Dictionary English German: [parties]

Translation 1 - 28 of 28

English German
fringe {adj} [attr.] [e.g. area, event, group, parties, sport]
Rand- [z. B. Gebiet, Veranstaltung, Gruppe, Parteien, Sportart]
pol. multipartisan {adj} [relating to or supported by multiple political parties]
warring {adj} [parties, sides]
alienation [between people, parties]
Verstimmung {f} [zwischen Personen, Parteien]
pol. [proportional representation of ruling parties in government, administration and public sector]
Proporz {m} [österr.]
games [A form of amusement mainly at children's birthday parties in which a sausage is hung by a string above the heads of the children who must jump to bite off a piece]Würstelschnappen {n} [regional, bes. südd., österr.]
pol. [collective term for the CDU and CSU parties]Unionsparteien {pl}
pol. RadioTV [election night TV debate of leading representatives of the major parties]Elefantenrunde {f} [TV-Diskussion] [dt., schweiz.]
market. [large billboard] [especially of political parties during election campaigns]Wesselmanntafel {f} [Politikjargon]
market. [large election campaign billboards of political parties]Wesselmänner {pl} [Politikjargon]
pol. [line of political thinking in the German parties CDU and CSU]Unionslinie {f}
pol. [members of the Union parties, CDU an CSU, in the German Bundestag]Unionschristen {pl}
[parties liable to pay charges for the recoupment of public money spent on local public infrastructure]Erschließungsbeitragspflichtiger {m}
pol. RadioTV [pre-election TV debate of leading representatives of the major parties]Elefantenrunde {f} [TV-Diskussion] [österr.]
pol. [slightly pejorative collective term for the parties CDU and CSU]C-Parteien {pl} [leicht pej.]
pol. [ticket of a coalition of several parties]Einheitsliste {f}
ecol. pol. CMP [Conference of the Parties serving as Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol (Kyoto Protocol)][Konferenz der Vertragsstaaten des Kyoto-Protokolls, die jährlich zusammentritt]
2 Words
partly responsible {adj} [in connection with other parties]mitverantwortlich
to merge (with sth.) [companies, parties, etc.](mit etw.Dat.) fusionieren [Firmen, Parteien etc.]
law (forced) partition [division of property among parties of inheritance](erzwungene) Auseinandersetzung {f} [bei Erbschaft von Miteigentum an Grundstücken und Wohnungen]
pol. dark money [undisclosed campaign donations to politcal parties]geheime Wahlkampfspenden {f}
hist. law judicial duel [physical battle of two parties]Gerichtskampf {m}
party piece [sth. done to entertain people, especially at parties]Kabinettstückchen {n}
party-goer [person who enjoys going to parties]Partygänger {m}
pol. social partners [parties to a wage / salary agreement]Tarifpartner {pl}
3 Words
to have a battle [two or more parties]sichDat. eine Schlacht liefern
pol. party membership book [rare, esp. in reference to Nazi and Communist parties]Parteibuch {n}
pol. traffic-light parties {pl} [summary term for social democratic, liberal and green parties (such as the German SPD, FDP and Greens) forming a coalition]Ampel {f} [ugs.] [Ampelparteien]
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