| English  | German |  |
 | once {adv} [at some time in the past] | 890 einst [geh.] [früher (einmal), vor langer Zeit] |  |
 | illustrious {adj} [deeds, past] | 492 glorreich |  |
 | colorful {adj} [fig.] [Am.] [e.g. colorful past] | 341 bewegt [fig.] [z. B. bewegte Vergangenheit] |  |
 | wrought {adj} {past-p} [past-p of wreak] | 310 angerichtet [bewirkt] [Schaden, Unheil etc.] |  |
 | yore {adv} [obs.] [in the past, long ago] | 226 vormals <vorm.> |  |
 | once {conj} [with past tense] | 114 als |  |
 | checkered {adj} [Am.] [past, history, career] | 91 wechselhaft |  |
 | sb./sth. passes [goes past] | 87 jd./etw. passiert |  |
 | yore {adv} [obs.] [in the past, long ago] | 70 ehedem [geh.] |  |
 | once {adv} [at some time in the past, formerly] | 64 einstmals [geh.] [früher (einmal)] |  |
 | hidebound {adj} [oriented toward the past, reactionary] | 54 rückwärtsgewandt [auf Vergangenes gerichtet, reaktionär] |  |
 | showed {past-p} [rare for shown as a past-p] | 48 gezeigt |  |
 | sb./sth. passed [went past] | 44 jd./etw. passierte |  |
 | once {adv} [at some time in the past, formerly] | 42 vormals <vorm.> |  |
 | unblemished {adj} [past] | 40 lupenrein [fig.] |  |
 | chequered {adj} [Br.] [past, history, career] | 25 wechselhaft |  |
 | prestigious {adj} [past] | 24 glanzvoll [Vergangenheit] |  |
 | molten {adj} [archaic] [past-p] | 19 zerflossen |  |
 | once {adv} [at some time in the past, formerly] | 18 einstens [geh.] [früher (einmal), vor langer Zeit] |  |
 | hidden {adj} {past-p} [activities, past etc] | 17 verheimlicht |  |
 | sb. spake [archaic] [spoke, past tense of speak] | 14 jd. sprach |  |
 | [you] thrust [past tense] | 13 [du] stießest |  |
 | sb. wotted [archaic past tense from 'to wit'] | 13 jd. wusste |  |
 | relig. transfiguring {adj} {pres-p} [elevating, exalting] [also fig.: sb.'s face, the past, etc.] | 9 verklärend [auch fig.: jds. Gesicht, die Vergangenheit] |  |
 | quote [quote from a popular German TV sketch, used to express that everything was better in the past; literally: "There was more lametta (on the Christmas tree) in the old days."] | Früher war mehr Lametta. [Loriot, aus „Weihnachten bei Hoppenstedts“; verallgemeinert verwendet im Sinne von „Früher war alles besser.“] |  |
 | always {adv} [throughout a long period of the past] | immer schon |  |
 | always {adv} [throughout a long period of the past] | schon immer |  |
 | checkered {adj} [Am.] [past] | bunt schillernd [Vergangenheit] |  |
 | chequered {adj} [Br.] [past] | bunt schillernd [Vergangenheit] |  |
 | colourful {adj} [fig.] [Br.] [e.g. colourful past] | bewegt [fig.] [z. B. bewegte Vergangenheit] |  |
 | Methought ... [archaic or hum.] [past tense of methinks] | Mich dünkte ... [veraltet] |  |
 | overblown {adj} [past its prime] | am Verblühen |  |
Verbs |
 | to pass [go past, go by] | 627 passieren [vorbeigehen] |  |
 | to pass sb./sth. [go past, leave behind] | an jdm./etw. vorbeikommen [gelangen und weitergehen oder -fahren] |  |
 | to pass sth. [walk by, go past] | an etw.Dat. vorbeigehen |  |
Nouns |
 | stint [limited time spent swh. or spent doing a job in the past] | 63 Zeit {f} [an einem Ort, in einem Beruf verbrachte Zeit] |  |
 | hangover [custom etc. that survives from the past] | 45 Überbleibsel {n} [ugs.] [fig.] |  |
 | hangover [fig.] [sth. unpleasant left over from the past] | 41 Altlast {f} [fig.] [Belastendes aus der Vergangenheit] |  |
 | background [personal past] | 20 Vergangenheit {f} [geistige Herkunft] |  |
 | murkiness [of past] | 6 Dunkel {n} |  |
 | hist. pol. ["brown spots," i.e. hints of a Nazi past] | braune Flecken {pl} [fig.] |  |
 | [a politician or manager past his zenith] | Sesselkleber {m} [österr.] [schweiz.] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | for hours {adv} [+present perfect or past perfect] | seit Stunden |  |
 | for hours {adv} [+present tense or past tense] | stundenlang |  |
 | sb./sth. would be [future in the past] | jd./etw. würde sein |  |
 | that night {adv} [in the past] | in jener Nacht [geh.] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to be gone [finished, past] | vorbei sein |  |
 | to let sth. go [fig.] [e.g. let the past go] | etw.Akk. auf sich beruhen lassen [z. B. die Vergangenheit] |  |
 | to rake up sth. [past] | etw. aufwärmen [fig.] |  |
 | to see over sth. [past sth.] | über etw.Akk. hinwegschauen [regional] [darüber hinwegblicken] |  |