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 | duration [of a contract, a patent, a scholarship, etc.] | 1267 Laufzeit {f} [eines Vertrages, eines Patents, eines Stipendiums etc.] |  |
 | law element [of a patent application] | 56 Merkmal {n} [einer Patentanmeldung] |  |
 | archi. relig. [protestant church built according to the rules of the Patent of Tolerance of 1781 in Austria] | Toleranzkirche {f} |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | pharm. (chemist's) nostrum [Br.] [patent medicine] | Hausrezeptur {f} [patentiert] |  |
 | chem. acid blues [dye-stuffs of the patent blue group] | Patentblau-Farbstoffe {pl} |  |
 | law dependent claim [patent] | abhängiger Patentanspruch {m} |  |
 | engin. law elongate member [chiefly in patent documents] [long, thin component] | längliche Komponente {f} |  |
 | engin. law elongate member [chiefly in patent documents] [long, thin component] | längliches Element {n} |  |
 | filing date [of a patent] | Anmeldetag {m} [eines Patents] |  |
 | filing route [of a patent] | Anmeldeweg {m} [Patent] |  |
 | law independent claim [patent] | unabhängiger Patentanspruch {m} |  |
 | law legal status [of a patent] | Rechtsstand {m} [eines Patents] |  |
 | novelty search [patent] | Neuheitsprüfung {f} [Patent] |  |
 | law nullity board [European Patent Office] | Nichtigkeitssenat {m} [Europäisches Patentamt] |  |
 | hist. patent nobility [persons ennobled by letters patent] [usually treated as pl.] | Briefadel {m} |  |
 | law patent royalty [paid for using the patent] | Patentgebühr {f} [Nutzungsgebühr] |  |
 | hist. Protected Jew [patent of citizenship granted to Jews] | Patentjude {m} |  |
 | publication date [examined but not yet granted patent] | Auslegetag {m} [Patent] |  |
 | publication date [of a granted patent] | Veröffentlichungstag {m} [Patent] |  |
 | publication date [of an unexamined patent document] | Offenlegungstag {m} [Patent] |  |
 | law transferable licence [Br.] | übertragbare Lizenz {f} [Patent, Herstellungslizenz] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | law European qualifying examination <EQE> [European Patent Office] | Europäische Eignungsprüfung {f} <EEP> [Europäisches Patentamt] |  |
 | examination for novelty [patent] | Neuheitsprüfung {f} [Patent] |  |
 | herald. grant of arms [by letters patent] | Wappenbrief {m} |  |
 | law scope (of protection) [of patent] | Schutzbereich {m} [für ein Patent] |  |
 | law scope (of protection) [of patent] | Schutzumfang {m} |  |
4 Words: Others |
 | beyond its expiration date {adj} [postpos.] [product, drug, patent, etc.] | abgelaufen [Produkt, Medikament, Patent etc.] |  |
 | beyond its expiration date {adj} [postpos.] [product, drug, patent, etc.] | verfallen [Produkt, Medikament, Patent etc.] |  |
5+ Words: Nouns |
 | comp. buckling-spring torsional snap actuator | [auf Torsionsspannung mit Einrasten reagierendes Betätigungselement mit Knickfeder, IBM-Patent] |  |
 | jobs law examined patent law office clerk [examined secretary of a patent agent [Br.], patent attorney [Am.]] | Patentanwaltsfachangestellte {f} [Berufsbezeichnung] |  |
 | jobs law examined patent law office clerk [examined secretary of a patent agent [Br.], patent attorney [Am.]] | Patentanwaltsfachangestellter {m} |  |