Dictionary English German: [non fulfillment]

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QM nonconformity [non-fulfillment of requirements]Fehler {m} [Nichterfüllung einer Anforderung]
law in case of default {adv} [in case of non-fulfillment of, e.g. a contract]bei Nichtleistung
satisfaction [fulfillment]Erfüllung {f}
wish fulfillment [Am.] [also: wish-fulfillment]Wunscherfüllung {f}
law positive interest [interest in fulfillment]positives Interesse {n} [Erfüllungsinteresse]
art relig. ex voto [painting or object left in fulfillment of a vow]ex voto
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psych. nondeclarative memory [also: non-declarative memory]nondeklaratives Gedächtnis {n} [auch: non-deklaratives Gedächtnis]
law conditio sine qua non formula [archaic: condicio sine qua non formula]Conditio-Formel {f} [Conditio-sine-qua-non-Formel, veraltet: Condicio-sine-qua-non-Formel]
comp. jobs circuit rider [traveling IT consultant, esp. for non-profit/non-government organizations][reisender IT-Berater, bes. im gemeinnützigen Bereich]
mil. [senior non-commissioned officer in German armed forces, literally "sword knot non-commissioned officer"]Portepeeunteroffizier {m}
[Soldiers' Non-Contributory Schemes Act (act relating to non-contributory schemes for the German armed forces and dependants)]Gesetz {n} über die Versorgung für die ehemaligen Soldaten der Bundeswehr und ihre Hinterbliebenen [Soldatenversorgungsgesetz - SVG] [Deutschland]
candid {adj} [non-partisan]unparteiisch
domestic {adj} [non-commercial]nichtgewerblich
enby {adj} [non-binary]nichtbinär
med. innocuous {adj} [non-cancerous]gutartig
tethered {adj} [non-wireless]Kabel-
tethered {adj} [non-wireless]kabelgebunden
dent. toothless {adj} [non-dentate]unbezahnt
anat. med. bicep [non-standard]Bizeps {m}
condolescence [non-standard]Anteilnahme {f}
hogwash [non-fig.]Spülwasser {n}
laymen [non-specialists]Nichtfachleute {pl}
zool. mother [non-human]Tiermutter {f}
indefinite {adj} [vague, non-descript]unbestimmt
nonbiased {adj} [rare] [non-biased]unvoreingenommen
nonmetric {adj} [also: non-metric]nichtmetrisch
tech. nonparametric {adj} [also: non-parametric]nichtparametrisch
nonqualitative {adj} [also: non-qualitative]nichtqualitativ
nonquantitative {adj} [also: non-quantitative]nichtquantitativ
nonrelevant {adj} [also non-relevant]unwichtig
biochem. nonribosomal {adj} [also: non-ribosomal]nichtribosomal
unkilling {adj} [non-lethal]nicht tödlich
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