Dictionary English German: [null subject]

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ling. pro-drop language [seldom: null-subject language]Nullsubjektsprache {f}
an [masculine subject / neuter subject or direct object]ein
educ. subject combination [Br.] [core subject (major) and secondary subject (minor)]Fächerkombination {f}
educ. subject combination [Br.] [core subject (major) and secondary subject (minor)]Fächerverbindung {f}
sorer {adj} [subject]heikler
sorest {adj} [subject]heikelste
touchiest {adj} [subject]heikelste
touchy {adj} [subject]heikel
anybody {pron} [subject]jemand <jd.>
anyone {pron} [subject]jemand <jd.>
econ. law conditioned {adj} [subject to conditions]eingeschränkt
under {prep} [subject to]gemäß [+Dat.]
yourself {pron} [subject]du selbst
educ. art [school subject]Kunsterziehung {f}
graphics {sg} [subject]Zeichnen {n}
retainer [subordinate, subject]Untertan {m}
somebody {pron} <sb.> [subject]jemand <jd.>
broached {past-p} [subject / theme]angeschnitten [Thema]
equivocal {adj} [subject to multiple interpretations]doppelsinnig
someone {pron} <so.> [subject]jemand <jd.>
hist. [fief subject to matrilineal succession]Weiberlehen {n}
authority [on a subject]Kapazität {f}
concern [subject for negotiation]Verhandlungsgegenstand {m}
educ. pedagogy [also school subject]Erziehungslehre {f}
topic [subject, material]Stoff {m} [Thema]
never-exhausted {adj} [subject, topic]ewig
touched on {past-p} [subject]gestreift [Thema]
educ. industrial arts [study, subject]Gewerbekunde {f}
an [feminine subject / direct object]eine
barren {adj} [style, subject]trocken [Stil, Thematik]
exhausted {adj} {past-p} [possibilities, potential, subject]ausgereizt [fig.]
topical {adj}thematisch [relating to a particular subject]
to straggle [digress from a subject]abschweifen
educ. to teach sth. [subject]etw. geben [Unterrichtsfach]
educ. [main 'A' level subject] [Br.]Leistungsfach {n}
battleground [fig.] [subject of dispute]Reizthema {n}
matter [substance, also: subject, question]Materie {f}
meteopathic [person subject to meteoropathy]wetterfühliger Mensch {m}
subject [issue, subject-matter]Sache {f} [Thema]
rail railway signaling [Am.] [subject area]Eisenbahnsignalwesen {n}
rail railway signalling [Br.] [subject area]Eisenbahnsignalwesen {n}
herself {pron} [subject or direct object]sie selbst
someone {pron} <so.> [female] [subject]eine [jemand (weiblich)]
someone {pron} <so.> [male] [subject]einer [jemand (männlich)]
unrewarding {adj} [work, subject]unergiebig [fig.] [nicht lohnend]
to exhaust sth. [a subject]etw. erschöpfend abhandeln
to exhaust sth. [a subject]etw. erschöpfend behandeln
educ. [qualification to teach a subject at university]Fakultas {f}
educ. [subject-linked university entrance qualification]fachgebundene Hochschulreife {f}
approach [to a topic, subject]Ansatz {m} [Ausgangspunkt, Grundgedanke]
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