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| timeless {adj} [not restricted to a particular time or date (e.g. poetry, themes); also: eternal] | 612 zeitlos [nicht zeitgebunden (z. B. Dichtung, Themen); auch: ewig] | |
| topical {adj} | 297 thematisch [relating to a particular subject] | |
| inclusive {adj} [not excluding any particular groups of people] | 47 offen [für jedermann frei zugänglich] | |
| individual {adj} [of one particular person] | 46 persönlich | |
| indigenous {adj} [characteristic of a particular country, domestic] | 18 inländisch [heimisch] | |
| customary {adj} [in a particular place or country] | 7 landüblich [veraltet] [landesüblich] | |
| temporary {adj} [tied to a particular period] | 7 zeitgebunden | |
Verbs |
| to visit sth. [for a particular purpose] [business, sightseeing, etc.] | 1099 etw. besichtigen | |
| to indulge [coll.] [allow oneself to enjoy a particular pleasure] | 754 sündigen [zu viel trinken etc.] | |
| to gallivant [to go out for amusement with no particular destination] | 152 herumziehen [zum Vergnügen ausgehen ohne bestimmtes Ziel] | |
| to cover sth. [travel a particular distance] | 117 etw.Akk. zurücklegen [eine Strecke, Entfernung etc.] | |
| to pitchfork sb. [fig.] [to forcibly thrust sb. into a particular situation] | 97 jdn. schubsen [ugs.] [fig.] [in eine bestimmte, bes. eine unangenehme Lage] | |
| to detail sb. [often mil.] [to assign somebody a particular task] | 47 jdn. abstellen [abordnen, abkommandieren] | |
| to achieve sth. [a particular result] | auf etw. kommen [Resultat] | |
| to concern sth. [be about a particular subject] | von etw. handeln | |
| to land sb. [to bring into a particular place, position, or condition] | jdn. landen lassen [meist fig., z. B. im Gefängnis] | |
| to misbehave [say or do the wrong thing in a particular situation] | aus der Rolle fallen [Redewendung] | |
| to shine [in a particular subject] | eine Leuchte sein [auf / in] | |
| to yearn [to be at a particular place] | sich hinsehnen | |
Nouns |
| workforce [treated as sg. or pl.] [in a particular firm] | 907 Belegschaft {f} | |
| paraphernalia {pl} [sometimes treated as sg.] [equipment used in or necessary for a particular activity] | 664 Zubehör {n} [seltener auch {m}] | |
| denizen [formal or hum.] [inhabitant, esp. animal or plant occupying a particular place] | 438 Bewohner {m} [bes. Tier oder Pflanze einer bestimmten Region, z. B. des Waldes] | |
| year [particular year: academic, liturgical, etc.] | 202 Jahrgang {m} | |
| nerd [coll.] [obsessive expert in a particular field] | 192 Fachidiot {m} [ugs.] [pej.] | |
| gastr. bloomer [Br.] [particular type of loaf of white bread] | 136 Brotlaib {m} | |
| item [detail, particular] | 93 Einzelheit {f} | |
| acad. educ. semester [of a particular degree course] | 91 Fachsemester {n} | |
| nerd [coll.] [obsessive expert in a particular field] | 80 Fachtrottel {m} [ugs.] [Fachidiot] [österr.] | |
| bashfulness [on a particular situation] | 59 Verlegenheit {f} [in bestimmter Situation] | |
| gentry {sg} [often treated as pl.] [coll.] [often pej.] [people, esp. of a particular group or kind] | 54 Leute {pl} [bes. einer bestimmten Gruppe oder einer besonderen Art] | |
| spot [particular place or point] | 52 Plätzchen {n} [Stelle, Ort] | |
| educ. rubric [formal set of criteria for grading performance on a particular task] | 46 Bewertungsschema {n} | |
| status [at a particular time] | 30 Lage {f} [Zustand] | |
| thought [a particular thought] | 28 Gedanken {m} [veraltet] [Gedanke] | |
| rail transp. ridership {sg} [esp. Am.] [number of passengers using a particular form of public transport] | 25 Fahrgastzahlen {pl} [eines bestimmten öffentlichen Verkehrsmittels] | |
| perambulator [obs.] [sb. who walks with no particular goal] | 22 Flaneur {m} | |
| pol. sports dogsbody [coll.] [of a particular person or team] | 18 Wasserträger {m} [fig.] [Zuarbeiter] | |
| condition [on a particular day] | 17 Tagesverfassung {f} | |
| tetchiness [on particular occasion] | 16 Gereiztheit {f} | |
| mosey [coll.] [walk without a particular purpose] | 14 Bummel {m} [ugs.] [Spaziergang ohne festes Ziel] | |
| oenol. vineyard [particular site] | 11 Riede {f} [österr.] [Nutzfläche im Weinberg] | |
| law [prohibition to return to a particular site, often imposed by police] | 9 Platzverweis {m} | |
| date [particular day] | 5 Tag {m} [Datum] | |
| mus. ["keyboard exercises": understatement for challenging pieces, J.S. Bach in particular] | Klavierübung {f} | |
| mus. ["keyboard exercises": understatement for challenging pieces, J.S. Bach in particular] | Clavier-Übung {f} [veraltet] | |
| [body of knowledge related to a particular career or job] | Arbeitswissen {n} | |
| geogr. hist. pol. [collection of persons with citizenship linked to a particular community in Switzerland] | Bürgergemeinde {f} [schweiz.] | |
| hist. law [medieval legal practice where citizens under a particular jurisdiction were required to gather with a state official, the latter who heard appeals and aided in local legal matters] | Rügegericht {n} | |
| hist. law [medieval legal practice where citizens under a particular jurisdiction were required to gather with a state official, the latter who heard appeals and aided in local legal matters] | Ruggericht {n} | |
| [obligation of gathering the information necessary to do a particular job] | Holschuld {f} [fig.] [Informationsbeschaffung] | |