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|  |
 | rogue {adj} [person, organization] | 1597 skrupellos |  |
 | fractured {adj} {past-p} [society, organization] | 22 gespalten |  |
 | admin. econ. pol. umbrella {adj} [attr.] [e.g. association, company, organization] | 11 Dach- [z. B. Verband, Gesellschaft, Organisation] |  |
Verbs |
 | to join sth. [e.g. an organization] | 5531 etw.Dat. beitreten [z. B. einem Verein] |  |
 | to establish sth. [e.g. an organization] | 1936 etw.Akk. aufbauen [z. B. eine Organisation] |  |
 | to enter sth. [a club, an organization, an agreement, etc.] | 221 etw.Dat. beitreten [einem Verein, einer Organisation, einem Abkommen etc.] |  |
 | to defect [to another party, organization etc.] | 193 wechseln [zu anderer Partei, Organisation etc.] |  |
 | to supervise sth. [an activity of some person or organization] | 87 etw. begleiten [fig.] [kritisch überwachen] |  |
 | to structure [essay, speech, organization] | 65 aufbauen [fig.] [strukturieren] |  |
Nouns |
 | host [person, place or organization holding an event or having guests] | 3080 Gastgeber {m} [Person; auch Stadt oder Organisation (Ausrichter einer Veranstaltung)] |  |
 | club [organization] | 1169 Verein {m} |  |
 | personnel {sg} [the set of employees of a factory or organization] | 1153 Personal {n} |  |
 | charity [organization] | 334 Wohlfahrtseinrichtung {f} |  |
 | club [organization] | 300 Club {m} |  |
 | union [organization] | 221 Verband {m} |  |
 | charity [organization] | 124 Wohltätigkeitsorganisation {f} |  |
 | club [organization] | 111 Klub {m} |  |
 | econ. pol. leadership [treated as sg. or pl.] [the leaders of an organization, country, etc.] | 104 Führungsriege {f} |  |
 | office [organization, institution] | 103 Dienst {m} [Organisation, Institution] |  |
 | society [organization, club] | 61 Verband {m} [Gesellschaft, Verein] |  |
 | econ. jobs employer [organization] | 56 Firma {f} [als Arbeitgeber] |  |
 | charity [organization] | 50 Wohlfahrtsverband {m} |  |
 | division [planning, organization, time] | 39 Einteilung {f} |  |
 | blind [activity or organization covering up sth. criminal] | 28 Vorwand {m} [Fassade, Front für kriminelle Aktivität] |  |
 | law Interpol [International Criminal Police Organization] | 23 Interpol {f} [Internationale kriminalpolizeiliche Organisation] |  |
 | host [person, place, or organization that holds and organizes an event] | 22 Ausrichter {m} [Person, Organisation, Stadt etc., die eine Veranstaltung ausrichtet] |  |
 | coffers {pl} [funds or financial reserves of an organization] | 18 Geldsäckel {m} [regional] [fig.] [Gelder oder Rücklagen] |  |
 | poodle [Br.] [fig.] [person or organization who is overly willing to obey another] | 16 Schoßhund {m} [fig.] |  |
 | body [organization] | 14 Vereinigung {f} |  |
 | pol. International [organization] | 9 Internationale {f} |  |
 | [assassination by some secret political organization] | Fememord {m} |  |
 | [German charity organization for children in need] | Kindernothilfe {f} <KNH> |  |
 | hist. [paramilitary organization of the Social Democratic Party in Austria, 1923 - 1934] | Republikanischer Schutzbund {m} |  |
 | pol. [Swiss youth political organization] | Jungpartei {f} [schweiz.] [politischer Jugendverband] |  |
 | [youth organization of the Catholic Church in Switzerland] | Jungwacht {f} [katholischer Jugendverband, Schweiz] |  |
 | charity [organization] | Charity {f} [Organisation] |  |
 | comm. Economiesuisse [Swiss employer organization] | Economiesuisse {f} |  |
 | pol. Francophonie [short: International Organization of the Francophonie] | Frankophonie {f} [hier als Kurzwort: Internationale Organisation der Frankophonie] |  |
 | Intercoiffure ["5-star hair stylists"] [organization of high quality hairdressing] | Intercoiffure {f} [„5-Sterne-Friseure“] [Vereinigung für erstklassige Friseure] |  |
 | econ. management [group of people directing a company or organization] | Führungsetage {f} |  |
 | relig. Misereor [relief organization] | Misereor {n} [Hilfswerk] |  |
 | mil. pol. NATO [also: Nato] [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] | NATO {f} [auch: Nato] [Kurzwort] |  |
 | comm. econ. operation [company, business organization] | Unternehmen {n} |  |
 | hist. spec. phyle [clan organization in ancient Greece, esp. Athens] | Phyle {f} |  |
 | econ. transferee [person transfered within an organization] | Versetzter {m} [versetzter Mitarbeiter] |  |
 | transferee [person transfered within an organization] | versetzter Mitarbeiter {m} |  |
 | transferee [person transfered within an organization] [female] | versetzte Mitarbeiterin {f} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | sociol. pro-choice {adj} [group, organization, movement] | für Abtreibung [prädikativ] [Gruppe, Organisation, Bewegung] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to be floundering [organization] | sich in einer Krise befinden |  |
 | econ. tech. to bed down [idiom] [new process, organization, etc.] | sichAkk. etablieren |  |