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| apart {adv} [on one side, separated, secluded] | 2961 abseits | |
| across {prep} [from one side to the other] | 2664 durch [+Akk.] [quer hindurch] | |
| across {prep} [from one side to the other] | 1871 über [+Akk.] [quer über, von einer Seite zur anderen] | |
| you {pron} [one] | 565 man | |
| Hark! [literary] [to one person] | 492 Höre! | |
| Chug! [to empty the glass in one go] | 489 Ex! [das Glas mit einem Schluck leeren] | |
| settled {adj} [living in one place] | 261 sesshaft | |
| any {adj} {pron} [one of many] | 259 einer | |
| introduced {past-p} [one person to another] | 223 vorgestellt | |
| they {pron} [one] | 107 man | |
| completely {adv} [e.g. clean one's plate completely] | 91 ratzeputz [ugs.] [restlos, z. B. seinen Teller ratzeputz leeressen] | |
| despondent {adj} [with one's head hanging low] | 69 kopfhängend [auch fig.] | |
| escaped {past-p} [one's notice etc.] | 57 entgangen [der Aufmerksamkeit etc.] | |
| any {adj} {pron} [one of many] | 55 ein | |
| genuine {adv} [of a product, esp. a brand-name one] | 52 original | |
| individual {adj} [of one particular person] | 46 persönlich | |
| See? [said to one other person] | 26 Siehste? [ugs.] | |
| any {adj} {pron} [one of many] | 17 eine | |
| moved {past-p} [e.g. from one house to another] | 15 übersiedelt | |
| [one and only] {adj} | einzigste [FALSCH für: einzige] | |
| blowing {adj} {pres-p} [one's nose] | 13 schneuzend [alt] | |
| we {pron} [one] | 13 man | |
| confused {adj} [not in possession of all one's mental faculties] | 10 bregenklöterig [nordd.] [ugs.] [verwirrt] | |
| yond {pron} [obs., Middle English] [that one] | 8 jener | |
| city {adj} [attr.] [relating to more than one city, e.g. comparison, excursion, network, planning, tour, trip] | 7 Städte- [z. B. Vergleich, Trip, Netz, Bau, Tour, Reise] | |
| thousandth {adj} [being one of a thousand] | 7 tausendstel | |
| any {adj} {pron} [one of many] | 6 einer [f. sing. Gen. und Dat.] | |
| quote RadioTV ["Which one would you like?" based on the "What is my profession?" quiz show question: "Which piggy-bank would you like?"] | Welches Schweinderl hätten S' denn gern? [Robert Lembke, «Was bin ich?»] | |
| proverb [German hum. proverb, meaning "One has to be brave." or "One mustn't be oversensitive to pain.", literally: "An Indian knows no pain."] | Ein Indianer kennt keinen Schmerz. [hum.] | |
| proverb [No one masters anything without hard work.] | Es ist noch kein Meister vom Himmel gefallen. | |
| art [painted with a brush in one's mouth or foot] {adj} | mund- oder fußgemalt | |
| [pertaining to the legal duty of officially registering one's residence] {adj} | melderechtlich | |
| [skill or competency that one can use to earn a living] | etwas, wovon man leben kann | |
| [you] had [said to one person] | [Ihr] hattet [veraltet] [Sie hatten] [formelle Anrede an eine einzelne Person] | |
| [you] have [said to one person] | [Ihr] habt [veraltet] [Sie haben] [formelle Anrede an eine einzelne Person] | |
| [you] were [said to one person] | [Ihr] wart [veraltet] [Sie waren] [formelle Anrede an eine einzelne Person] | |
| [you] will [said to one person] | [Ihr] werdet [veraltet] [Sie werden] [formelle Anrede an eine einzelne Person] | |
| blowing {adj} {pres-p} [one's nose] | schnäuzend | |
| hist. Carolean {adj} [relating to one of the Frankish kings named Charles] | karolinisch | |
| hist. Caroline {adj} [relating to one of the Frankish kings named Charles] | karolinisch | |
| discretionary {adj} [left to one's own judgment] | dem eigenen Ermessen anheimgestellt [geh.] | |
| Don't! [said to one person] | Tu's nicht! | |
| Don't! [said to one person] | Tu es nicht! | |
| eventually {adv} [one day, some day] | dereinst [geh.] [künftig, später einmal] | |
| eventually {adv} [one day] | eines Tages [seltener auch: eines Tags] [schließlich] | |
| Ferryman! [call across a river to a ferryman to bring one across] | (Fährmann,) holüber! [selten] [meist: ... hol(') über!] | |
| Ferryman! [call across a river to a ferryman to bring one across] | (Fährmann,) hol(') über! | |
| hourlong {adj} [attr.] [lasting for one hour] | einstündig <1-stündig> [eine Stunde dauernd] | |
| mixed {adj} [made up of items of more than one kind] | gemischt [aus verschiedenen Bestandteilen bestehend] | |
| See? [said to one other person] | Siehst du? | |