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| German » Restrict search to this language
| |
| indifferent {adj} [not important or interesting] | 4133 gleichgültig | |
| single {adj} [not married] | 2054 ledig | |
| sober {adj} [not showy] | 1770 bescheiden [schlicht] | |
| idle {adj} [not doing anything] | 1729 untätig | |
| spare {adj} [surplus, not in use] | 1563 frei [nicht besetzt] | |
| broken {adj} [in pieces; not functioning] | 1487 kaputt [ugs.] [entzwei; defekt] | |
| slack {adj} [not tight] | 1167 locker [nicht eng] | |
| tight {adj} [not loose] | 1079 fest [nicht locker] | |
| incurred {adj} {past-p} [losses etc.; more often in postpos. than not] | 918 erlitten [Verluste etc.] | |
| open {adj} [not closed, esp. of buildings, institutions, shops] | 914 geöffnet | |
| haywire {adj} [coll.] [not functioning properly, broken] | 823 kaputt [ugs.] [beschädigt, defekt] | |
| legacy {adj} [old, not longer in active use] | 822 veraltet | |
| sketchy {adj} [Am.] [coll.] [skiing, etc.] [not completely safe or not completely honest] | 808 grenzwertig [meist ugs.] [an der Grenze des Zulässigen oder Sicheren] | |
| rough {adj} [not smooth, uneven] | 627 uneben | |
| dim {adj} [not bright] | 620 schummrig [ugs.] [nicht hell] | |
| timeless {adj} [not restricted to a particular time or date (e.g. poetry, themes); also: eternal] | 612 zeitlos [nicht zeitgebunden (z. B. Dichtung, Themen); auch: ewig] | |
| particular {adj} [not easily satisfied] | 608 wählerisch | |
| ragged {adj} [faulty, not perfect] | 517 dilettantisch [fehlerhaft] | |
| silent {adj} [not talkative] | 466 schweigsam | |
| pol. independent {adj} [not belonging to or supported by a political party] | 455 parteilos [Abgeordnete] | |
| illicit {adj} [not permissible, incorrect] | 429 unzulässig | |
| incorporated {adj} [fig. for persons, ideas; not used for units, systems etc.] | 428 integriert | |
| opaque {adj} [hard to understand, not clear] | 428 unverständlich | |
| tame {adj} [fig.] [not exciting] | 426 bieder | |
| obscure {adj} [not important] | 425 unbedeutend | |
| ling. archaic {adj} [no longer in general use, but still found in some contemporary texts (e.g. the Bible) and generally understood; a stronger term than »dated«, but not as strong as »obsolete«] | 408 veraltet | |
| dead {adj} [colour, not bright] | 399 stumpf | |
| soft {adj} [not firm, lenient] | 375 nachgiebig | |
| chilly {adj} [not friendly] | 372 unterkühlt | |
| ling. literary {adj} [not colloquial] | 371 gewählt | |
| miffed {adj} [coll.] [not before noun] | 366 angefressen [ugs.] [verärgert] | |
| silly {adj} {adv} [ridiculous, not practical or serious] | 365 affig [ugs.] [pej.] [albern, lächerlich, unseriös] | |
| civil {adj} [not military] | 361 zivil | |
| artless {adj} [not artificial or contrived] | 358 natürlich [ungekünstelt, von Natur] | |
| relig. divine {adj} [services, objects, etc., but not people] | 351 religiös | |
| single {adj} [not married] | 342 unverheiratet | |
| academic {adj} [not applicable in every day life] | 335 praxisfremd | |
| single {adj} [not double or multiple] | 335 Einfach- | |
| dim {adj} [not bright] | 334 schummerig [ugs.] [nicht hell] | |
| established {adj} [not doubtful] | 333 feststehend [Tatsache etc.] | |
| unexpurgated {adj} [not censored] | 332 unzensiert | |
| unarmed {adj} [fig.] [not prepared] | 321 unvorbereitet | |
| dead {adj} [colour, not bright] | 318 matt [Farbe] | |
| sketchy {adj} [not detailed] | 280 oberflächlich | |
| casual {adj} [not planned] | 235 zufällig | |
| indifferent {adj} [not sensitive, not interested] | 197 abgestumpft | |
| apart {adv} [isolated, not part of a group] | 172 abgesondert | |
| cloth. slack {adj} [not tight] | 167 lässig [Kleidung] | |
| crummy {adj} [coll.] [depressed, not sociable] | 149 assi [ugs.] [bes. Jugendsprache] | |
| unflashy {adj} [not ostentatious] | 149 unauffällig [nicht prahlerisch] | |