Dictionary English German: [near]

Translation 1 - 54 of 54

English German
by {prep} [near / beside]
bei [+Dat.]
near {prep} [also: near to] [close to]
bei [+Dat.] [in der Nähe]
local {adj} [near a location]
anat. temporal {adj} [of, relating to, or near the temples of the skull]
borderline {adj} [on or near a border or boundary]
forbye {prep} [archaic] [spv.] [esp. Scot.] [close by, near]nahe
to sky sth. [hang near the top of the wall (above line of vision)] [dated] [coll.]etw. (deutlich) oberhalb der Augenhöhe aufhängen [Bild, Gemälde]
meadow [piece of low ground near a river]
Aue {f} [poet. od regional] [an einem Bach oder Fluss gelegenes flaches Gelände mit saftigen Wiesen]
meadow [esp. piece of low ground near a river]
Au {f} [südd.] [österr.] [schweiz.]
approach [drawing near]
Herannahen {n}
bibl. hist. Philistines [ancient Near Eastern people]
Philister {pl}
biol. bot. zool. [plant or animal that lives near humans and benefits from association with them]Kulturfolger {m}
ethn. [Slovenes living near the Adriatic sea]Küstenslowenen {pl}
phonet. ash <æ> [symbol representing the sound of a near-open front unrounded vowel][phonetisches Zeichen für einen ungerundeten fast offenenen Vorderzungenvokal] <æ>
relig. El [ancient Near Eastern deity]El {m} [altorientalische Gottheit]
Oriental [from a Near or Middle Eastern country]Orientale {m}
geogr. Osterhorngruppe [mountain area near Salzburg, Austria]Osterhorngruppe {f}
hist. relig. Resheph [Near Eastern deity]Reschef {m}
geogr. Userin [German village near Neustrelitz in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania]Userin {n}
2 Words: Others
at hand {adv} [ready, near at hand]zur Hand
just off [right near]gleich bei [+Dat.]
astron. near-Earth {adj} [also: near-earth] [attr.]erdnah
near-term {adj} [attr.] [for, covering, or involving the very near future]zeitnah [die unmittelbaren Zukunft betreffend]
pert near [Am.] [sl.] [pretty near]haarscharf
2 Words: Verbs
to be about [Br.] [to be near]hier sein
to push sth. up ['up' in the sense of near or towards]etw.Akk. heranschieben
2 Words: Nouns
med. bedside testing [near-patient testing, point-of-care testing]patientennahe Labordiagnostik {f} [Point-of-Care-Testing]
astronau close encounter [near miss]Beinahezusammenstoß {m}
geogr. geol. Danube Gorge [near Weltenburg]Donaudurchbruch {m} [bei Weltenburg]
astron. Earth-crosser [near-earth object]Erdbahnkreuzer {m} [erdnahes Objekt]
geogr. Karst (plateau) [limestone plateau near Trieste]Karst {m}
psych. life review [near-death experience]Lebensbilderschau {f}
archi. Ludwigsburg Palace [near Stuttgart, Germany]Schloss {n} Ludwigsburg [Residenzschoss in Ludwigsburg]
geogr. Mount Untersberg [near Salzburg, Austria]Untersberg {m}
math. near-ring [also: near ring]Fastring {m}
nuclear town [town near a nuclear power plant]Atomstadt {f} [Stadt in der Nähe eines Atomkraftwerks]
med. plasma cuff [blood flow near the vessel walls]Randstrom {m} [Angiologie]
econ. specific environment [near environment]nahe Umwelt {f}
electr. engin. telecom. transition zone [between near field and far field of an antenna]Übergangsfeld {n} [zwischen Nahfeld und Fernfeld einer Antenne]
3 Words: Others
beyond arm's reach {adv} [not near enough to reach by extending one's arm]außer Reichweite [nicht zu erreichen durch Ausstrecken des Arms]
sooner or later {adv} [idiom] [some time in the near or far future]früher oder später
sooner or later {adv} [idiom] [some time in the near or far future]über kurz oder lang [Redewendung]
within arm's reach {adv} [near enough to reach by extending one's arm]in Reichweite [leicht zu erreichen durch Ausstrecken des Arms]
3 Words: Nouns
hydro. dead-water zone [near-zero flow]Totwasserraum {m} [z. B. hinter umströmten Hindernissen]
med. potential adverse event [near miss]Beinaheschaden {m} [auch: Beinahe-Schaden]
4 Words: Nouns
electr. telecom. alien near end crosstalk <ANEXT> [also: alien near-end cross-talk / cross talk]Fremdnahübersprechen {n}
electr. telecom. near-end cross talk <NEXT> [also near-end cross-talk]Nahübersprechen {n} [Querdämpfung]
electr. telecom. near-end cross talk <NEXT> [also: near-end cross-talk]Nahnebensprechen {n} [Querdämpfung]
5+ Words: Others
That was a near thing. [That was a near miss (a close call)]Das hätte (leicht) ins Auge gehen können [ugs.]
You might be on to something. [coll.] [getting near the truth]Du könntest an etwas dran sein. [ugs.]
5+ Words: Verbs
to be on one's last legs [idiom] [to be near to death]in den letzten Zügen liegen [Redewendung]
5+ Words: Nouns
ling. phonet. near-close near-front rounded vowel [also: near-high near-front rounded vowel]gerundeter zentralisierter fast geschlossener Vorderzungenvokal {m}
ling. phonet. near-close near-front unrounded vowel [also: near-high near-front unrounded vowel]ungerundeter zentralisierter fast geschlossener Vorderzungenvokal {m}
meteo. widespread dust (in suspension in the air) [not raised by wind at or near the station at the time of observation] [WMO code 06]verbreiteter Schwebstaub {m} [nicht vom Wind herangeführt]
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