| English  | German |  |
 | relig. divine {adj} [services, objects, etc., but not people] | 351 religiös |  |
 | comp. MedTech. photo. moving {adj} [e.g. image, image data, objects] | 55 bewegt [z. B. Bild, Bilddaten, Objekte] |  |
 | everlasting {adj} [everyday objects, apparel, etc.] | 19 unverwüstlich [Gebrauchsgegenstände, Kleidung etc.] |  |
 | blocked {adj} {past-p} [with objects] | 13 zugestellt [unpassierbar] |  |
 | furn. lathed {adj} {past-p} [wooden objects] | 8 gedrechselt |  |
 | crammed {adj} [with furniture, objects etc.] | 6 vollgeräumt [bes. österr.] |  |
Verbs |
 | to carve (sth.) [wooden objects] | 1828 (etw.Akk.) schnitzen |  |
 | to break sth. [objects] | 404 etw.Akk. kaputtmachen [ugs.] [zerbrechen, zerstören] |  |
 | to brick sth. [coll.] [usually small objects like phones, computer components] | 82 etw. schrotten [ugs.] [unbrauchbar machen] |  |
 | to drift [of small objects] | 40 wehen |  |
 | to enclose [e.g. objects in a tomb] | 27 beilegen [dazulegen] |  |
 | to clash [to collide; e.g. metal or glass objects] | klirrend aufeinandertreffen |  |
 | to clash [to collide; e.g. metal or glass objects] | klirrend aufeinander treffen [alt] |  |
 | to feel [of objects: feel strange, rough, etc.] | sich anfühlen [von Objekten: sich seltsam, rau etc. anfühlen] |  |
 | to messenger sth. [objects] | etw. per / durch Boten überbringen (lassen) |  |
 | to raise sth. [objects] | etw.Akk. in die Höhe recken |  |
 | to survive [objects, traditions etc.] | erhalten bleiben [Schriften, Gebäude, Traditionen] |  |
Nouns |
 | trinkets {pl} [small objects of little value] | 812 Nippes {m} [Nippesfiguren] |  |
 | item [one of many objects, articles] | 457 Stück {n} [einzelner Gegenstand einer Menge] |  |
 | skid [support to move heavy objects] | 244 Schlitten {m} [Kufe, Gleiter] |  |
 | set [of objects] | 153 Satz {m} [von Gegenständen] |  |
 | batch [set of objects] | 77 Satz {m} [von Gegenständen] |  |
 | file [line of people or objects] | 62 Reihe {f} |  |
 | break [of objects, relationships] | 53 Zerbrechen {n} |  |
 | comp. geogr. merging [of rivers; data / objects] | 49 Vereinigung {f} [von Flüssen; Daten / Objekten] |  |
 | decoration [objects] | 25 Deko {f} [ugs.] |  |
 | truss [objects tied together] | 21 Bündel {n} |  |
 | outline [of objects] | 20 Umriß {m} [alt] |  |
 | accessories [people or objects as accessories, etc.] | 17 Staffage {f} [Beiwerk] |  |
 | deaccession [selling of objects from a museum collection] | 17 Verscherbeln {n} [ugs.] [von Museumsgut] |  |
 | comp. suite [of objects] | 17 Set {n} {m} [von Objekten] |  |
 | art hist. [perspective (in pre-renaissance painting) that sizes persons and objects according to importance] | 16 Bedeutungsperspektive {f} |  |
 | bank [row of objects] | 15 Reihe {f} |  |
 | pannier [basket, esp. for carrying objects on the back, dosser] | 11 Kiepe {f} [nordd.] [mitteld.] [Korb, bes. Rückentragkorb] |  |
 | tech. grab [device for gripping objects] | 7 Greifer {m} [Vorrichtung zum Greifen von Gegenständen] |  |
 | trash [objects, people] | 7 Gelumpe {n} [pej.] [Gesindel] [auch: Plunder] |  |
 | comm. wickerwork {sg} [objects] | 5 Korbwaren {pl} |  |
 | [the coincidence of two objects or persons having the same name] | Namensgleichheit {f} |  |
 | basketwork {sg} [objects] | Korbwaren {pl} |  |
 | bibl. borrower [of objects, e.g. books] | Entlehner {m} [österr.] [schweiz.] [Entleiher] |  |
 | dosser [basket for carrying objects on the back] | Rückenkorb {m} |  |
 | exonumia [Am.] [numismatic objects] | Exonumia {pl} [numismatische Gegenstände] |  |
 | tech. tools grab [device for gripping objects] | Klaue {f} [Kralle, Greifer, Greifvorrichtung] |  |
 | ind. lampworking [shaping objects from glass rods or tubes using an open flame from a lamp or from a torch] | Glasblasen {n} vor der Lampe |  |
 | metalwork {sg} [objects] | Metallteile {pl} |  |
 | art mounting [of glass objects with silver or other metals] | Montierung {f} [von Glasobjekten mit Silber oder anderen Metallen] |  |
 | paranumismatica [Br.] [numismatic objects] | Paranumismatika {pl} [numismatische Gegenstände] |  |
 | recheck [of objects] | Wiederholungsprüfung {f} [Nachkontrolle] [von Objekten] |  |
 | art sculpting [constructing 3-dimensional objects by shaping and removal of material] | Bildhauerkunst {f} |  |
 | universe [of objects] | Bereich {m} [selten {n}] [von Objekten] |  |