| English  | German |  |
 | moody {adj} [picture, film, music] | 79 stimmungsvoll |  |
 | painted {adj} {past-p} [picture, landscape, etc.] | 64 gemalt |  |
 | audio electr. RadioTV noisy {adj} [e.g. signal, picture, sound] | 35 verrauscht |  |
 | mounted {adj} [picture, photograph etc.] | aufgezogen [kaschiert] |  |
 | unreversed {adj} [image, picture] | seitenrichtig |  |
Verbs |
 | to frame sth. [picture] | 184 etw. rahmen |  |
 | journ. to feature [story, picture] | 136 bringen |  |
 | to reflect sb./sth. [picture] | 32 jdn./etw. wiedergeben [darstellen] |  |
 | to mount sth. [picture etc.] | 14 etw. aufziehen [Bild etc.] |  |
 | electr. to bug sth. [putting a listening device in a chair, a picture frame, etc.] | eine Wanze an etw. [Dat., auch Akk.] anbringen [Abhörwanze] |  |
 | to caption sth. [picture, drawing, etc.] | etw.Akk. mit einer Legende versehen [Bild, Zeichnung usw.] |  |
 | to figure sb./sth. [Am.] [coll.] [picture mentally] | sichDat. jdn./etw. vorstellen |  |
 | to imagine sth. [form a mental picture or idea of sth.] | sichDat. etw. vorstellen (können) |  |
 | to mount sth. [a picture] | etw. aufkaschieren [ein Bild] |  |
 | art photo. to portray sb. [to make a picture of sb.] | jdn. konterfeien [hum.] [sonst veraltet] [abbilden, porträtieren] |  |
Nouns |
 | art painting [picture] | 1556 Gemälde {n} |  |
 | comp. Internet thumbnail [preview picture] | 152 Vorschaubild {n} |  |
 | comp. Internet thumb [coll.] [thumbnail picture] | 128 Vorschaubild {n} |  |
 | figure [picture, illustration] | 121 Bild {n} [Abbildung, Illustration] |  |
 | art painting [picture] | 105 Bild {n} [Gemälde] |  |
 | film the movies {pl} [esp. Am.] [showing of a motion picture] | 78 Kino {n} [Filmvorführung] |  |
 | art watercolour [Br.] [picture] | 66 Aquarell {n} |  |
 | art watercolor [Am.] [picture] | 39 Aquarell {n} |  |
 | back [of a picture etc.] | 34 Hintergrund {m} |  |
 | art photo. prospect [picture] | 33 Ansicht {f} [Bild] |  |
 | film photo. freeze [still picture] | 18 Standbild {n} |  |
 | art relig. [picture / statue with miraculous powers] | 17 Gnadenbild {n} |  |
 | film flicker [sl.] [motion picture] | 16 Film {m} |  |
 | photo. halftone [picture] | 16 Halbtonbild {n} |  |
 | view [of sth.] [picture, image] | 14 Bild {n} [von etw.] |  |
 | art print [printed picture] | 11 Druckgraphik {f} [Exemplar] |  |
 | art tondo [circular picture or sculpture] | 10 Tondo {n} [auch {m}] |  |
 | MedTech. streaks [e.g. in the video picture] | 8 Fahnen {pl} |  |
 | art mosaic [picture] | 7 Mosaikbild {n} |  |
 | gastr. [biscuit or gingerbread with a picture stamped on before baking, e.g. speculoos] | Bildgebäck {n} [Springerle, Änisbrötli, Spekulatius, Tirggel] |  |
 | film biopic [coll.] [biographical picture] | biografischer Film {m} |  |
 | art relig. Calvary [picture or sculpture] [also: calvary] | Kreuzigungsgruppe {f} |  |
 | identikit [Identi-Kit®, trademark in the U.S.] [used for a method of creating a picture (as of the face of a person wanted by police)] | Identikit {n} [Identi-Kit®] |  |
 | mat [picture frame] | Wechselrahmen {m} |  |
 | art watercolor [Am.] [art of painting; also: picture] | Aquarellmalerei {f} [als Kunstform; auch: Bild] |  |
 | art watercolour [Br.] [art of painting; also: picture] | Aquarellmalerei {f} [als Kunstform; auch: Bild] |  |
 | publ. wimmelbilderbuch [hidden picture book] | Wimmelbilderbuch {n} [auch: Wimmelbuch] |  |
 | publ. wimmelbook [hidden picture book] | Wimmelbilderbuch {n} [auch: Wimmelbuch] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | chocolate-box {adj} [look, picture] | Postkarten- |  |
 | taken down {adj} {past-p} [picture] | abgehängt |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to be crooked [picture] | schief hängen [Bild] |  |
 | to have sth. up [picture, photo, poster] | etw. aufgehängt haben |  |
 | to round out [complete the picture of, portray, appear as] | abrunden [Bild] [fig.] |  |
 | to take sth. down [e.g. mirror, picture, corpse] | etw.Akk. abnehmen [herunternehmen, abhängen] [z. B. Spiegel, Bild, Leichnam] |  |
 | to touch up [picture] | schönen |  |