| English  | German |  |
 | regally {adv} [say, carry oneself, walk, sit, etc.] | 21 hoheitsvoll |  |
 | apart {adv} [separate, by oneself] | für sich |  |
Verbs |
 | to indulge [coll.] [allow oneself to enjoy a particular pleasure] | 759 sündigen [zu viel trinken etc.] |  |
 | to carry sth. [have with oneself] | 136 etw. dabeihaben [ugs.] |  |
 | to lure sb./sth. [towards oneself] | 51 jdn./etw. herlocken |  |
 | to act [conduct oneself] | sich benehmen |  |
 | to alienate sb. [make less friendly towards oneself] | sichAkk. jdm. entfremden |  |
 | to balance [oneself] | sich ausbalancieren |  |
 | to boast sth. [to pride oneself on] | etw.Akk. vorweisen können |  |
 | to carry sth. [have with oneself] | etw.Akk. mit sichDat. führen |  |
 | to commit [oneself] | sichAkk. binden [fig.] |  |
 | to commit [oneself] [pledge] | sich verpflichten |  |
 | to flash sb. [coll.] [to expose oneself to sb.] [exhibitionist] | sichAkk. vor jdm. entblößen [exhibitionistisch] |  |
 | to fuss [put oneself to some bother] | sichDat. (viele) Umstände machen |  |
 | to purchase sth. [for oneself] | sichDat. etw. kaufen |  |
 | to reform [oneself] | sich bessern |  |
 | to stir [move oneself] | sichAkk. mucksen [ugs.] [sich rühren] |  |
 | to stoop [humble oneself] | sich erniedrigen |  |
 | psych. to suicide [intentionally kill oneself] | Suizid begehen |  |
 | to summon sb. [towards oneself] | jdn. zu sichDat. beordern |  |
 | to take sth. [help oneself] | sichDat. etw.Akk. nehmen |  |
 | comm. to underwrite [bind oneself] | sich (finanziell) verpflichten |  |
 | to venture [to allow oneself] | sichDat. erlauben |  |
 | to wash [oneself] | sichAkk. waschen |  |
 | to withdraw [to retire, retreat or remove oneself] | sichAkk. zurückziehen |  |
 | to yield [let oneself be persuaded] | sich erweichen lassen [fig.] |  |
Nouns |
 | toilet [bowl; room; process of washing oneself, dressing, and attending to one's appearance] | 32767 Toilette {f} [Klosettbecken; Raum; geh.: das Sichankleiden bzw. Sichzurechtmachen] |  |
 | conceit [excessive pride in oneself] | 1597 Einbildung {f} [Dünkel] |  |
 | pol. psych. sociol. isolation [shutting oneself off] | 15 Abgrenzung {f} [Isolation, Abkapselung] |  |
 | satisfaction [with oneself] | 14 Selbstgefälligkeit {f} |  |
 | conceit [excessive pride in oneself] | 5 Krattel {m} [regional, bes. schwäb.] [auch: Grattel, Graddel] [Dünkel] |  |
 | [distancing oneself from one's own previous ideas, statements, works] | Kindesweglegung {f} [fig.] [österr.] [Rückzug von früheren Idealen, Überzeugungen, Aussagen etc.] |  |
 | shame [of oneself] | Sichschämen {n} [auch: Sich-Schämen] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | at peace {adv} [with oneself, the world, etc.] | im Reinen [fig.] [mit sich, mit der Welt etc.] |  |
 | high-lone {adv} [obs.] [also: highlone] [upright by oneself] | selbstständig aufrecht |  |
 | really clever {adj} [here iron. or pej.] [regarding oneself as clever] | superschlau [Betonung ' - - - ] [ugs.] [iron. od. pej.] [sich für besonders schlau haltend] |  |
 | without help {adv} [acting by itself or oneself] | von allein [ugs.] [ohne fremde Hilfe] |  |
 | without help {adv} [acting by itself or oneself] | von alleine [ugs.] [ohne fremde Hilfe] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to batten oneself [fatten oneself] | sichAkk. mästen |  |
 | to be above sth. [think oneself too good for sth.] | sichDat. für etw.Akk. zu schade sein |  |
 | to become undeceived [coll.] [by oneself] | sich von einer Täuschung befreien |  |
 | to bunk (off) sth. [Br.] [sl.] [to absent oneself from sth.] [school, work] | etw. schwänzen [ugs.] [Schule, Unterrichtsstunde, Arbeit] |  |
 | to contract out [rid oneself of a conract] | sich von einem Vertrag freimachen |  |
 | to expose oneself [to open oneself to criticism, etc.] | sich exponieren [geh.] |  |
 | to fit in [adapt (oneself)] | sich anpassen |  |
 | to follow through [coll.] [soil oneself when intending to flatulate] | sichDat. in die Hose machen [ugs.] [in der Absicht zu flatulieren] |  |
 | to get lost [coll.] [to absent oneself] | Leine ziehen [ugs.] [sich davonmachen] |  |
 | to go about sth. [coll.] [tackle, involve oneself in] | etw. angehen |  |
 | to go for sth./sb. [coll.] [to indulge oneself eagerly in] | sich über etw./jdn. hermachen [gierig, z. B. über das Essen] |  |
 | to groom oneself [give a neat appearance to oneself] | Toilette machen [geh.] [sich zurecht machen] |  |