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|  |
 | just {adv} [exactly, at the moment or very recently, barely] | 3595 gerade [genau, genau jetzt bzw kürzlich, knapp] |  |
 | fleeting {adj} | 1095 flüchtig [Blick, Eindruck, Moment etc.] |  |
 | defining {adj} [moment, period] | 517 prägend |  |
 | propitious {adj} [timing, moment, weather, etc.] | 366 günstig [Timing, Augenblick, Wetter etc.] |  |
 | Wait! [just a moment] | 150 Augenblick! |  |
 | excruciating {adj} [noise, moment, etc.] | 149 schauderhaft [ugs.] [Geräusch, Augenblick etc.] |  |
 | opportune {adj} [moment, time, etc.] | 147 günstig [Moment, Zeitpunkt etc.] |  |
 | fitting {adj} [appropriate] | 108 geeignet [Moment, Zeitpunkt] |  |
 | opportune {adj} [moment, chance] | 87 passend [günstig, angebracht] |  |
 | just {adv} [this moment] | 12 justament [veraltet] |  |
 | intempestive {adj} [moment] [literary] [obs.] | unpassend [Zeitpunkt] |  |
 | momentarily {adv} [Am.] [at any moment] | jeden Augenblick [schon im nächsten Augenblick] |  |
Verbs |
 | to stop [for a moment, a short period] | 39 innehalten |  |
 | automot. rail sports [to go very slow with maximum attention, ready to stop any moment] | auf Sicht fahren |  |
Nouns |
 | flash [moment] | 157 Augenblick {m} |  |
 | moment [short period of time, e.g. "I'll be back in a moment!"] | 38 Nu {m} {n} [ugs.] [kürzeste Zeit, z. B. "Ich bin im Nu zurück!"] |  |
 | time [moment in time] | 13 Stunde {f} [geh.] [Augenblick, Zeitpunkt] |  |
 | trice [obs.] [instant, moment] | 12 Moment {m} |  |
 | phys. tech. support | 9 Steg {m} [Kraft-Moment-Sensor] |  |
 | second [moment] | 7 Augenblick {m} |  |
 | second [moment] | 7 Moment {m} |  |
 | tick [esp. Br.] [coll.] [moment] | 6 Sekunde {f} [fig.] [Moment] |  |
 | ohnosecond [coll.] [hum.] [also: onosecond] [the moment in which one realizes that one has made a serious mistake, typically by pressing the wrong key on a computer keyboard] | [der Moment, wo einem klar wird, dass man gerade einen gewaltigen Fehler gemacht hat, typischerweise ein falscher Tastendruck] |  |
 | relig. spec. satori [Zen Buddhism] | Satori {n} [zuweilen {m}, als Moment der Erleuchtung] [meist artikellos] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | heart-stopping {adj} [e.g. solo, chase, moment] | atemberaubend [z. B. Solo, Jagd, Augenblick] |  |
 | just as [at the very moment] | gerade als |  |
 | right now {adv} [at this moment] <RN> | gerade (jetzt) |  |
 | The moment ... [as soon as] | Sowie ... [sobald, in dem Moment] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to wait for sb./sth. [intending to seize the right moment; German usually in future or past, not in present] | jdn./etw. abpassen |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | crowning moment | Krönung {f} [fig.] [krönender Moment] |  |
 | tech. driving moment [drive moment] | Antriebsmoment {n} |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | at this juncture {adv} [at this moment] | in diesem Augenblick |  |
 | for a heartbeat {adv} [for a moment] | einen Herzschlag lang [für einen Augenblick] |  |
 | for a second {adv} [fig.] | (ganz) kurz [für einen Moment] |  |
 | for the moment {adv} | derzeit [im Moment] |  |
 | in a bit {adv} | gleich [sofort, in einem Moment] |  |
 | in a moment {adv} | gleich [sofort, in einem Moment] |  |
 | just in time {adv} [at the last moment] | gerade noch rechtzeitig |  |
 | This is it. [This is the big moment] [coll.] | Jetzt kommt's drauf an. [ugs.] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | window of sorts [coll.] [fig.] [moment of opportunity] | Handlungsfenster {n} [fig.] [zeitlich begrenzt entstehende Handlungsmöglichkeit] |  |
4 Words: Others |
 | I'm waiting for you. | Ich warte auf dich. [Ich warte im Moment auf dich.] |  |
 | idiom It's nut-cutting time. [Am.] | Es ist Zeit, noch einmal richtig reinzuhauen. [Moment einer letzten Anstrengung] |  |
4 Words: Nouns |
 | phys. 2nd moment of mass [(mass) moment of inertia] | Massenmoment {n} 2. Grades [Massenträgheitsmoment] |  |
 | constr. second moment (of area) [inertia moment] | Flächenträgheitsmoment {n} |  |
5+ Words: Others |
 | lit. quote [Moment] Ah, linger on, thou art so fair! [trans. G. M. Priest] | [Augenblick] Verweile doch! Du bist so schön! [J. W. v. Goethe] |  |
 | idiom in the nick of time {adv} [at the last possible moment] | im letzten Augenblick |  |
 | idiom in the nick of time {adv} [at the last possible moment] | im letzten Moment |  |
 | idiom in the nick of time {adv} [at the last possible moment] | auf den letzten Drücker [ugs.] |  |
 | on the spur of the moment {adv} [coll.] [idiom] [also: at the spur of the moment] | kurzentschlossen [Rsv.] |  |
 | psych. on the spur of the moment {adj} {adv} [coll.] [idiom] [also: at the spur of the moment] | kurzschlussartig [ugs.] [spontan, kurz entschlossen] |  |
 | on the spur of the moment {adv} [coll.] [idiom] [also: at the spur of the moment] | spontan |  |
 | on the spur of the moment {adv} [coll.] [idiom] [also: at the spur of the moment] | kurz entschlossen |  |
 | on the spur of the moment {adv} [coll.] [idiom] [also: at the spur of the moment] | aus einer Augenblicksstimmung heraus |  |
 | on the spur of the moment {adv} [coll.] [idiom] [also: at the spur of the moment] | der Eingebung des Augenblicks folgend |  |