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| [you] are [said to two or more people] | 1198 [ihr] seid | |
| [you] have [said to two or more people] | 919 [ihr] habt | |
| incurred {adj} {past-p} [losses etc.; more often in postpos. than not] | 918 erlitten [Verluste etc.] | |
| [you] do [said to two or more people] | 675 [ihr] tut | |
| pol. sociol. queer {adj} [in place of LGBT or gay] [more politically correct and inclusive] | 673 queer [für alle LGBT-Formen] [fachsprachlich oder Szenejargon] | |
| [you] might [said to two or more people] | 404 [ihr] könntet | |
| nervier {adj} [more nervous] | 299 nervöser | |
| nobler {adj} [more magnanimous] | 193 großherziger | |
| underhand {adj} [sneaky and dishonest] [more commonly: underhanded] | 184 hinterfotzig [derb] [hinterlistig] | |
| [you] did [said to two or more people] | 163 [ihr] tatet | |
| [you] may [are permitted] [said to two or more people] | 79 [ihr] dürft | |
| [you] were [informally addressing two or more people] | 70 [ihr] wart | |
| [you] should [said to two or more people] | 50 [ihr] solltet | |
| aviat. lumpier {adj} [coll.] [more turbulent] | 48 unruhiger | |
| [you] will [said to two or more people] | 45 [ihr] werdet | |
| [you] can [said to two or more people] | 37 [ihr] könnt | |
| [you] could [were able] [said to two or more people] | 35 [ihr] konntet | |
| widely {adv} [more than locally] | 29 überregional | |
| soberer {adj} [more businesslike] | 28 sachlicher | |
| grittier {adj} [more determined] | 22 mutiger | |
| tackier {adj} [coll.] [more lurid] | 20 schäbiger | |
| fairer {adj} [more just] | 19 gerechter | |
| [you] had [said to two or more people] | 16 [ihr] hattet | |
| fatter {adj} [more overweight] | 16 dicker | |
| smarter {adj} [more stylish] | 15 eleganter | |
| vainer {adj} [more conceited] | 12 eitler | |
| fitter {adj} [more suitable] | 11 geeigneter | |
| fitter {adj} [more physically fit / healthy] | 11 fitter | |
| brighter {adj} [more awake] | 10 aufgeweckter | |
| yummier {adj} [coll.] [more delicious] | 8 leckerer | |
| city {adj} [attr.] [relating to more than one city, e.g. comparison, excursion, network, planning, tour, trip] | 7 Städte- [z. B. Vergleich, Trip, Netz, Bau, Tour, Reise] | |
| smugger {adj} [smarter, more spruce in appearance] | 7 eleganter [bei Kleidung, Erscheinung] | |
| unlocked {past-p} {adj} [room, door lock, etc.: not (yet) locked; not locked any more] | 7 aufgeschlossen [Raum, Türschloss etc.: (noch) nicht verschlossen; nicht mehr verschlossen] | |
| inaner {adj} [less common for "more inane"] | 5 dümmer | |
| quote [quote from a popular German TV sketch, used to express that everything was better in the past; literally: "There was more lametta (on the Christmas tree) in the old days."] | Früher war mehr Lametta. [Loriot, aus „Weihnachten bei Hoppenstedts“; verallgemeinert verwendet im Sinne von „Früher war alles besser.“] | |
| [you] can't [cannot] [said to two or more people] | [ihr] könnt nicht | |
| [you] cannot [said to two or more people] | [ihr] könnt nicht | |
| [you] mustn't [said to two or more people] | [ihr] dürft nicht | |
| abundant {adj} [more than enough] | mehr als genug | |
| adepter {adj} [less common comparative for "more adept"] | erfahrener | |
| ample {adj} [more than enough, plentiful] | im Überfluss [nachgestellt] | |
| ample {adj} [more than enough, plentiful] | im Überfluss vorhanden | |
| beyond sth. {adv} [more than] | weiter als etw.Nom. | |
| chancier {adj} [coll.] [involving more risks] | risikoreicher | |
| Don't! [said to two or more people] | Tut es nicht! | |
| either {adv} [any more than the other] | auch (nicht) | |
| forrader {adv} [mainly Br.] [more forward] | vorwärts | |
| groggier {adj} [more drunk] | betrunkener | |
| knottier {adj} [fig.] [more puzzling] | verwickelter | |
| massier {adj} [more massive] | massiver | |