| English | German | |
| defining {adj} [moment, period] | 515 prägend | |
| bitter {adj} [experience, time period, etc.] | 329 hart [Erfahrung, Jahre etc.] | |
| frenetic {adj} [activity, pace, period] | 308 hektisch | |
| castle {adj} [attr.] [referring to a fortified castle, typically of the medieval period] | 240 Burg- | |
| preparatory {adj} [e.g. course, period, stage] | 62 Vorbereitungs- [z. B. Kurs, Zeit, Phase] | |
| astron. phys. orbital {adj} [e.g. movement, period] | 17 Umlauf- [Orbital-] [z. B. Bewegung, Zeit] | |
| climacteric {adj} [period, event] | 7 kritisch [Punkt, Zeitpunkt] | |
| temporary {adj} [tied to a particular period] | 7 zeitgebunden | |
| med. antepartum {adj} [relating to the period before childbirth] | 5 peripartal [Zeitpunkt um die Geburt herum; in der Spätschwangerschaft] | |
| always {adv} [throughout a long period of the past] | immer schon | |
| always {adv} [throughout a long period of the past] | schon immer | |
| jobs articled {adj} [Br.] [undergoing a period of training with a firm] | in der Ausbildung [nachgestellt] | |
| hist. colonial {adj} [of the colonial period] | kolonialzeitlich | |
| early {adj} [belonging to a period far back in time] | alt [früh] | |
| Georgian {adj} [architecture, house, style, period] | georgianisch | |
| growing {adj} [attr.] [growth] [e.g. cycle, pains, period] | Wachstums- [z. B. Zyklus, Schmerzen, Periode] | |
| interwar {adj} [also: inter-war] [e.g. period, years, generation] [period between WW I und WW II] | Zwischenkriegs- [z. B. Zeit, Jahre, Generation] [Zeit zwischen WK I und WK II] | |
| period {adj} [attr.] [pertaining to or evocative of a historical period] | aus der Zeit [nachgestellt] [historisch, zeitgenössisch] | |
| transitionary {adj} [e. g. government, period] | Übergangs- [z. B. Regierung, Periode] | |
Verbs |
| to give sth. [period of grace, loan, etc.] | 335 etw.Akk. einräumen [Frist, Kredit etc.] | |
| to stagger sth. [spread over a period of time] | 103 etw.Akk. entzerren [zeitlich] | |
| to stop [for a moment, a short period] | 39 innehalten | |
| theatre [to show the same play each night for a limited period or as long as it is successful] | en-suite spielen | |
| brew to lager sth. [to store beer during a period of aging] | etw.Akk. lagern [bes. in Lagerkellern, Bierkellern] | |
| to roost [lodge or stay for a night or a period of time, usu. in an informal or temporary manner] | sein Quartier aufgeschlagen haben [ugs.] [(vorübergehend) schlafen oder wohnen] | |
Nouns |
| archi. hist. castle [fortified, esp. of the medieval period] | 3713 Burg {f} | |
| tenure [office period] | 3415 Amtszeit {f} | |
| youth [period or condition; also fig.] | 1562 Jugend {f} [Lebensabschnitt oder Zustand; auch fig.] | |
| stage [period] | 1528 Abschnitt {m} [Phase, Stadium] | |
| stage [period] | 1343 Phase {f} | |
| respite [period of time] | 433 Frist {f} | |
| jobs stint [period of time] | 367 Arbeitsperiode {f} | |
| spell [short period of time] | 307 Weile {f} | |
| spell [short period] | 183 Weilchen {n} | |
| twilight [evening period of twilight] | 158 Abenddämmerung {f} | |
| term [time limit, period] | 154 Frist {f} | |
| term [period of validity, running time etc.] | 153 Laufzeit {f} | |
| prosperity [period] | 142 Blütezeit {f} [fig.] | |
| bout [period] | 128 Periode {f} | |
| retreat [period of seclusion] | 120 Klausur {f} [Abgeschiedenheit] | |
| sports half [playing period] | 105 Halbzeit {f} [Hälfte der Spielzeit] | |
| wait [period of waiting] | 97 Wartezeit {f} | |
| med. hospitalization [period] | 70 Krankenhausaufenthalt {m} | |
| cycle [time period] | 66 Zeitraum {m} | |
| centenary [rare] [period of 100 years] | 61 Jahrhundert {n} [Zeitspanne von 100 Jahren] | |
| law minority [state or period of being under legal age] | 60 Unmündigkeit {f} | |
| incarceration [period] | 59 Kerkerhaft {f} | |
| space [period of time] | 57 Zeitraum {m} | |
| med. hospitalization [period] | 54 Klinikaufenthalt {m} | |
| archi. hist. castles [fortified, esp. of the medieval period] | 47 Burgen {pl} | |