| English  | German |  |
 | each {pron} [referring to a masculine noun] | 5837 jeder [individualisierend: jeder einzelne] |  |
 | every {adj} [referring to a feminine noun] | 4180 jede [verallgemeinernd: ohne Ausnahme] |  |
 | each {pron} [referring to a feminine noun] | 3878 jede [individualisierend: jede einzelne] |  |
 | each {pron} [referring to a neuter noun] | 775 jedes [individualisierend: jedes einzelne] |  |
 | every {adj} [referring to a neuter noun] | 447 jedes [verallgemeinernd: ohne Ausnahme] |  |
 | miffed {adj} [coll.] [not before noun] | 371 angefressen [ugs.] [verärgert] |  |
 | mite [very small amount] {noun} | 182 bisschen {n} [sehr kleine Menge] {Pronomen} |  |
 | any {pron} [no matter what kind] [referring to a feminine noun] | 175 jede [jede beliebige] |  |
 | several {adj} [respective; qualifying a plural noun] | 70 besondere |  |
 | non- {prefix} [before a noun] | 17 Nicht- [vor einem Substantiv; oft als ein Wort ohne Bindestrich] |  |
 | pol. Lab {noun} {adj} [short for: Labour Party] [esp. as noun modifier] | [kurz für: Labour-Partei] |  |
 | smidge [coll.] [noun] | klitzekleines bisschen {n} [ugs.] [Pronomen] |  |
 | smidgen [coll.] [noun] | klitzekleines bisschen {n} [ugs.] [Pronomen] |  |
 | smidgeon [coll.] [noun] | klitzekleines bisschen {n} [ugs.] [Pronomen] |  |
 | smidgin [coll.] [noun] | klitzekleines bisschen {n} [ugs.] [Pronomen] |  |
 | verbal {adj} [e.g. behaviour, injury, aspect, clause, noun] | Verbal- [z. B. Verhalten, Injurie, Aspekt, Satz, Substantiv] |  |
Nouns |
 | ind. works {sg} [esp. Br.] [factory (premises), plant] [often used with a noun modifier] | 52 Werk {n} [Werksanlage, Fabrik] |  |
 | name eponym [name or noun formed after a person] | 22 [von einer Person hergeleiteter Name bzw. hergeleitetes Nomen, z. B. "Zeppelin"] |  |
 | ling. substantive [Am.] [Br. dated] [noun] | 18 Hauptwort {n} |  |
 | ling. substantive [Am.] [Br. dated] [noun] | 13 Substantiv {n} |  |
 | ling. [incorrect use of a space as a compound noun separator] | 6 Deppenleerzeichen {n} [ugs.] [pej.] [fehlerhafte Trennung zusammengesetzter Wörter durch Leerzeichen] |  |
 | relig. apocalyptic [not generally recognized as a noun by dictionaries, but often used so] | Apokalyptik {f} |  |
 | hist. law kanun [Albanian customary law] [capitalized as a proper noun] | Kanun {m} [albanisches Gewohnheitsrecht] |  |
 | ling. substantive [Am.] [Br. dated] [noun] | Dingwort {n} |  |
 | ling. substantive [Am.] [Br. dated] [noun] | Gegenstandswort {n} [Substantiv] |  |
 | ling. substantive [Am.] [Br. dated] [noun] | Namenwort {n} [Substantiv] |  |
 | ling. substantive [Am.] [Br. dated] [noun] | Nennwort {n} |  |
 | writrix [aspirational noun not (yet) in common usage] | Autorin {f} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | a little {adv} [noun qualifier] | etwas |  |
 | every other {adj} [every second, referring to a feminine noun] | jede zweite |  |
 | every other {adj} [every second, referring to a masculine noun] | jeder zweite |  |
 | every other {adj} [every second, referring to a neuter noun] | jedes zweite |  |
 | in-kind [Am.] [used before a noun] [e.g. relief, donations] | in Naturalien [nachgestellt] [z. B. Hilfe, Spenden] |  |
 | off-limits {adj} [taboo] [not used before a noun] | tabu [nur prädikativ: „tabu sein“] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | fin. basic cost {sg} ['cost' used as a mass noun] | Grundkosten {pl} |  |
 | central prison [capitalized as a proper noun] | Zentralgefängnis {n} |  |
 | admin. law disciplinary court [capitalized as a proper noun] | Disziplinarhof {m} |  |
 | comm. hist. hay market [also: hay-market] [capitalized as a proper noun] | Heumarkt {m} |  |
 | educ. hist. relig. Jesuit gymnasium [secondary school] [also as a proper noun: Jesuit Gymnasium] | Jesuitengymnasium {n} |  |
 | ind. medium technology <MT> [this term is rarely used as a noun; it is a common adjective] | Mitteltechnologie {f} |  |
 | pol. peace project [capitalized as a proper noun] | Friedensprojekt {n} |  |
 | hist. law relig. religious concession [capitalized as a proper noun] | Religionskonzession {f} |  |
 | ling. word type [verb, noun, etc.] | Worttyp {m} |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | [it's] too late for [+ verb-derived noun] [e.g. turning back] | [es ist] zu spät zum [+ substantiviertes Verb] [z. B. Umkehren] |  |
 | It is the ... [followed by plural noun] | Es sind die ... |  |
 | more of a [+noun] | eher ein [+Subst.] |  |
 | on the [noun] side [e.g. on the server side] | [Substantiv]-seitig [z. B. serverseitig] |  |
 | with downy beards {adj} [postpos. after plural noun] | flaumbärtig |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | ind. medium-high technology <MHT> [this term is rarely used as a noun; it is a common adjective] | Mittelhochtechnologie {f} |  |
4 Words: Nouns |
 | not a single one [referring to a masculine noun] | kein Einziger {m} |  |