| English  | German |  |
 | ragged {adj} [imperfect and faulty, e.g. piece of work] | 468 stümperhaft [pej.] [z. B. Arbeit] |  |
 | surviving {adj} [old piece of literature etc.] | 355 erhalten |  |
 | incompetent {adj} [piece of work] | 11 stümperhaft |  |
 | incompetent {adj} [piece of work] | 9 unzulänglich [geh.] |  |
 | each {adv} [per piece] | pro Stück |  |
 | games gaming {adj} [attr.] [e.g. console, debts, house, machine, piece, table] | Spiel- [z. B. Konsole, Schulden, Kasino, Automat, Stein, Tisch] |  |
 | RealEst. parcelled {adj} [property, piece of land] | parzelliert |  |
 | pithy {adj} [of a comment, speech, piece of writing, etc.] | kurz und bündig |  |
 | games sports playing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. age, card, field, piece, time] | Spiel- [z. B. Alter, Karte, Feld, Figur, Zeit] |  |
Verbs |
 | to sport sth. [wear a piece of clothing (but not a hat)] | 227 etw.Akk. anhaben [ein Kleidungsstück] |  |
 | to bark sth. [esp. Br.] [strip the bark (from a tree or piece of wood)] | 140 etw.Akk. entrinden [einen Baum, einen Ast etc.] |  |
 | to frame sth. [put together, piece together] | 104 etw.Akk. zusammensetzen |  |
 | to obstruct sth. [by putting a piece of luggage, furniture, etc. in front of a door, etc.] | 58 etw.Akk. zustellen [(den Zugang etc.) versperren] |  |
 | to fold [letter, piece of clothing] | 55 zusammenfalten |  |
 | to butcher [fig.] [play, piece of music, language] | 33 vergewaltigen [fig.] |  |
 | to block sth. [by putting a piece of luggage, furniture, etc. in front of a door, etc.] | 29 etw.Akk. zustellen [(den Zugang etc.) versperren, blockieren] |  |
 | to unpick [a piece of knitting] | 29 aufdröseln [regional] |  |
 | to debark sth. [remove the bark (from a tree or piece of wood)] | 19 etw.Akk. entrinden [einen Baum, ein Stück Holz etc.] |  |
 | textil. to unpick [a piece of knitting] | 7 aufribbeln [nordd.] |  |
 | agr. to arrogate sth. [a piece of land by ploughing it] | sichDat. etw.Akk. abackern [veraltet] |  |
 | to condense sth. [piece of writing] | eine Kurzfassung [+ Gen.] erstellen |  |
 | theatre to corpse [theatrical slang] [spoil a piece of acting by forgetting one's lines or laughing uncontrollably] | es vermasseln [salopp] [als Schauspieler eine Aufführung verderben, indem man den Text vergisst oder plötzlich lachen muss] |  |
 | theatre to corpse [theatrical slang] [spoil a piece of acting by forgetting one's lines or laughing uncontrollably] | (die Vorstellung) schmeißen [Theaterjargon] [als Schauspieler den Text vergessen oder plötzlich lachen müssen] |  |
 | to debark sth. [remove the bark (from a tree or piece of wood)] | etw.Akk. scheppsen [bayer.] [entrinden] [einen Baum, ein Stück Holz etc.] |  |
 | to massacre sb./sth. [coll.] [fig.] [e.g. a piece of music, a play; a sporting opponent] | jdn./etw. massakrieren [ugs.] [fig.] [z. B. ein Musikstück, Theaterstück; einen Wettkampfgegner] |  |
 | to present sth. [song, piece of music, poem, etc.] | etw. zum Vortrag bringen [geh.] [Lied, Musikstück, Gedicht etc.] |  |
 | games to sac sth. [coll.] [sacrifice a token, a game piece] | etw.Akk. opfern [Spielfigur] |  |
 | to survive [old piece of literature etc.] | erhalten sein |  |
 | textil. to unpick [a piece of knitting] | aufräufeln [Gestricktes, Genähtes] [regional] |  |
Nouns |
 | cloth. garment [piece of clothing] | 1610 Kleidungsstück {n} |  |
 | eraser [piece of rubber] | 1047 Radiergummi {m} [ugs. auch {n}] |  |
 | slip [piece of paper] | 1017 Zettel {m} |  |
 | meadow [piece of low ground near a river] | 807 Aue {f} [poet. od regional] [an einem Bach oder Fluss gelegenes flaches Gelände mit saftigen Wiesen] |  |
 | snag [in a piece of cloth etc.] | 336 Riss {m} [in Stoff] |  |
 | jewel [precious stone, piece of jewellery] [also fig.] | 328 Juwel {n} {m} [Edelstein, Schmuckstück] [auch fig.] |  |
 | bogey [Br.] [coll.] [piece of nasal mucus] | 265 Popel {m} [ugs.] [Stück verdickter Nasenschleim] |  |
 | splinter [tiny piece of wood, esp. when stuck in the skin] | 248 Spreißel {m} [südd.] [Holzsplitter, bes. unter der Haut] |  |
 | counsel [(piece of) advice] | 192 Ratschlag {m} |  |
 | lit. screed [piece of writing] | 169 Schrift {f} [Essay, Buch etc.] |  |
 | paper [piece of writing] | 121 Schriftstück {n} |  |
 | scrap [small piece] | 113 Fragment {n} [Stückchen] |  |
 | shiver [splintered piece] | 96 Bruchstück {n} |  |
 | cloth. onesie [one-piece garment for adults] [esp. Br.] [from Onesies®, brand of infant bodysuits] | 82 Einteiler {m} [Kleidungsstück, z. B. Body] |  |
 | gastr. niblet [small piece of food] | 65 Häppchen {n} |  |
 | tidbit [piece of information] [Am.] | 62 Pikanterie {f} |  |
 | nub [piece] | 56 Stückchen {n} |  |
 | pendant [piece of jewellery] | 54 Anhängsel {n} [Schmuckstück] |  |
 | textil. corner [of a piece of cloth, blanket etc.] | 51 Zipfel {m} [von Tuch, Decke etc.] |  |
 | mus. account [interpretation or rendering of a piece of music] | 49 Interpretation {f} [künstlerische Wiedergabe von Musik] |  |
 | bogy [sl.] [Br.] [piece of congealed nasal mucus] | 48 Popel {m} [ugs.] [verdickter Nasenschleim] |  |