Dictionary English German: [much]

Translation 1 - 56 of 56

English German
spacious {adj} [containing much space, e.g. car, TV room, wardrobe]
ling. obsolete {adj} <obs.> [No longer in use, and no longer likely to be understood. Obsolete is a stronger term than archaic, and a much stronger term than dated.]
thoroughly {adv} [very much, greatly]
weidlich [veraltend] [in kaum zu übertreffendem Maße, sehr]
badly {adv} [very much]
badly {adv} [very much]
schwer [sehr]
that {adv} [so] [e.g. that much, that furious]
so [dermaßen] [z. B. so viel, so wütend]
that {adv} [coll.] [used to emphasize how much]
something {adv} [coll.] [quite, very much]
wirklich [ugs.] [verstärkend]
this {adv} [coll.] [used to emphasize how much]
[so much colder, that you need an extra jacket] {adj}einen Kittel kälter [südd.] [regional] [Redewendung]
to heart sb./sth. [coll.] [like very much, love; e.g. I NY]
jdn./etw. mögen [auch: gernhaben, lieben]
[to get a paunch from eating so much]sichDat. einen Bauch anessen
to overprocess sth. [to process too much]etw.Akk. überbearbeiten
Internet to overshare [coll.] [give too much personal information]zu viele persönliche Informationen preisgeben [insbesondere in sozialen Netzwerken]
to ship sb. [esp. teenage sl.; originally gamer sl.] [going back to "relationship"] [e.g. "I ship them so much." (I wish they were together.)][sich wünschen, zwei Personen wären ein Paar]
tirade [without much content] [pej.]
Tirade {f} [geh.] [pej.]
lightweight [sl.] [pej.] [sb. who cannot handle much alcohol]
Milchtrinker {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [(noch) nicht trinkfester Mann]
renumeration [WRONG for: remuneration; this misconstruction occurs much more than the correctly used "renumeration" (= numbering again)] [Entlohnung, Vergütung etc.]
bot. hort. [a plant which doesn't need much attention]eine dankbare Pflanze {f} [fig.] [Topfpflanze, anspruchslos in der Pflege]
[person who loves to drink too much wine regularly]Weindrossel {f} [ugs.] [hum.] [pej.]
cloth. textil. lutestring [a plain glossy silk formerly much used for women's dresses and ribbons]Glanztaffet {m} [veraltet]
cloth. textil. lutestring [a plain glossy silk formerly much used for women's dresses and ribbons]Sendeltaffet {m}
mouth [esp. Irish] [sl.] [pej.] [sb. who talks too much, a secret leaker]Schwätzer {m} [pej.] [jd. der schwätzt, schwatzt, Geheimnisse ausplaudert]
2 Words: Others
a lot {adv} [very much]sehr
pharm. quantum libet {adv} <qu. l.; q. l.; QL> [as much as you please]nach Belieben
pharm. quantum libet {adv} <qu. l.; q. l.; QL> [as much as you please]so viel beliebt
pharm. quantum vis {adv} <q. v.; QV> [as much as you please]nach Belieben
pharm. quantum vis {adv} <q. v.; QV> [as much as you please]so viel beliebt
2 Words: Verbs
to be spacious [occupy much space]Platz brauchen [viel Platz einnehmen]
2 Words: Nouns
selective process [much rarer than selection process]Auswahlprozess {m}
idiom square eyes [when one watches too much TV]rechteckige Augen {pl} [auch hum.] [wenn man zu viel fernsieht]
square eyes [when one watches too much TV]viereckige Augen {pl} [auch hum.] [wenn man zu viel fernsieht]
3 Words: Others
as much more [as much again]noch einmal so viel
God bless you. [thank you ever so much]Vergelts Gott! [veraltend] [regional]
learnt by rote {adj} [without much understanding]anstudiert [pej.]
much too much {adj} {adv}viel zu viel
pharm. quantum placeat / placet {adv} <qu. p.; q. p.; QP> [as much as wanted]nach Belieben
pharm. quantum placeat / placet {adv} <qu. p.; q. p.; QP> [as much as wanted]so viel beliebt
sb.'s head is spinning [idiom] [because of too much input]jdm. schwirrt der Kopf [Redewendung] [wegen zu vieler Eindrücke]
way too much {adv} [coll.] [used with verbs: e.g. love you / hate you way too much]viel zu sehr [steht bei Verben: z. B. liebe dich / hasse dich viel zu sehr]
3 Words: Verbs
to afford sb. much pleasure [give much pleasure]jdm. zur Freude gereichen [geh.] [jdm. Freude bereiten]
to have been overserved [coll.] [to have been served too much alcohol]zu tief ins Glas geschaut haben [ugs.]
3 Words: Nouns
a great deal [much]vieles / Vieles {n}
much debated issue [also: much-debated issue]viel diskutierte Frage {f}
4 Words: Others
in the worst way {adv} [coll.] [very much] [idiom]sehnlichst
4 Words: Verbs
idiom to have a hollow leg [to drink much]wie ein Loch saufen [viel trinken]
to make a meal of sth. [put in too much effort] [idiom]eine große Sache aus etw.Dat. machen [Redewendung]
5+ Words: Others
as much as is possible {adv} [less common] [as much as possible (in the present)]so viel wie möglich [in der Gegenwart]
as much as was possible {adv} [less common] [as much as possible (in the past)]so viel wie möglich [in der Vergangenheit]
idiom Thanks, that was more than plenty. [way too much] [sarcastically or ironically]Danke, das war mehr als genug. [ironisch oder sarkastisch im Sinn von: viel zu viel]
We're a bit stretched at the moment. [too much work]Wir sind zurzeit ziemlich überlastet.
5+ Words: Verbs
to be more or less the same [not to differ much]sichDat. nicht viel nehmen [ugs.]
to drive sb. out of their mind [idiom] [annoy or bother very much]jdn. um den Verstand bringen [Redewendung]
to go out on a limb [idiom] [risk a lot or too much]sichAkk. weit aus dem Fenster lehnen [Redewendung] [sich sehr weit vorwagen, stark exponieren]
to put one's head above the parapet [fig.] [risk too much]sichAkk. weit aus dem Fenster lehnen [fig.] [sich zu weit vorwagen, zu stark exponieren]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Dogberry and Verges [characters in Much Ado About Nothing]Holzapfel und Schlehwein
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