Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: [nucleus]

Übersetzung 1 - 36 von 36


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biotech. enucleated {adj} {past-p} [cell nucleus]
entkernt [Zellkern]
biotech. to enucleate [remove a cell nucleus]
entkernen [Zellkern entfernen]
biotech. enucleation [removal of the cell nucleus]
Entkernung {f} [Entfernen des Zellkerns]
astron. coma [envelope around the nucleus of a comet]Koma {f} [Gas- und Staubhülle eines Kometen]
entom. T
2 Wörter: Substantive
anat. basal ganglion [Nucleus basalis]Basalganglion {n}
anat. basal ganglion [Nucleus basalis]Stammganglion {n}
anat. basal nucleus [Nucleus basalis]Basalganglion {n}
anat. dentate nucleus [Nucleus dentatus]Zahnkern {m} [im Kleinhirn]
anat. dentate nucleus [Nucleus dentatus]gezahnter Kern {m} [selten] [Nucleus dentatus]
anat. emboliform nucleus [Nucleus emboliformis, Nucleus interpositus anterior]Pfropfkern {m}
anat. fastigial nucleus [Nucleus fastigii (cerebelli)]Giebelkern {m} [Dachkern]
anat. fastigial nucleus [Nucleus fastigii]Dachkern {m} [des Kleinhirns]
anat. globose nucleus [Nucleus globosus, Nucleus interpositus posterior]Nucleus globosus {m}
anat. oculomotor nucleus [Nucleus nervi oculomotorii]Kern {m} des Nucleus oculomotorius
anat. paraventricular nucleus <PVN> [Nucleus paraventricularis]paraventrikulärer Nukleus {m} <PVN>
anat. pulpous nucleus [Nucleus pulposus]Gallertkern {m} [Zwischenwirbelsäule]
anat. red nucleus [Nucleus ruber]roter Kern {m}
anat. suprachiasmatic nucleus <SCN> [Nucleus suprachiasmaticus]suprachiasmatischer Nucleus {m} <SCN> [auch: Nucleus suprachiasmaticus]
anat. supraoptic nucleus <SON> [Nucleus supraopticus]supraoptischer Nukleus {m}
3 Wörter: Substantive
anat. inferior olivary nucleus [Nucleus olivaris inferior]unterer Olivenkern {m}
anat. superior olivary nucleus [Nucleus olivaris superior]oberer Olivenkern {m}
Taxa/Spezies (Tiere, Pflanzen, Pilze)
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
entom. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
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