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|  |
 | skinny {adj} [of a person or part of their body] | 1142 mager [Person, Körperteil] |  |
 | apart {adv} [isolated, not part of a group] | 173 abgesondert |  |
 | themselves {adv} [for their part] | 98 ihrerseits |  |
 | by {prep} [on the part of] | 77 seitens [+Gen.] |  |
 | wasted {adj} [of an organ or body part] | 27 verkümmert |  |
 | hist. serene {adj} [as part of an address, e.g. His Serene Highness] | 19 durchlauchtig |  |
 | plausibly {adv} [tell a story, act a part] | 8 überzeugend |  |
 | Alpine {adj} [of/pertaining to/on or part of the Alps] | alpin |  |
 | cloth. beskirted {adj} {past-p} [often used when the skirt is part of a uniform] | im Rock [nachgestellt] |  |
 | plausibly {adv} [tell a story, act a part] | auf überzeugende Art |  |
 | mus. sb. auditioned [for a singing part] | jd. sang vor |  |
 | sb. auditioned sb. [for a singing part] | jd. ließ jdn. vorsingen |  |
 | sb. auditions [for a singing part] | jd. singt vor |  |
 | sb. auditions sb. [for a singing part] | jd. lässt jdn. vorsingen |  |
 | skinny {adj} [of a person or part of their body] | spack [nordd.] [Person oder Körperteil: mager, dünn] |  |
 | uptown {adv} [Am.] [in northern part of Manhattan Island, New York] [place] | im Norden von Manhattan Island [des New Yorker Stadtteils Manhattan Island] |  |
 | uptown {adv} [Am.] [to northern part of Manhattan Island, New York] [direction] | in den Norden von Manhattan Island [des New Yorker Stadtteils Manhattan Island] |  |
 | uptown {adj} [esp. Am.] [from the better part of town, fig. for: upper-class] | aus besseren Kreisen [nachgestellt] |  |
Verbs |
 | to constitute sth. [make up, e.g. the majority, a part or proportion] | 541 etw.Akk. ausmachen [bilden, sein, z. B. die Mehrheit, einen Teil] |  |
 | to remove sth. [a part from sth.] | 406 etw.Akk. ausbauen [aus etw.; Teil, Maschine etc.] |  |
 | film theatre to represent sb. [a part] | 358 jdn. darstellen [eine Figur] |  |
 | to belong [coll.] [to be or feel part of a group, community, etc.] | 303 dazugehören [Teil einer Gruppe, Gemeinschaft usw. sein oder sich als ein solches empfinden] |  |
 | to indent [part of a text] | 71 einrücken [Zeile, Absatz etc.] |  |
 | to shrink [of a person, body part] | 56 einfallen [kleiner werden] |  |
 | to bin sb. [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] [part with sb.] | 55 jdn. abservieren [ugs.] [sich von jdm. trennen] |  |
 | to nest [to place one part inside another] | 43 schachteln [ineinander fügen] |  |
 | to embrace sth. [include or contain sth. as a constituent part] | 33 etw.Dat. innewohnen [geh.] |  |
 | tech. to mount [machine part, etc.] | 25 lagern |  |
 | to move sth. [e.g. a body part] | 20 etw. rühren [z. B. einen Körperteil bewegen] |  |
 | to detach sth. [part of sth.] | 12 etw.Akk. lostrennen |  |
 | archi. constr. to jetty [project, jut] [used esp. of a part of a building] | 12 vorkragen [auskragen] |  |
 | archi. constr. to jetty [project, jut] [used esp. of a part of a building] | 7 auskragen [Gebäudeteil, Bauteil] [überstehen] |  |
 | law to absorb [make part of an existing town/city] | inkorporieren [eingemeinden] |  |
Nouns |
 | linchpin [essential part] | 453 Stütze {f} [wichtigster Bestandteil] |  |
 | snuff [charred part of a candle wick] | 390 Schnuppe {f} [nordd.] [ostd.] [verkohlter Docht einer Kerze] |  |
 | accessory [supplementary part or object] | 380 Zubehör {n} {m} |  |
 | patch [part, section] | 229 Stelle {f} [Teil, Abschnitt, Fleck] |  |
 | husk [outer part of sth.] | 179 Hülle {f} [wertloser äußerer Teil von etw.] |  |
 | item [part] | 176 Element {n} [Teil eines Ganzen] |  |
 | replacement [part] | 175 Ersatzteil {n} [seltener: {m}] |  |
 | film theatre lead [leading part] | 161 Hauptrolle {f} |  |
 | archi. arch [as part of a barrel vault] | 154 Schildbogen {m} [eines Tonnengwölbes] |  |
 | gastr. cream [part of milk] | 154 Rahm {m} [österr.] [südd.] [westd.] [schweiz.] |  |
 | ling. clause [part of sentence] | 139 Satzglied {n} |  |
 | accessory [subordinate or supplementary part of minor importance] | 118 Nebensache {f} |  |
 | proportion [part] | 90 Teil {m} {n} |  |
 | sports set [part of a game, e.g. in tennis] | 90 Satz {m} [Spielabschnitt, z. B. beim Tennis] |  |
 | crown [topmost part of the head] | 87 Scheitel {m} [oberste Stelle des Kopfes] |  |
 | body [main part] | 71 Hauptteil {m} |  |
 | anat. instep [part of the foot] | 67 Fußrücken {m} |  |