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| sophisticated {adj} [cleverly worked or thought out] | 6516 ausgeklügelt | |
| jobs redundant {adj} [esp. Br.] [out of work] | 2038 arbeitslos | |
| sophisticated {adj} [well thought out] | 1118 durchdacht | |
| exhausted {adj} {past-p} [worn out] | 878 ausgelaugt | |
| illegitimate {adj} [born out of wedlock] | 739 unehelich | |
| battered {adj} {past-p} [worn-out] | 734 abgenutzt | |
| comm. stale {adj} [out-of-date, expired] | 556 abgelaufen | |
| particular {adj} [out of the ordinary] | 555 ungewöhnlich | |
| Careful! [Watch out!] | 440 Vorsicht! | |
| exhausted {adj} [tired out] | 361 abgeschlagen [erschöpft] | |
| rusty {adj} [out of practice] | 331 eingerostet [aus der Übung gekommen] | |
| dead {adj} [put out, extinguished (fire, cigarette etc.)] | 309 aus [nur prädikativ] [ausgegangen (Feuer, Zigarette etc.)] | |
| lying {adj} {pres-p} [stretched out, recumbent] | 204 liegend | |
| Cave! [Br.] [school sl., dated for: Look out!] | 129 Aufgepasst! | |
| oozing {adj} {pres-p} [seeping out, esp. blood and oil] | 94 triefend | |
| prone {adj} [sprawled out] | 93 hingestreckt | |
| misbegotten {adj} [archaic] [born out of wedlock] | 78 unehelich | |
| elaborate {adj} [well thought out] | 61 wohldurchdacht | |
| performed {adj} {past-p} [carried out] | 54 erbracht | |
| projecting {adj} [jutting out] | 54 herausragend [hervorstehend, überkragend] | |
| spent {adj} {past-p} [expended, laid out] | 30 aufgewendet | |
| sb. bustled [about / around; in; out; (back) into sth., over to; round sth.] | 25 jd. hastete [herum; herein; hinaus; (wieder) in etw. hinein; hinüber zu; um etw. herum] | |
| spacey {adj} [coll.] [esp. Am.] [spaced-out] | 22 umnebelt [wie unter Drogeneinfluss] | |
| cancelled {adj} {past-p} [crossed out] | 17 durchgestrichen | |
| jetting {adj} {pres-p} [spurting out] | 13 hervorstoßend [Dampf, Flüssigkeit] | |
| crossed {adj} {past-p} [crossed out] | 9 durchgekreuzt | |
| striking {adj} {pres-p} [coming out on strike] | 9 streikend | |
| [of something which is sat upon, worn out from use] {adj} {past-p} | 6 durchgesessen | |
| sounded {past-p} [rung out] | 5 erklungen | |
| unfulfilled {adj} [not carried out] | 5 unerledigt | |
| unmarried {adj} [concerning a parent / parents of a child born out of wedlock] | 5 unehelich [Eltern / Elternteil eines nicht ehelichen Kindes betreffend] | |
| [eager to go out] {adj} | ausgehfreudig | |
| proverb [used e.g. by actors to answer a good wish out of the superstition that giving thanks would bring bad luck] | Wird schon schiefgehen! [ugs.] | |
| bastardly {adj} [obs.] [born out of wedlock] | unehelich [illegitim] | |
| broken {adj} [not functioning, out of order] | außer Betrieb [nachgestellt] | |
| deleerit {adj} [Scot.] [out of one's senses] | durchgeknallt [ugs.] [nicht mehr recht bei Verstand] | |
| down {adj} [out of action, not in use] | außer Betrieb | |
| extensible {adj} [pull-out] | herausziehbar | |
| external {adj} [out of office] | außer Haus [nachgestellt] | |
| tech. inoperable {adj} | außer Betrieb [out of service] | |
| natural {adj} [born out of wedlock] | unehelich | |
| outta {prep} [sl.] [out of] | aus ... (heraus) | |
| penetrable {adj} [capable of being found out] | ergründbar | |
| redacted {past-p} {adj} [blacked out] | geschwärzt [zensiert] | |
| resurrected {adj} {past-p} [fig.] [coll.] [dig out old clothes etc.] | wieder ausgegraben [fig.] [ugs.] [alte Kleider usw.] | |
| safe {adj} [out of danger] | außer Gefahr [nachgestellt] | |
| sb. found {past-p} [found out] | jd. hat herausgefunden | |
| sb. resurrects [coll.] [digs out] [old clothes etc.] | jd. gräbt wieder aus [ugs.] [alte Kleider usw.] | |
| sb. spluttered sth. [spat out] | jd. spuckte etw. aus | |
| sb./sth. proved [turned out to be] | jd./etw. erwies sich | |