Dictionary English German: [opposed]

Translation 1 - 58 of 58

English German
contrary {adj} [opposed, contrasting]
contrary {adj} [opposed]
contrary {adj} [opposed, reverse]
gegenläufig [fig.] [Tendenz, Meinung]
antigrave {adj} [subjected to a force opposed to gravity]antigrav [Heinrich von Kleist] [veraltet]
meteo. naut. to back [as opposed to »to veer«] [wind]
rückdrehen [als Gegensatz zu »rechtdrehen«] [Wind]
meteo. naut. to veer [as opposed to »to back«] [wind]
rechtdrehen [als Gegensatz zu »rückdrehen«] [Wind]
mind [as opposed to emotions, intellect]
Verstand {m}
mankind {sg} [men as opposed to women]
Männer {pl}
likes [as opposed to dislikes]
Neigungen {pl}
admin. [German town directly subordinate to a region as opposed to a district]
Stadtkreis {m} [in Baden-Württemberg für kreisfreie Stadt]
wowser [coll.] [Aus.] [NZ] [teetotaller or person opposed to alcohol]
Antialkoholiker {m}
gastr. [a liter of beer which is consumed while standing in an aisle as opposed to at a table, e.g. at Oktoberfest]Stehmaß {f}
pol. [German town directly subordinate to a region as opposed to a district ]kreisfreie Stadt {f}
[one opposed to specific measures]Maßnahmengegner {m}
hist. mil. burgrave [position as opposed to holder of the position]Burggrafenstelle {f}
externals [outward forms as opposed to inner substance]äußere Formen {pl} [im Gegensatz zur inneren Substanz]
mainlander [inhabitant of the mainland; as opposed to »islander«]Festlandbewohner {m}
mainlander [inhabitant of the mainland; as opposed to »islander«]Festländer {m} [als Gegensatz zu »Insulaner«]
mainlander [inhabitant of the mainland; as opposed to »islander«]Festlandsbewohner {m}
audio med. nosoacusis [hearing loss due to disease, as opposed to aging]Nosoakusis {f}
2 Words: Others
as against {prep} [as opposed to / as compared with]gegenüber [+Dat.] [im Vergleich]
gastr. TrVocab. for here {adv} [as opposed to go when ordering food]zum Hieressen
ling. term-oriented {adj} [as opposed to concept-oriented] [classification of words]benennungsorientiert
2 Words: Verbs
to be married [as opposed to being single]verheiratet sein
2 Words: Nouns
aviat. artificial flight [manflight; opposed to natural flight of e.g. birds]Kunstflug {m} [veraltet] [Flugversuche von Menschen; Gegensatz zum natürlichen Flug z. B. von Vögeln]
brief paper [as opposed to draft paper]Aktenpapier {n}
brief paper [as opposed to draft paper]Urkundenpapier {n}
brief paper [as opposed to full paper]Kurzfassung {f}
ecol. brown energy [as opposed to green energy]fossile Energie {f}
traffic urban car lane [as opposed to one reserved for cyclists]Autofahrspur {f}
pol. civil government [as opposed to military government]Zivilregierung {f}
common year [as opposed to leap year]Gemeinjahr {n} [Ggs.: Schaltjahr]
archi. constr. RealEst. existing building [as opposed to new one]Bestandsgebäude {n} [im Gegensatz zu Neubau]
econ. free labor [Am.] [as opposed to slave labor]freie Arbeit {f} [im Gegensatz zu Sklavenarbeit etc.]
green space [as opposed to urban development]Grünraum {m}
econ. headline inflation [Am.] [as opposed to core inflation]Gesamtinflation {f} [einschließlich Preisveränderungen bei Lebensmitteln und Energie]
naut. hold cargo [as opposed to deck cargo]Raumladung {f}
MedTech. photo. horizontal format [as opposed to portrait format, e.g. of images]Querformat {n}
weapons live ammunition [as opposed to practice ammunition]Gefechtsmunition {f}
print normal print [as opposed to braille]Normalschrift {f} [gegenüber Brailleschrift]
print normal print [as opposed to braille]Schwarzschrift {f} [gegenüber Brailleschrift]
MedTech. photo. portrait format [as opposed to landscape / horizontal format, e.g. of images]Hochformat {n}
law philos. retributive justice [as opposed to transformative justice]Vergeltungsjustiz {f}
phys. solid state [as opposed to liquid or gaseous]Festzustand {m}
admin. statutory city [Austrian or Czech town directly subordinate to a region as opposed to a district]Statutarstadt {f} [kreisfreie Stadt in Österreich, Tschechien]
comm. sticker price [fig.] [official price, as opposed to factual net / negotiated price]nomineller Preis {m}
comm. sticker price [fig.] [official price, as opposed to factual net / negotiated price]offizieller Preis {m}
law transformative justice [as opposed to retributive justice]Erziehungsjustiz {f} [Annäherungsübersetzung] [vgl. transformative Justiz, Aufarbeitungsjustiz]
3 Words: Nouns
in-person session [as opposed to virtual]Präsenzveranstaltung {f}
educ. in-person sessions [as opposed to virtual]Präsenzveranstaltungen {pl}
traffic line of visibility [Br.] [imaginary line beyond which cross traffic passing through a blind intersection becomes visible, as opposed to the official stop line]Sichtlinie {f} [im Ggs. zur Haltelinie]
fin. lump sum investment [as opposed to regular saving]Einmalanlage {f}
med. minor surgery room [as opposed to an operating theatre]kleine Chirurgie {f} [Raum]
physical trade fair [as opposed to virtual]Präsenzmesse {f}
4 Words: Nouns
relig. fear of man / Man [as opposed to fear of God]Menschenfurcht {f}
med. out-of-phase imaging [opposed phase imaging]Gegen-Phase-Bildgebung {f}
5+ Words: Nouns
question about the matter itself [as opposed to personalities, methods etc.]Sachfrage {f}
geogr. residents of the city of Zurich [as opposed to the rest of the canton]Stadtzürcher {pl} [schweiz.]
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