| English  | German |  |
 | blunt {adj} [e.g. knife, pencil] | 4195 stumpf [z. B. Messer, Bleistift] |  |
 | sb. drew [with a pencil etc.] | 537 jd. zeichnete |  |
 | revolving {adj} [attr.] [e.g. chair, door, pencil] | 118 Dreh- [z. B. Stuhl, Tür, Bleistift] |  |
 | sb. draws [with a pencil etc.] | 82 jd. zeichnet |  |
 | colored {adj} [Am.] [e.g. glass, marble, paper, pencil] | Bunt- [z. B. Glas, Marmor, Papier, Stift] |  |
 | coloured {adj} [Br.] [e.g. glass, marble, paper, pencil] | Bunt- [z. B. Glas, Marmor, Papier, Stift] |  |
 | art penciled {adj} {past-p} [Am.] [drawn with pencil] | mit Bleistift gezeichnet |  |
 | art pencilled {adj} {past-p} [Br.] [drawn with pencil] | mit Bleistift gezeichnet |  |
Verbs |
 | to draw [with a pencil etc.] | 3694 zeichnen |  |
 | to draw [with a pencil etc.] | 593 malen |  |
 | to draw [with a pencil etc.] | 412 abzeichnen [abmalen] |  |
 | to draw sth. [with a pencil etc.] | 384 etw. aufzeichnen [zeichnen] |  |
 | to sharpen sth. [a pencil, an arrow, etc.] | 7 etw.Akk. spitzen [einen Bleistift, einen Pfeil etc.] |  |
Nouns |
 | rubber [esp. Br.] [for erasing pencil marks] | 1634 Radiergummi {m} [ugs. auch {n}] |  |
 | lead [pencil] | 169 Mine {f} [Bleistift] |  |
 | pen [pencil, biro etc.] | 17 Schreibstift {m} |  |
2 Words |
 | to chew up sth. [bread, pencil etc.] | etw.Akk. zerkauen |  |
 | to go over sth. [with a pencil etc.] | etw. nachziehen [Zeichnung, Umriss] |  |
 | to rub out sth. [esp. Br.] [erase (pencil marks, etc.) with a rubber] | etw.Akk. wegradieren |  |
 | to rub sth. out [esp. Br.] [erase (pencil marks, etc.) with a rubber] | etw.Akk. ausradieren |  |
 | art to touch sth. up [retouch with a pencil or brush] | etw.Akk. ausflecken [mit Bleistift oder Pinsel retuschieren] |  |
 | art Conté pencil [also: Conte pencil, conte pencil] | Conté-Stift {m} |  |
 | pen pencil [Ind.] [mechanical pencil] | Druckbleistift {m} |  |
 | pen pencil [Ind.] [mechanical pencil] | Minenschreiber {m} |  |
 | pencil case [pencil box] | Federkästchen {n} |  |
 | propelling pencil [Br.] [mechanical pencil] | Minenschreiber {m} |  |
 | propelling pencil [Br.] [mechanical pencil] | mechanischer Stift {m} [seltener] [Druckbleistift] |  |
 | retractable sleeve [of pencil] | Schiebehülse {f} [beim Stift] |  |
3 Words |
 | art with white highlights {adj} [postpos.] [charcoal or pencil drawing] | weiß gehöht [Kohle- oder Bleistiftzeichnung] |  |
 | med. pharm. silver nitrate stick [caustic pencil] | Ätzstift {m} [Höllensteinstift, Höllenstein-Ätzstift] |  |