| English  | German |  |
 | drowned {adj} {past-p} [by noise] | 219 übertönt |  |
 | excruciating {adj} [noise, moment, etc.] | 149 schauderhaft [ugs.] [Geräusch, Augenblick etc.] |  |
 | ceaseless {adj} [wind, rain, noise] | 73 ständig [z. B. Wind, Regen, Lärm] |  |
 | sth. thudded [of a noise] | 47 etw. dröhnte |  |
 | sth. cracks [noise] | 38 etw. kracht |  |
 | electr. suppressed {adj} [against noise or interference] | 27 funkentstört |  |
 | sb./sth. drowned [with noise] | 18 jd./etw. übertönte |  |
 | zooming {adj} {pres-p} [noise] | 15 surrend |  |
 | sb./sth. drowns [(with) voice / noise] | 5 jd./etw. übertönt |  |
 | theatre off [e.g. noise off] | hinter den Kulissen |  |
Verbs |
 | to stand sth. [heat, climate, noise etc.] | 954 etw. ertragen [Hitze, Klima, Lärm etc.] |  |
 | to drown sth. [noise, sb.'s voice, etc.] | 377 etw.Akk. übertönen [Lärm, jds. Stimme etc.] |  |
 | to rasp [make a rasping noise] | 295 raspeln [veraltend] [rascheln] |  |
 | to grate [make a grating noise] | 241 kratzen [Geräusch] |  |
 | to hum [to make soft low continuous noise] | 230 brummen [z. B. Gerät, Kreisel, Hummel] |  |
 | to subside [noise, thunder, singing, river, sea] | 160 abschwellen [fig.] |  |
 | to utter sth. [noise] | 135 etw.Akk. hervorbringen [Geräusch] |  |
 | to deafen [sound, noise] | 27 dämpfen [Geräusch, Schall] |  |
 | phys. to absorb sth. [shocks, noise] | 22 etw. dämpfen [Erschütterungen, Lärm] |  |
 | to deafen [sound, noise] | 19 abdämpfen [Geräusch, Schall] |  |
 | to slurp sth. [drink or eat sth. with a loud sucking noise] | 9 etw. schlappern [ugs.] [regional] [etw. schlürfend trinken od. essen] |  |
 | to make sth. [a mess, noise, etc.] | 8 etw.Akk. veranstalten [Chaos, Lärm etc.] [ugs.] |  |
 | to localize sth. [e.g. source of noise] | 7 etw. orten [z. B. Schallquelle] |  |
 | to break [wave, noise] | 5 branden [geh.] |  |
 | to clonk [coll.] [to make a clonking noise] | 5 klonken [ugs.] |  |
 | to deaden sth. [pain, noise etc.] | etw. mildern [Schmerz etc.] |  |
 | to deave sb./sth. [Br.] [deafen with noise] | jdn./etw. taub machen |  |
 | to varoom [spv.] [vroom] [loud roaring noise of an engine] | röhren [fig.] [Motor, Motorrad, Auto, usw.] |  |
Nouns |
 | racket [noise] | 721 Klamauk {m} [Lärm] |  |
 | row [esp. Br.] [coll.] [noise, quarrel] | 674 Krach {m} [Lärm, ugs.: Streit] |  |
 | row [noisy disturbance, continual loud noise] | 436 Radau {m} [ugs.] |  |
 | bluster [noise of a storm] | 98 Gepolter {n} [eines Sturms] |  |
 | clamour [Br.] [noise, shouting] | 77 Lärm {m} |  |
 | bang [percussive noise] | 52 Bums {m} [ugs.] [dumpf tönender Schlag] |  |
 | tranquillity [esp. Br.] [esp. lack of noise] | 52 Stille {f} |  |
 | alarm [any sound, noise warning of danger] | 47 Lärmen {n} [Schreien, Rufen, Lärm als Warnung] |  |
 | whistle [whistling noise] | 43 Pfeifton {m} |  |
 | clang [repeated harsh noise] | 27 Klappern {n} [metallisch] |  |
 | racket [coll.] [noise] | 25 Tamtam {n} [ugs.] [Lärm] |  |
 | med. crackles {pl} [crackling noise heard on auscultation of the lungs] | 24 Rasselgeräusch {n} <RG> |  |
 | charivari [terrible noise] | 10 Höllenlärm {m} [ugs.] |  |
 | urban [Noise Manual for Urban Development] | Städtebauliche Lärmfibel {f} |  |
 | transp. [noise of railcar buffers colliding with each other] | Pufferlärm {m} |  |
 | tech. anderometers [noise testing instruments] | Anderometer {pl} [Geräuschprüfgeräte] |  |
 | banging [noise] | Rumsen {n} [regional] |  |
 | blatancy [noise] | Lärmen {n} |  |
 | blatancy [noise] | Plärren {n} |  |
 | thundersticks [inflatable noise makers] | Klatschstangen {pl} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | drowned out {past-p} [by other noise] | übertönt |  |
 | high-pitched {adj} [noise, sound] | Hochfrequenz- [Lärm, Ton] |  |