| English  | German |  |
 | subdued {adj} [light, music] | 1092 dezent |  |
 | highbrow {adj} [tastes, music, author] | 1064 anspruchsvoll |  |
 | tinny {adj} [sound, music, voice, etc.] | 497 blechern [Klang, Musik, Stimme etc.] |  |
 | rousing {adj} [music] | 262 schwungvoll |  |
 | upbeat {adj} [coll.] [e.g. music] | 123 peppig [ugs.] |  |
 | moody {adj} [picture, film, music] | 80 stimmungsvoll |  |
 | gastr. table {adj} [attr.] [e.g. knife, water, mustard, music] | 48 Tafel- [Tisch-; z. B. Messer, Wasser, Senf, Musik] |  |
 | mellifluous {adj} [voice, music, etc.] | 27 wohltönend [geh.] |  |
 | languorous {adj} [music, melody] | 23 schmelzend [Musik, Melodie] |  |
 | powerful {adj} [music, speech] [also: blow] | 16 wuchtig [Klänge, Rede] [auch: Schlag] |  |
 | gothic {adj} [fashion, music etc.] | 12 Gothic- |  |
 | lively {adj} [e.g. music] | 12 peppig [ugs.] |  |
 | funky {adj} [coll.] [of music, clothes etc.] | 9 schrill [fig.] [irre, abgefahren] |  |
 | mus. -core {suffix} [music genre] | 6 -core [musikalisches Subgenre mit extremen Stilelementen] |  |
 | dance mus. boppy {adj} [esp. Br.] [coll.] [suitable or good for dancing to] [of pop music] | 5 tanzbar [vor allem Pop-Musik] |  |
 | film mus. explicit {adj} [X-rated] [content in movies, music lyrics etc.] | nicht jugendfrei |  |
 | punky {adj} [music, subculture, etc.] | punkig |  |
Verbs |
 | to vary [also in music] | 3038 variieren [auch musikalisch] |  |
 | to murder sth. [coll.] [pej.] [spoil: music, a play, a language, etc.] | 329 etw.Akk. verhunzen [ugs.] [pej.] [Musik, ein Theaterstück, eine Sprache etc.] |  |
 | to caress [music etc.] | 143 schmeicheln [den Ohren] |  |
 | Internet to leak [to publish software, music etc. on the internet before the official release date] | 34 leaken [Software, Musik etc. über das Internet verbreiten vor der offiziellen Veröffentlichung] |  |
 | to butcher [fig.] [play, piece of music, language] | 33 vergewaltigen [fig.] |  |
 | film mus. theatre to score sth. [e.g., to compose music, to underlay a film] | 19 etw. schreiben [Film-, Bühnenmusik] |  |
 | mus. theatre to fake [music, stage dialogue etc.] | 13 improvisieren |  |
 | dance mus. to swing [play music in the style of swing, with a flowing but vigorous rhythm] | 8 swingen [in der Art des Swing ein Musikstück spielen] |  |
 | mus. to chart [to sell enough copies to enter the music charts] | es in die Charts schaffen |  |
 | dance to disco [dance to disco music] | Disco tanzen |  |
 | audio to fade [of sound, music] | leiser werden [verklingen] |  |
 | mus. to fiddle [to play dance music with one or more fiddles] | aufgeigen |  |
 | to flourish [art, music, literature] | eine Blütezeit erleben |  |
 | mus. theatre to fluff [coll.] [on ones lines, in music] | sich verhaspeln |  |
 | to massacre sb./sth. [coll.] [fig.] [e.g. a piece of music, a play; a sporting opponent] | jdn./etw. massakrieren [ugs.] [fig.] [z. B. ein Musikstück, Theaterstück; einen Wettkampfgegner] |  |
 | to present sth. [song, piece of music, poem, etc.] | etw. zum Vortrag bringen [geh.] [Lied, Musikstück, Gedicht etc.] |  |
Nouns |
 | educ. college [of music, agriculture, technology etc.] | 582 Fachhochschule {f} <FH> |  |
 | fin. fee [pay, esp. in film, theatre, music business etc.] | 308 Gage {f} |  |
 | buff [coll.] [enthusiast, e.g. a music buff] | 124 Enthusiast {m} |  |
 | mus. hook [popular music] | 74 Hookline {f} [charakteristische Melodiephrase od. Textzeile] |  |
 | lit. mus. passage [of a text, music] | 58 Passage {f} [Textstelle, Musikstelle] |  |
 | mus. account [interpretation or rendering of a piece of music] | 49 Interpretation {f} [künstlerische Wiedergabe von Musik] |  |
 | snatch [of conversation or music] | 37 Fetzen {m} [Wort- oder Musikfetzen] |  |
 | lit. mus. passage [of a book, piece of music] | 31 Stelle {f} [in Buch, Musikstück] |  |
 | mus. charts [pop music] | 30 Charts {pl} |  |
 | revival [play, film, music] | 23 Wiederaufführung {f} |  |
 | sociol. ... scene [music scene, drug scene, etc.] | 17 -szene {f} [Musikszene, Drogenszene etc.] |  |
 | hist. mus. lit. paean [in ancient Greek poetry and music] | 16 Päan {m} [feierlicher altgriech. Gesang] |  |
 | sodcasting [coll.] [playing music loudly through a phone in public] | 14 [lautes Musikhören über Handylautsprecher] |  |
 | amateur [of cars, art, music etc.] | 13 Liebhaber {m} [von Autos, Kunst, Musik etc.] |  |
 | shade [of colour, music, meaning] | 13 Zwischenton {m} |  |
 | [collective swaying to music] | 9 Schunkeln {n} |  |
 | mus. chanson [early music] | 9 Chanson {f} [Alte Musik] |  |