |
| solitary {adj} [of a place] | 66 abgelegen | |
| louche {adj} [person, place] | 64 verrufen | |
| given {adj} [time, place] | 54 bestimmt | |
| spec. ibidem {adv} <ib., ibid.> [in the same place] | 52 ebenda <ebd.> | |
| sedate {adj} [place] | 47 beschaulich | |
| off {adv} [a place] | 46 entfernt [von einem Ort] | |
| anywhere {adv} [to any place] | 44 überallhin | |
| power {adj} [attr.] [e.g. chuck, drive, place, plant] | 39 Kraft- [z. B. Spannfutter, Antrieb, Ort, Werk] | |
| nowhere {adv} [no place] | 35 nirgend [veraltend] | |
| forbidding {adj} [place, terrain] | 33 unwirtlich | |
| classy {adj} [of a place, hotel etc.] | 29 mondän | |
| glum {adj} [place] | 29 trist | |
| sedate {adj} [village, place] | 28 verschlafen [fig.] | |
| them {pron} [non-gender-specific] [after an indefinite singular antecedent in place of "him" or "her" or "him or her"] | 27 [geschlechtsneutral, statt „ihn“ oder „sie“ oder „ihn oder sie“] | |
| their {pron} [non-gender-specific] [after an indefinite singular antecedent in place of "his" or "her" or "his or her"] | 20 [geschlechtsneutral, statt „sein“ oder „ihr“ oder „sein oder ihr“] | |
| removed {adj} {past-p} [place of residence] | 17 umgezogen [Wohnung gewechselt] | |
| nowhere {adv} [place] | 10 nirgendswo [selten] | |
| where {adv} [used after reference to a place] | 10 woselbst [geh.] [wo (Relativadverb)] | |
| chez {prep} [Am.] [often hum.] [at, at the home of, at the business place of] | 9 bei | |
| private {adj} [of a place] | 7 abgeschieden | |
| customary {adj} [in a particular place or country] | 6 landüblich [veraltet] [landesüblich] | |
| charmless {adj} [place] | wenig reizvoll | |
| ecol. geogr. hydro. downstream {adv} [place] | unterstrom [fachspr.] | |
| ibidem {adv} <ib., ibid.> [in the same place] | dortselbst [veraltend] | |
| noon {adj} [attr.] [taking place exactly at noon] | 12-Uhr- | |
| nowhere {adv} [place] | an keiner Stelle | |
| sainted {adj} [place] | geweiht | |
| standing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. banquet, desk, place, reception, stands] | Steh- [z. B. Bankett, Pult, Platz, Empfang, Tribüne] | |