Dictionary English German: [neutral]

Translation 1 - 11 of 11


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neol. nibling [gender-neutral term for nephew / niece]
[Kind eines Bruders oder einer Schwester]
relig. clergyperson [male] [gender-neutral term, considered by some faddish or offensive]
Pfarrer {m}
auncle [rare] [gender-neutral term for uncle / aunt][ein Geschwisterteil der Eltern, Onkel oder Tante]
relig. clergyperson [female] [gender-neutral term, considered by some faddish or offensive]Pfarrerin {f}
comp. print louse <¤> [coll.] [neutral currency sign]Schildkröte {f} <¤> [ugs.] [allgemeines Währungssymbol]
gastr. jobs waitperson [esp. Am.] [gender-neutral term for waiter or waitress]Servicekraft {f} [Kellner od. Kellnerin]
gastr. jobs waitron [Am.] [gender-neutral term for waiter or waitress]Servicekraft {f} [Kellner od. Kellnerin]
2 Words
non-neutral {adj}nicht neutral [auch attr.: nicht-neutral]
3 Words
aviat. to trim an aircraft [setting control surfaces to neutral position]ein Flugzeug austrimmen
aviat. to trim an aircraft [setting control surfaces to neutral position]ein Flugzeug trimmen
4 Words
to sit on the fence [idiom]sich zu keiner Partei schlagen [sich neutral verhalten]
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