| English » Restrict search to this language
| German » Restrict search to this language
| |
| [you] are [said to two or more people] | 1197 [ihr] seid | |
| [you] have [said to two or more people] | 918 [ihr] habt | |
| [you] do [said to two or more people] | 675 [ihr] tut | |
| Hark! [literary] [to several people] | 521 Hört! | |
| sluggish {adj} [of people, rivers] [also med.] | 447 faul [träge] | |
| [you] might [said to two or more people] | 404 [ihr] könntet | |
| relig. divine {adj} [services, objects, etc., but not people] | 351 religiös | |
| sprightly {adj} [old people] | 168 rüstig | |
| [you] did [said to two or more people] | 163 [ihr] tatet | |
| common {adj} [people, soldier etc.] | 161 einfach [Leute, Soldaten etc.] | |
| accessible {adj} [for people with impairments / disabilities] | 113 barrierefrei [behindertengerecht] | |
| mutinous {adj} [esp. of young people] | 113 aufmüpfig [österr.] [sonst regional] | |
| indigenous {adj} [people] | 107 eingesessen [einheimisch] | |
| [you] may [are permitted] [said to two or more people] | 79 [ihr] dürft | |
| [you] were [informally addressing two or more people] | 70 [ihr] wart | |
| stiff {adj} [of people] | 70 hölzern [fig.] [steif] | |
| popular {adj} [of the people] | 67 volkstümlich | |
| some {pron} [some people] | 64 manche [manche Menschen, einige Leute] | |
| spritely {adj} [of old people] [spv.] | 64 rüstig | |
| [you] should [said to two or more people] | 50 [ihr] solltet | |
| inclusive {adj} [not excluding any particular groups of people] | 47 offen [für jedermann frei zugänglich] | |
| [you] will [said to two or more people] | 45 [ihr] werdet | |
| sharp {adj} [smart, esp. of children, young people] | 42 aufgeweckt | |
| caring {adj} [for other people. esp. those ill or in need] | 39 zugewandt [für andere Menschen offen] | |
| [you] can [said to two or more people] | 37 [ihr] könnt | |
| impertinent {adj} [of children, young people] | 37 ungezogen [frech] | |
| [you] could [were able] [said to two or more people] | 35 [ihr] konntet | |
| lined {adj} [old people] | 34 faltig | |
| accessible {adj} [for people with impairments / disabilities] | 29 behindertengerecht | |
| displaced {adj} {past-p} [people] | 27 vertrieben [Menschen] | |
| archi. accessibly {adv} [for people with impairments / disabilities] | 21 barrierefrei [behindertengerecht] | |
| among {prep} [e.g. other people] | 20 bei [+Dat.] [(mitten) unter, in der Menge] | |
| [you] had [said to two or more people] | 16 [ihr] hattet | |
| sociol. [having a disproportionate number of old people] {adj} | 14 überaltert | |
| sociol. black {adj} [often cap.] [people, community, literature, etc.] | 10 farbig [„schwarz“ (in Bezug auf die Hautfarbe)] [pej.] [veraltend] | |
| common {adj} [of people, language] | 8 gschert [österr.] [südd.] [ugs.] [ordinär] | |
| handtame {adj} [spv.] [fig.] [of people: mild, meek] | 8 handzahm [fig.] [von Personen: leicht zu beeinflussen, zu behandeln] | |
| nuts {adj} [coll.] [pred.] [esp. people] | 8 durchgedreht [ugs.] [insb. Menschen] | |
| Romance {adj} [people, culture] | 8 welsch [veraltet] [pej.] [romanisch] | |
| strict {adj} [of people; severe] | 5 gestreng [veraltend] [auch hum. oder ironisch] | |
| [you] can't [cannot] [said to two or more people] | [ihr] könnt nicht | |
| [you] cannot [said to two or more people] | [ihr] könnt nicht | |
| [you] mustn't [said to two or more people] | [ihr] dürft nicht | |
| accessibly {adv} [for people with impairments / disabilities] | behindertengerecht | |
| approachable {adj} [accessible to most people] | zum Anfassen [nachgestellt] [ugs.] | |
| aswarm {adj} [postpos.] [e.g. with people] | wimmelnd [z. B. von Menschen] | |
| circa {prep} <ca.> [a hundred people] | an die [hundert Leute] | |
| damaged {adj} [by social factors] [people] | milieugeschädigt | |
| Don't! [said to two or more people] | Tut es nicht! | |
| germane {adj} [obs.] [of people, closely related] | nah verwandt | |