Dictionary English German: [old fashioned]

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archaic {adj} [old-fashioned]altmodisch
Dickensian {adj} [old-fashioned]antiquiert
pickaback {adv} [old-fashioned]huckepack
quaint {adj} [old-fashioned]altmodisch
thither {adv} [old-fashioned]dorthin
gastr. jobs garçon [old-fashioned]Kellner {m}
garçon [old-fashioned]Ober {m}
jobs textil. seamstress [old-fashioned]Näherin {f}
agr. tillage [old-fashioned]Ackerbau {m}
oldfashioned {adj} [spv.] [old-fashioned]altväterlich
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to date [become old-fashioned]veralten
cadet [old-fashioned]jüngerer Bruder {m}
cadet [old-fashioned]jüngerer Sohn {m}
cadet [old-fashioned]jüngster Sohn {m}
comestibles [old-fashioned]Viktualien {pl} [veraltet]
dullard [old-fashioned]Depp {m} [ugs.]
automot. fascia [Br.] [old-fashioned]Armaturenbrett {n}
mote [old-fashioned]Staubpartikel {n} [auch {f}]
pad [old-fashioned]Bude {f} [ugs.]
vim [coll.] [old-fashioned]Schwung {m}
natty {adj} [coll.] [old-fashioned]flott [ugs.]
belle [old-fashioned]Schönheit {f} [schöne Frau]
buffoonery [old-fashioned]Narrenposse {f} [geh.] [veraltend]
collier [esp. Br.] [old-fashioned]Bergmann {m}
sociol. gentlefolk [old-fashioned]vornehme / feine Leute {pl}
rotter [old-fashioned] [coll.]Schweinehund {m} [ugs.]
tomfoolery [old-fashioned]Narrenposse {f} [geh.] [veraltend]
fuddy-duddy {adj} [coll.] [old-fashioned]altmodisch
jobs textil. (plain) seamstress [female] [old-fashioned]Weißnäherin {f}
gastr. rocks glass [Old Fashioned glass]Whiskytumbler {m}
by and by {adv} [old-fashioned]irgendwann
Begone! [old-fashioned]Hinfort! [geh.] [veraltend] [Hinweg!]
Flip! [Br.] [coll.] [old-fashioned]Mist! [ugs.]
cloth. bloomers [old-fashioned]Damenunterhose {f} [knöchel- oder knielang]
ricky-tick {adj} [Am.] [coll.] [old-fashioned]altmodisch
ricky-ticky {adj} [Am.] [coll.] [old-fashioned]altmodisch
Upon my soul! [old-fashioned]Potztausend! [veraltet]
Tarnation! [esp. Am.] [old-fashioned]Verdammt! [salopp pej.]
tomfoolish {adj} [old-fashioned]dalbrig [nordd.] [ugs.] [auch: dalberig]
[old-fashioned Christmas gingerbread cookie]Printe {f} [Weihnachts-Gebäck]
tomfoolery [old-fashioned]Dalbrigkeit {f} [nordd.] [ugs.] [auch: Dalberigkeit]
by and by {adv} [old-fashioned] [idiom]bald darauf
by and by {adv} [old-fashioned] [idiom]wenig später
hither and thither {adv} [old-fashioned]hie und da
hither and thither [old-fashioned]hin und her
Shiver me timbers! [old-fashioned]Potz Blitz! [veraltet]
Upon my soul! [old-fashioned]Meiner treu! [veraltet]
Upon my soul! [old-fashioned]Potz Blitz! [veraltet]
ruffian [old-fashioned] [brutal person]Rohling {m} [pej.] [brutaler Mensch]
automot. old crock [Br.] [old-fashioned] [coll.] [car]Klapperkiste {f} [ugs.]
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