Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: [often]

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Englisch Deutsch
aviat. airlifter [an aircraft used to transport cargo or passengers to or from an often otherwise inaccessible area]Airlifter {m} [Transportflugzeug, bes. als Frachtflugzeug]
relig. apocalyptic [not generally recognized as a noun by dictionaries, but often used so]Apokalyptik {f}
bibl. Apocrypha [often treated as sg.]apokryphe Schriften {pl}
mus. Austropop [pop, rock and folk rock music from Austria, often with lyrics in Austrian vernacular]Austropop {m}
mil. barracks {pl} [often treated as sg.] [building]Kasernengebäude {n}
bey [as a title, often capitalized]Bey {m}
relig. biblicist [often capitalized]Biblizist {m}
bogosity [coll.] [often hum.] [degree to which something is bogus; to be measured with a »bogometer«]Schwindelhaftigkeit {f} [selten] [eher hum.] [Maß, wie sehr etwas geschwindelt ist; messbar mit einem »Dubiometer«]
cloth. breeches {pl} [coll.] [often hum.] [one pair of trousers](lange) Hose {f}
archi. hist. bretèche [brattice] [small overhanging defensive structure often placed before the entrance of a passage way]Nasenscharte {f} [eine schräg aus der Mauer hervortretende Mauerblende mit einer Schuss- oder Wurföffnung am unteren Ende; Wehr-/Wurferker]
brickbat [highly critical (and often insulting) remark or comment]scharfe Kritik {f}
gastr. Buchteln [oven-baked yeast dumplings, often filled with jam or sth. similar]Buchteln {pl}
buckra [Am.] [sl.] [esp. Southern U.S.] [often pej.]Weißer {m}
cloth. capris [often also: Capris] {pl} [one pair] [short for: Capri pants, Capri trousers]Caprihose {f} [auch: Capri-Hose]
archi. constr. chaumière [thatched house often found in Normandy, France]Chaumière {f} [Frankreich]
ling. Chinglish [often pej.] [neol.]Chinglish {n} [oft pej.] [Neol.]
hist. donjon [more often: the keep]Burgfried {m} [meist Bergfried]
duckie [Br.] [coll.] [dated] [often not translated]Süßer {m}
med. dysdiadokokinesia <DDK> [less often] [dysdiadochokinesis, dysdiadochokinesia]Dysdiadochokinese {f} <DDK>
med. dysdiadokokinesis <DDK> [less often] [dysdiadochokinesis, dysdiadochokinesia]Dysdiadochokinese {f} <DDK>
phys. eigengrau [less often: Eigengrau]Eigengrau {n}
gastr. falernum [also: Falernum®] [a syrup liqueur or a nonalcoholic syrup, often used as cocktail ingredient]Falernum {n} [auch: Falernum®] [Rumlikör bzw. -sirup, oft als Bestandteil von Cocktails]
fart [coll., often vulg.]Bums {m} [ugs.] [regional] [Furz]
gastr. grill [fast-food restaurant, often "bar and grill"]Braterei {f}
hieroglyphic [individual sign] [now often considered incorrect for 'hieroglyph', esp. in British English]Hieroglyphe {f}
impedimenta {pl} [often hum.] [(bulky and unnecessary) baggage](unnötiges) Gepäck {n}
cloth. jeggings™ {pl} [one pair] [less often also: jegging]Jeggings {pl} [ein Paar]
sociol. kogal [coll.] [stylish Japanese girl often wearing a mini skirt]Kogal {f} [ugs.] [junge konsumorientierte Japanerin, oft Minirock tragend]
longhair [coll.] [often pej.] [long-haired person, esp. a hippie]Langhaariger {m} [langhaariger Mensch, bes. ein Hippie]
sociol. lumpen [coll.] [often treated as pl.] [also: Lumpen] [lumpenproletariat]Lumpenproletariat {n}
oenol. marsala [often capitalized]Marsala {m}
relig. Martlemass [Br.] [less often] [St. Martin's Day, Martinmas]Martini {n} [Martinstag]
ind. molding [Am.] [untrimmed with part(s) and sprues intact, often in a hobby kit]Spritzling {m}
hist. philos. relig. Mutazila [often: Muʿtazila, Muʿtazilah]Mutazila {f} [häufig: Muʿtazila]
archi. hist. psych. Narrenturm [early psychiatric hospital in Vienna, today a museum] [often glossed as "Fools' Tower"]Narrenturm {m}
nitwit [coll.] [often pej.] [a scatterbrained or stupid person]Boofke {m} [ugs.] [auch pej.] [bes. Berlin, Ruhrgebiet] [ungebildeter Mensch, Dummkopf]
Pak [female] [often offensive]Pakistanerin {f}
Pak [often offensive]Pakistaner {m}
palmares [rare] [list of achievements, winners or awards etc.; often of a sportsman]Palmarès {n} {m} [schweiz.] [auch: Palmares] [Liste von Medaillen, Auszeichnungen, Siegern, Preisträgern, Preisen etc.]
mus. panpipe [often used in the plural: panpipes]Panflöte {f}
peachiness [Am.] [coll.] [state of being nice, satisfactory; often of a situation]Schick {m} [regional] [richtige, gewünschte Form, bes. einer Sachlage]
philhellene [often capitalized]Philhellene {m}
chem. radicals [often referred to as free radicals]Radikale {pl}
med. retardate [a mentally retarded individual] [often offensive]Retardierter {m} [geistig]
saga [often pej.](endlose) Geschichte {f} [oft pej.]
dance schuhplattler [often also: Schuhplattler] [folk dance, esp. Bavaria, Austria]Schuhplattler {m} [Volkstanz, bes. Oberbayern, Ostösterreich, Südtirol]
orn. speculum [patch, often distinctly coloured, on the inner remiges of some birds]Flügelspiegel {m} [auffällig gefärbte Stelle am Vogelflügel]
orn. speculum [patch, often distinctly coloured, on the inner remiges of some birds]Spiegel {m} [auffällig gefärbte Stelle am Vogelflügel]
squaw [often found offensive]Squaw {f}
squaws [often found offensive]Indianerinnen {pl}
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