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| |
| ponderous {adj} [person, movement, steps] | 430 schwerfällig | |
| jerky {adj} [movement] | 331 zuckend | |
| head {adj} [attr.] [e.g. injury, movement, rest] | 133 Kopf- [z. B. Verletzung, Bewegung, Stütze] | |
| burgeoning {adj} [movement, wealth] | 128 expandierend | |
| erratic {adj} [movement] | 105 unkontrolliert | |
| still {adj} [without movement] | 82 unbewegt | |
| firmly {adv} [with verbs of movement or effort] | 64 feste [ugs.] [mit Verben der Bewegung oder Anstrengung] | |
| listless {adj} [movement, gait] | 53 lasch | |
| anat. med. ocular {adj} [e.g. movement, muscles, surgery] | 49 Augen- [z. B. Bewegung, Muskeln, Operation] | |
| static {adj} [lacking movement] | 38 bewegungslos | |
| tech. smooth {adj} [e.g. movement, motion] | 27 ruckfrei [z. B. Bewegung,, Lauf] | |
| biol. spontaneous {adj} [of movement or activity] | 21 instinktiv | |
| astron. phys. orbital {adj} [e.g. movement, period] | 17 Umlauf- [Orbital-] [z. B. Bewegung, Zeit] | |
| lip {adj} [attr.] [e.g. balm, movement, piercing, print] | 14 Lippen- [z. B. Balsam, Bewegung, Piercing, Abdruck] | |
| med. terminal {adj} [end of the range of movement / motion] | 14 endgradig [z. B. Endgelenk, Biegung / Streckung] | |
| undulating {adj} [movement, line] | 10 wellenförmig | |
| reversing {adj} {pres-p} [force, movement] | 6 rücktreibend [Kraft, Bewegung] | |
| cloth. dance games ouvert {adj} [also: ouverte] [esp. ballet stance or movement, crotchless panties] | offen [bes. Ballettposition, Damenslip] | |
| still {adj} {adv} [without movement] | sich nicht bewegend | |
| withershins {adv} [chiefly Scot.] [in the wrong direction] [of a circular movement] | falsch herum | |
Verbs |
| mil. to hem sb./sth. [restrict the space or movement] | 48 jdn./etw. einschließen | |
| to wobble [object in movement] | 34 kullern [ugs.] | |
| to shy sth. [throw with a swift movement] | etw. (schnell) werfen | |
Nouns |
| current [flow or movement] | 3540 Fluss {m} [Strömung oder Bewegung] | |
| tilt [sloping surface or position; sloping movement, inclination] | 697 Neigung {f} [Schrägfläche; Schrägstellung] | |
| plunge [downward movement] [also fig.] | 543 Sturz {m} [auch fig.] | |
| move [movement] | 274 Bewegung {f} | |
| action [movement] | 105 Bewegung {f} | |
| philos. philosophy [of a party, movement etc.] | 103 Gedankengut {n} | |
| breath [air expelled from the lungs; slight movement of air; small amount, hint] | 75 Hauch {m} [geh.] [Atem; Lufthauch; kleine Menge, Andeutung] | |
| dash [sudden movement] | 65 Sprung {m} [schnelle Bewegung] | |
| pol. fraction [of a political movement] | 56 Fraktion {f} [Sondergruppe] | |
| jerk [sudden movement] | 44 Sprung {m} [Satz, Schreckreaktion] | |
| quiver [slight trembling movement] | 39 Beben {n} | |
| clog [to impede movement] | 34 Last {f} [physisch] | |
| migration [movement of people, companies etc.] | 23 Wegzug {m} | |
| action [movement of the hand, gesture] | 22 Handbewegung {f} | |
| comm. neol. pol. astroturfing [simulation of a grassroots movement] [pej.] | 22 Astroturfing {n} [Vortäuschen einer "Graswurzelbewegung"] | |
| dart [movement] | 17 Satz {m} [schnelle Bewegung] | |
| ecol. percolation [esp. material movement through ground layers] | 12 Durchsickern {n} | |
| comm. neol. pol. astroturfing [simulation of a grassroots movement] [pej.] | 11 Kunstrasenbewegung {f} [Vortäuschen einer "Graswurzelbewegung", Basisbewegung] | |
| drive [campaign or movement] | 9 Bewegung {f} [z. B. Spendenbewegung] | |
| height [fig.] [the highest point of a cultural movement] | 8 Hochzeit {f} [geh.] [Höhepunkt; Hochblüte] | |
| dash [sudden start, movement] | 7 Blitzstart {m} | |
| revitalisation [esp. Br.] [of a tendency, movement] | 6 Wiederaufleben {n} | |
| progress [forward movement, advance] | 5 Progress {m} [geh.] | |
| shy [sudden movement, as from fear] | 5 Zurückzucken {n} | |
| mus. sociol. [(German) youth music movement] | Jugendmusikbewegung {f} | |
| [former participant of the German student movement / 68er-Bewegung] | Altachtundsechziger {m} <Alt-68er> [ehemaliger Achtundsechziger] | |
| hist. [German / Austrian youth movement] | Wandervogel {m} | |