Dictionary English German: [occupation]

Translation 1 - 31 of 31

English German
to work [to be active, esp. in an occupation or field]
wirken [auch geh.] [tätig sein, bes. beruflich]
jobs vocation [occupation, profession]
Beruf {m}
preoccupation [main occupation]
Hauptbeschäftigung {f}
pursuit [occupation]
Betätigung {f}
photo. photography [practice or occupation]
Photographieren {n} [alt]
jobs sideline [second occupation]
Nebenerwerb {m}
[occupation that requires formal training]
Ausbildungsberuf {m}
fish fishery [occupation or industry of catching or rearing fish]
Fischerei {f} [als Tätigkeit oder Industriezweig]
photo. photography [practice or occupation]
Fotografieren {n}
hist. scrip [treated as sg.] [occupation money after WW II in Germany and Austria]
Dollarscrips {pl} [Spezialgeld für die amerik. Besatzungstruppe nach 1945]
hist. bizone [British and US zones of occupation after World War II]
Bizone {f} [vereinigte britische und US-Besatzungszone nach dem 2. Weltkrieg]
geogr. hist. pol. [coll. , often pej., West German term for Germany's Soviet Occupation Zone, and then the GDR]Zone {f} [ugs.] [bundesd.] [kurz für: Sowjetische Besatzungszone (SBZ), später auch pej. für: DDR]
geogr. hist. pol. [coll. , often pej.: West German term for Germany's Soviet Occupation Zone, and then the GDR]Ostzone {f} [ugs.] [bundesd.] [kurz für: Sowjetische Besatzungszone (SBZ), später auch pej. für: DDR]
deoccupation [also: de-occupation]Deokkupation {f}
jobs dishwasher [occupation]Spüljunge {m}
hist. jobs iceman [occupation]Eishändler {m}
hist. jobs iceman [occupation]Eismann {m} [ugs.] [Eishändler]
hist. mil. Krümpersystem [Prussian Army short-term reservist training system during Napoleonic occupation]Krümpersystem {n}
agr. pasturage [occupation or process of pasturing]Weiden {n} [von Vieh etc.]
Romusha [Rōmusha] [forced laborers during the Japanese occupation of Indonesia]Romusha {pl}
educ. jobs schoolmastering [occupation]Schulmeisterei {f} [veraltet] [Lehrberuf]
jobs lit. writing [occupation]Arbeit {f} als Schriftsteller
jobs lit. writing [occupation]Tätigkeit {f} als Schriftsteller
2 Words: Verbs
to be off [to be free from work, school, or some other regular occupation]frei haben
2 Words: Nouns
hist. mil. Ruhr Crisis [Ruhr Occupation]Ruhrkrise {f} [Ruhrbesetzung]
3 Words: Nouns
jobs care-giving work [occupation]Care-Arbeit {f}
jobs entry-level salary [of an occupation]Einstiegssalär {n} [österr.] [südd.] [schweiz.] [sonst veraltet]
jobs source of income [occupation]Erwerbszweig {m}
4 Words: Nouns
hist. mil. Occupation of the Ruhr [also: occupation of the Ruhr] [1923-1925]Ruhreinmarsch {m}
insur. own-occupation disability insurance [covers one specific occupation, can include training period/apprenticeship]Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung {f}
5+ Words: Nouns
econ. law right of the first owner [right of the first occupant] [occupation theory]Recht {n} der ersten Besitzergreifung [Okkupationstheorie]
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