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| artless {adj} [natural and simple] | 111 schlicht [ungekünstelt, natürlich] | |
| constrained {adj} [not natural, embarrassedl] | 52 verlegen [steif] | |
| displaced {adj} [e.g. after a natural disaster] | 31 obdachlos [z. B. nach einer Naturkatastrophe] | |
| studied {adj} {past-p} [rehearsed, not natural] | 14 einstudiert [nicht natürlich] | |
| unmannered {adj} [natural and unaffected] | ungekünstelt | |
Verbs |
| to exploit sth. [make use of sth., e.g. natural resources, energy] | 298 etw.Akk. nutzen [z. B. natürliche Ressourcen, Energie] | |
| ecol. to rewild sth. [restore to a natural state] | 26 etw.Akk. renaturieren | |
| phys. tech. to inject sth. [natural gas storage] | etw. einspeichern [bei Gasbefüllung von Erdgasspeichern] | |
| to naturalize sth. [make, or cause to appear, natural] | etw.Akk. vernatürlichen | |
| ecol. to reclaim sth. [restore to a natural state] | etw.Akk. renaturieren | |
Nouns |
| acad. scientist [natural scientist] | 698 Naturwissenschaftler {m} | |
| channel [natural or artificial waterway] | 542 Kanal {m} | |
| endowment [natural talent] | 175 Gabe {f} [Begabung] | |
| faculty [natural ability] | 101 Veranlagung {f} [angeborene Fähigkeit] | |
| mineral. electrum [natural alloy of gold and silver] | 73 Elektron {n} [natürliche Legierung aus Gold u. Silber] | |
| biol. naturalist [expert in natural history] | 65 Naturforscher {m} | |
| ecol. overexploitation [of natural resources] | 45 Raubbau {m} | |
| abandon [yielding to natural impulses] | 27 Ungezwungenheit {f} | |
| med. psych. tendency [natural inclination, proneness] | 20 Anlage {f} [Neigung] | |
| ecol. zool. nursery [place or natural habitat which breeds or supports animals] | 15 Kinderstube {f} [Aufwuchsort von Arten im juvenilen Stadium] | |
| law [regulations on general terms and conditions of the supply of natural gas] | 13 Gasgrundversorgungsverordnung {f} <GasGVV> | |
| geogr. Arkansas <AR> [The Natural State] | 13 Arkansas {n} [US-Bundesstaat] | |
| acad. jobs scientist [natural scientist] | 13 Naturwissenschafter {m} [österr.] [schweiz.] | |
| acad. scientist [female] [natural scientist] | 11 Naturwissenschaftlerin {f} | |
| law [natural or legal person] | 8 Rechtssubjekt {n} | |
| agr. produce [agricultural and other natural products] | 7 Ausbeute {f} [Ertrag in der Landwirtschaft] | |
| [a forest that serves as natural cemetery] | Friedwald {m} | |
| acad. educ. jobs [acronym for Mathematics, Informatics, Natural Science, and Technology; compare STEM (acronym for: science, technology, engineering, and mathematics)] | MINT [ohne Artikel] [Akronym für: Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften und Technik] | |
| bot. [ornamental agriophyte, i.e. a plant that has been grown for decorative purposes, and may persist also in the natural vegetation] | Stinsenpflanze {f} | |
| bot. [ornamental agriophyte, i.e. a plant that has been grown for decorative purposes, and may persist also in the natural vegetation] | Stinzenpflanze {f} [seltener] [Stinsenpflanze] | |
| chem. FoodInd. carthamin [C.I. Natural Red 26] [C43H42O22] | Carthamin {n} | |
| chem. FoodInd. carthamine [C.I. Natural Red 26] [C43H42O22] | Carthamin {n} | |
| mineral. electrum [natural alloy of gold and silver] | Elektrum {n} [natürliche Legierung aus Gold u. Silber] | |
| biochem. hematoxylin [Am.] [also called natural black 1 or C.I. 75290] | Hämalaun {n} [Hämatoxylin] [auch: Natural Black 1 oder C.I. 75290] | |
| engin. geol. injection [natural gas in geological layers] | Einpressen {n} [in geologische Schichten; Gastechnik] | |
| geogr. karoo [also: Karoo] [semi-desert natural region of South Africa] | Karoo {f} [Halbwüste] | |
| geogr. karroo [also: Karroo] [semi-desert natural region of South Africa] | Karroo {f} [Halbwüste] | |
| med. spec. mesmerization [e.g. hypnotherapy, natural healing] | Mesmerisierung {f} [z. B. Hypnosetherapie, Naturheilkunde] | |
| naturalization [action of making, or causing to appear, natural] | Vernatürlichung {f} | |
| oink [the natural grunt of a hog] | Grunzlaut {m} | |
| chem. textil. orcein [C.I. Natural Red 28] | Orseille {f} | |
| ecol. overexploitation [of natural resources] | Überbeanspruchen {n} [Übernutzung] | |
| ecol. overexploitation [of natural resources] | Überbeanspruchung {f} [Übernutzung] | |
| geol. mining reserves [natural deposits] | Reserven {pl} [nicht abgebaute Vorkommen] | |
| astron. the Moon <☾> [Earth's only natural satellite] | der Mond {m} <☾> [der einzige natürliche Satellit der Erde] | |
| comp. word [term for the natural unit of data (computer architecture)] | Datenwort {n} [Wort (Grundverarbeitungsdatengröße)] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| chem. pharm. (rubber) policeman [hand-held flexible natural-rubber scraper] | Gummiwischer {m} [zum Loslösen von festgebackenen Rückständen im Kolben] | |
| aviat. artificial flight [manflight; opposed to natural flight of e.g. birds] | Kunstflug {m} [veraltet] [Flugversuche von Menschen; Gegensatz zum natürlichen Flug z. B. von Vögeln] | |
| zool. barf feeding [natural raw diet] | Barfen {n} [Fütterungsform, bes. für fleischfressende Haustiere] | |
| admin. birth certificate [showing natural parents] | Abstammungsurkunde {f} | |