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 | psych. unhinged {adj} {past-p} [mind] | 1194 verstört |  |
 | torn {adj} [person, mind] | 1069 zwiegespalten [geh.] |  |
 | med. VetMed. stillborn {adj} | 882 totgeboren [Geburtsgew. mind. 500 Gramm] |  |
 | facile {adj} [mind, work of art] | 755 oberflächlich |  |
 | narrow {adj} [mind, views, etc.] | 532 beschränkt [borniert, engstirnig (Verstand, Ansichten etc.)] |  |
 | untainted {adj} [food also, person, mind] | 484 unverdorben |  |
 | equal {adj} [tranquil in mind] | 245 gelassen |  |
 | open {adj} [with an open mind] | 191 aufgeschlossen [empfänglich] |  |
 | unfettered {adj} {past-p} [esp. fig.] [media, mind, etc.] | 120 entfesselt [bes. fig.] [Medien, menschlicher Geist etc.] |  |
 | astute {adj} [mind] | 96 scharf [Verstand] |  |
 | adroit {adj} [mind] | 39 scharf [Verstand] |  |
 | exuberant {adj} [state of mind] | 33 wirbelig |  |
 | warped {adj} [mind] | 15 verschroben |  |
 | abstracted {adj} [mind] | 11 abwesend [geistig] |  |
 | exuberant {adj} [state of mind] | 8 wirblig |  |
 | beclouded {adj} {past-p} [Moon, Sun; also fig.: mind etc.] | umwölkt [Mond, Sonne; auch fig.: Geist etc.] |  |
 | prepossessed {adj} {past-p} [mind, heart] | erfüllt [von Sorgen etc.] |  |
Verbs |
 | to sway sb. [change sb.'s mind] | 1031 jdn. überreden |  |
 | to reconstruct sth. [in one's mind] | 799 etw.Akk. nachvollziehen [rekonstruieren] |  |
 | to note sth. [observe, keep in mind] | 602 etw.Akk. beachten [Vorschrift etc.] |  |
 | to deaden sth. [mind, feeling] | 414 etw.Akk. abstumpfen |  |
 | to sway sb. [change sb.'s mind] | 344 jdn. umstimmen |  |
 | to dull [senses, mind, sensitivity] | 271 abstumpfen |  |
 | to blur [senses, mind, judgement] | 232 trüben |  |
 | med. psych. to recover [return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength; also: economy etc.] | 190 genesen [geh.] [gesund werden; auch: sich erholen (Wirtschaft etc.)] |  |
 | to bother [mind] | 130 jdm. etw. ausmachen [stören] |  |
 | to relive sth. [in one's mind] | 130 wiederaufleben [in Erinnerung] |  |
 | to reenact [in mind] | 105 nachvollziehen |  |
 | to divert sb. [take sb.'s mind off things] | 68 jdn. zerstreuen [fig.] |  |
 | to toughen sb./sth. [person or their body and mind] | 60 jdn./etw. stählen [Person oder deren Körper und Geist] |  |
 | to conceive sth. [devise in the mind, imagine] | sichDat. etw. ausmalen |  |
 | to consider sb./sth. [have in mind] | jdn./etw. in Erwägung ziehen |  |
 | to recall sth. [bring sth. back into one's mind, remember sth.] | sichDat. etw.Akk. ins Gedächtnis zurückrufen [sich wieder an etw. erinnern] |  |
 | to recall sth. [call sth. back to mind] | sichDat. etw.Akk. ins Gedächtnis rufen [Redewendung] |  |
 | to recollect sth. [call to mind] | sichDat. etw. ins Gedächtnis zurückrufen |  |
 | to relive sth. [in one's mind] | wieder aufleben [in Erinnerung] |  |
Nouns |
 | versatility [of sb.'s mind] | 670 Flexibilität {f} |  |
 | temper [state of mind, disposition] | 638 Gemüt {n} [Naturell] |  |
 | recovery [return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength, also: of economy, etc.] | 576 Genesung {f} [geh.] [Gesundwerden; auch: der Wirtschaft etc.] |  |
 | reason [sound mind, intellect] | 178 Verstand {m} |  |
 | philos. spec. disposition [state of mind] | 136 Stimmung {f} |  |
 | med. stillbirth | 112 Totgeburt {f} [Geburtsgew. mind. 500 Gramm] |  |
 | tranquility [Am.] [of mind] | 80 Seelenruhe {f} |  |
 | association [connection in the mind] | 73 Vorstellung {f} [gedankliche Assoziation] |  |
 | cast [of the mind] | 48 Neigung {f} [fig.] |  |
 | suggestion [instilled into the mind] | 45 Einflüsterung {f} |  |
 | mind [type of mind] | 42 Kopf {m} [fig.] [Denkart] |  |
 | senses {pl} [right mind] | 25 Verstand {m} [Vernunft] |  |
 | insinuation [instillment into the mind] | 21 Einflüsterung {f} [fig.] |  |
 | astuteness [of mind] | 13 Schärfe {f} |  |