Dictionary English German: [phrase]

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common {adj} [name, word, phrase, etc.]
corny {adj} [coll.] [phrase, joke]
abgedroschen [ugs.]
hackneyed {adj} [phrase]
abgedroschen [ugs.]
established {adj} [word, phrase]
hackneyed {adj} [phrase]
abgenutzt [Redensart]
meaningless {adj} [word, phrase]
harmful {adj} [hazard symbol Xn, risk phrase R20 ff]
gesundheitsschädlich [Gefahrensymbol Xn, Gefahrenbezeichnung R 20.ff]
irritant {adj} [symbol Xi, risk phrase R36 ff]
reizend [Symbol Xi, Gefahrenbezeichnung R 36 ff]
specious {adj} [phrases]
leer [Phrase]
debased {adj} {past-p} [overused word, phrase]
abgegriffen [fig.] [Wort, Ausdruck]
ling. mus. crustic {adj} [a phrase that begins on a downbeat]auftaktlos
to frame sth. [phrase]
etw. formulieren
ling. coinage [invented word or phrase]
Kunstwort {n}
ling. mus. cadence [sequence of notes or chords; fall in pitch of the voice (at the end of a sentence phrase)]
Kadenz {f} [Harmonielehre: Akkordfolge, Schlussphrase; Linguistik: das Abfallen der Stimme (am Ende eines Satzes oder Satzglieds)]
pecker [Br.] [coll.] [courage] [chiefly in the phrase keep one's pecker up]
Traute {f} [ugs.] [Schneid]
ecol. [pejorative phrase used to criticize the impact of wind farms on the landscape; literally "transformation into asparagus"]Verspargelung {f} (der Landschaft)
[type of crossword puzzle in which certain individual letters make up a phrase or saying]Rösselsprung {m} [südd.]
ling. adverbial [word or phrase functioning as an adverb]Adverbial {n}
ling. adverbial [word or phrase functioning as an adverb]Adverbialbestimmung {f}
ling. adverbial [word or phrase functioning as an adverb]Adverbiale {n}
ling. Belgicism [Belgian French / Dutch word or phrase]Belgizismus {m}
buzzword [stock phrase](abgedroschene) Phrase {f}
buzzword [stock phrase]leeres Schlagwort {n}
ling. equivoque [ambiguous word or phrase]äquivoker Ausdruck {m}
hist. lit. Goethezeit [Goethe era, esp. in the phrase: in the Goethezeit] [in literary, cultural or historical studies]Goethezeit {f}
ling. localism [word or phrase peculiar to a local area]Provinzialismus {m} [landschaftlich gebundene Spracheigentümlichkeit]
2 Words: Others
Be safe! [parting phrase]Fahr vorsichtig! [Abschiedsgruß]
Be safe! [parting phrase]Pass gut auf Dich auf! [Abschiedsgruß]
De nada. [Spanish phrase] [You're welcome.]Gern geschehen!
Ecce homo! [Latin phrase] [Behold the man.]Sehet, welch ein Mensch! [Redewendung] [Ausruf des Pilatus: Ecce homo!, Joh. 19,5]
EU FireResc Extremely flammable. [risk phrase R12]Hochentzündlich [Risikosatz R12]
to boot {adv} [besides] [in end position, emphasizing the preceding phrase] [formal or hum.]daneben
to boot {adv} [idiom] [in end position, emphasizing the preceding phrase] [formal or hum.]zudem [obendrein]
to death {adv} [play, do, use, work: song / word / phrase to death]bis zum Überdruss [benutzen, spielen: Melodie, Wort, Redewendung etc.]
well-established {adj} [word, phrase]gängig
worn out {adj} [phrase]abgedroschen [ugs.]
2 Words: Verbs
to care about sb./sth. [be concerned about; German phrase mostly used negating: I don't care about this.]jdn./etw. kümmern [jdn. gedanklich beschäftigen; meist verneinend: Das kümmert mich nicht.]
idiom to grow hoary [fig.] [phrase, story, etc.]Grünspan ansetzen [fig.] [Redewendung, Geschichte etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
mus. balanced phrasing[gleiche Länge von Frage und Antwort in einer musikalischen Phrase]
mus. Bar formBarform {f} [A-A-B-Phrase]
Be safe! [parting phrase]Sei vorsichtig! [Abschiedsgruß]
ling. common acceptation [meaning of a word, phrase, etc.]übliche Bedeutung {f} [eines Worts, Ausdrucks usw.]
fancy words [a phrase, statement, etc.]ausgefallene Worte {pl}
holistic health [esp. as a promotional phrase]ganzheitliche Gesundheit {f}
memory hook [coll.] [catchy word phrase as help to remember learning content]Eselsbrücke {f} [ugs.] [Merkhilfe]
chem. ecol. EU R-phrase [risk phrase]R-Satz {m} [Risikosatz]
chem. ecol. EU S-phrase [safety phrase]S-Satz {m} [Sicherheitssatz]
3 Words: Others
EU Causes severe burns. [risk phrase R35]Verursacht schwere Verätzungen. [Risikosatz R35]
EU Explosive when dry. [risk phrase R1]In trockenem Zustand explosionsgefährlich. [Risikosatz R1]
EU Harmful by inhalation. [risk phrase R20]Gesundheitsschädlich beim Einatmen. [Risikosatz R20]
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