Dictionary English German: [palm]

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coco {adj} [e.g. coco matting or coco palm]Kokos- [z. B. Kokosläufer oder -palme]
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gastr. arrack [an alcoholic spirit made in Eastern countries from the sap of the coco palm or from rice]Arrack {m} [Rsv.] [Arrak] [Reisbranntwein]
esot. chirology [palm reading]Handlesekunst {f}
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textil. miri [also: mira] [palm-leaf motif]Miri {n} [Muster, bes. Teppichmuster]
archi. palapa [Am.] [open-sided structure with a palm-thatched roof]Palapa {n} [offene Struktur mit einem Palm-Strohdach]
FoodInd. gastr. palmito [heart of palm]Palmito {n}
2 Words
clasped hands [e.g. fingers interlaced or palm in palm]ineinandergelegte Hände {pl} [z. B. gefaltet oder Handfläche in Handfläche]
bot. makalani palm [Hyphaene petersiana] [real fan palm]Echte Fächerpalme {f}
relig. palm donkey [decorated donkey or wooden donkey in Palm Sunday processions]Palmesel {m}
toquilla straw [fiber of the Panama hat palm, Carludovica palmata]Toquillastroh {n}
3 Words
extended and pronated {adj} [e.g. arm, palm]gestreckt und mit der Handfläche nach unten zeigend [Arm]
cloth. hort. jobs polka dot gloves [with PVC dots over palm, fingers and thumb]Noppenhandschuhe {pl} [mit PVC-Noppen]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
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