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[a non-native resident of Munich, Germany]Wahlmünchener {m}
non-native {adj} [referring to non-Native Americans]nicht-indianisch
ling. non-natives [short: non-native speakers]Nicht-Muttersprachler {pl}
[a non-native resident of Munich, Germany] [female]Wahlmünchenerin {f}
women trafficking [common but non-native English] [preferred: trafficking in women]Frauenhandel {m}
homegrown {adj} [native, indigenous]einheimisch
ling. natives [short: native speakers]Muttersprachler {pl}
ethn. relig. powwow [of Native Americans]Versammlung {f}
home town [native town]Heimatgemeinde {f}
to expatriate [banish from native country]verbannen
to ostracize [banish from native country]verbannen
expatriate [banished from native country]Ausgebürgerter {m}
cloth. headdress [worn by Native Americans]Federschmuck {m}
ethn. smudging [Native American ceremony]traditionelle Rauchzeremonie {f}
[native of Canton Solothurn in Switzerland]Solothurner {m}
ethn. geogr. Aeginetan [inhabitant or native of Aegina]Äginete {m}
ethn. Aleppine [native or inhabitant of Aleppo]Aleppiner {m}
Antwerpian [native or inhabitant of Antwerp]Antwerpener {m}
Bruxellois [native or inhabitant of Brussels]Brüsseler {m}
ethn. Marseillais [native or inhabitant of Marseilles]Marseiller {m}
Mecklenburgian [native or inhabitant of Mecklenburg]Mecklenburger {m}
Pekingese [native or inhabitant of Beijing]Pekinger {m}
archi. ethn. pithouse [native American type of dwelling]Erdhaus {n}
ethn. hist. peace chief [Native Americans]Friedenshäuptling {m} [nordamerik. Indianer]
ethn. hist. war chief [Native Americans]Kriegshäuptling {m} [nordamerik. Indianer]
geogr. [female native of Canton Solothurn in Switzerland]Solothurnerin {f}
ethn. [male native or inhabitant of Zug, Switzerland]Zuger {m}
ethn. Anatolian [a native or inhabitant of Anatolia]Anatolier {m}
hist. ayah [native nanny in colonial times]eingeborene Kinderfrau {f}
ethn. Indian [female Central or South American native]Indiofrau {f}
Mecklenburgian [female] [native or inhabitant of Mecklenburg]Mecklenburgerin {f}
[Finnish citizen whose native language is Swedish]Finnländer {m} [Finnlandschwede]
ethn. hist. Five Civilized Tribes [Native American nations]Fünf Zivilisierte Stämme {pl}
gastr. zool. T
hist. amah [native nanny in colonial times]eingeborene Kinderfrau {f} [bes. Ostasien]
kelper [coll.] [native or inhabitant of the Falkland Islands]Falkländer {m}
ethn. redskin [offensive] [Native American]Indianer {m} [heute von manchen als diskriminierend empfunden]
full-blood {adj} [Am.] [mostly dated] [esp. Indian, Native American, etc.]Vollblut-
expellee [ethnic and native Germans expelled from other countries after WW II]Heimatvertriebener {m}
injun [racial slur for a Native American] [Am.] [pej.][beleidigende Bezeichnung für Indianerin]
Jutlander [native or inhabitant of Jutland]Jütländer {m} [Person, gebürtig oder wohnhaft in Jütland]
mineral. rosickyite [a mineral γ-S consisting of native sulfur in the gamma crystal form]Rosickyit {m}
ling. Fon (language) [native name: Fon gbè]Fon {n} [Eigenbezeichnung: Fɔngbè]
red man [pej.] [Native American]roter Mann {m} [pej.] [Indianer]
ethn. Kickapoo [member of a Native American nation]Kickapoo {m}
Bernese [inhabitant / native of Bern or the Canton of Berne]Berner {m}
ethn. Adena culture [Pre-Columbian Native American culture]Adena-Kultur {f} [auch: Adenakultur]
ethn. Hopewell culture [Pre-Columbian Native American culture]Hopewell-Kultur {f} [auch: Hopewellkultur]
ethn. Hopewell tradition [Pre-Columbian Native American culture]Hopewell-Kultur {f} [auch: Hopewellkultur]
ethn. Hackensack (people) [Native American tribe]Hackensack {pl} [Indianerstamm]
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