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 | perceptive {adj} [able to perceive] | 150 aufnahmefähig [mental] |  |
 | confused {adj} [not in possession of all one's mental faculties] | 10 bregenklöterig [nordd.] [ugs.] [verwirrt] |  |
 | conscious {adj} [mental faculties not dulled] | bei Besinnung |  |
 | conscious {adj} [mental faculties not dulled] | bei Bewusstsein [nachgestellt] |  |
 | conscious {adj} [mental faculties not dulled] | im Besitz des Bewusstseins |  |
Verbs |
 | to discern | 552 wahrnehmen [mit den Sinnen, mental] |  |
 | to empower sb. [mentally] | 367 jdn. stärken [mental aufbauen] |  |
 | to disable sb. [impair sb.'s physical or mental abilities] | jdn. zum Invaliden machen |  |
 | to exercise sth. [to tax its powers, i.e. under considerable physical or mental exertion] | etw.Akk. (stark) in Anspruch nehmen |  |
 | to imagine sth. [form a mental picture or idea of sth.] | sichDat. etw. vorstellen (können) |  |
 | to visualise sb./sth. [Br.] [form a mental image of sb./sth.] | sichDat. jdn./etw. vorstellen [bildlich] |  |
 | to visualise sb./sth. [Br.] [form a mental image of sb./sth.] | sichDat. jdn./etw. bildlich vorstellen |  |
 | to visualise sth. [Br.] [form a mental image of sth.] | sichDat. etw. lebhaft vor Augen führen |  |
 | to visualise sth. [Br.] [form a mental image of sth.] | sichDat. etw. lebhaft vor Augen stellen |  |
 | to visualize sb./sth. [form a mental image of sb./sth.] | sichDat. jdn./etw. vorstellen [bildlich] |  |
 | to visualize sb./sth. [form a mental image of sb./sth.] | sichDat. jdn./etw. (vor seinem geistigen Auge) vorstellen |  |
 | to visualize sth. [form a mental image of sth.] | sichDat. etw. lebhaft vor Augen führen |  |
 | to visualize sth. [form a mental image of sth.] | sichDat. etw. lebhaft vor Augen stellen |  |
Nouns |
 | approach [mental] | 4728 Denkansatz {m} |  |
 | reason [rationality, mental sanity] | 2717 Vernunft {f} |  |
 | med. scar [also fig. (mental scar)] | 2291 Narbe {f} [auch fig. (seelische Narbe)] |  |
 | tranquility [Am.] [mental] | 845 Gelassenheit {f} |  |
 | sentiment [mental feeling] | 506 Gefühl {n} [Emotionalität] |  |
 | med. commitment [official consignment to a mental hospital] | 252 Unterbringung {f} [Zwangseinweisung] |  |
 | image [mental representation or idea] | 242 Vorstellung {f} [(geistiges) Bild, Idee] |  |
 | perspective [mental outlook] | 184 Gesichtspunkt {m} |  |
 | jar [mental or emotional shock] | 149 Schock {m} [seelische Erschütterung] |  |
 | perspective [mental view, prospect] | 138 Betrachtungsweise {f} |  |
 | percept [as a mental result or sensation] | 118 Empfindung {f} [vgl. Perzept] |  |
 | reception [(mental) approval or acceptance] | 102 Zuspruch {m} [geh.] [Zustimmung, Anklang] |  |
 | faculty [inherent mental or physical power] | 60 Vermögen {n} [geh.] [Fähigkeit] |  |
 | strain [mental pressure] | 47 Stress {m} |  |
 | bughouse [Am.] [coll.] [mental hospital] | 32 Klapsmühle {f} [ugs.] [Irrenanstalt] |  |
 | med. psych. retardation [mental, physical, sexual] | 27 Zurückgebliebenheit {f} [geistig, körperlich, sexuell] |  |
 | psych. stirrings {pl} [mental impulses] | 24 Bewegung {f} |  |
 | quietness [mental] | 23 Gelassenheit {f} |  |
 | warp [aberration, distortion] | 23 Neigung {f} [Abweichung, psychisch, mental] |  |
 | deficiency [esp. mental] | 20 Behinderung {f} [bes. geistig] |  |
 | idea [mental impression] | 15 Eindruck {m} |  |
 | intelligence [mental power] | 15 Verstandeskraft {f} |  |
 | psych. burnout [also: burn-out] [physical or mental collapse] | 14 Ausgebranntsein {n} [Gefühl] |  |
 | recentering [Am.] [mental or ideological return to sth.] | 14 Rückbesinnung {f} [auf Werte etc.] |  |
 | med. psych. burnout [physical or mental collapse] | 13 Burnout {n} {m} |  |
 | psych. flow [mental state] | 13 Flow {m} [Schaffens- oder Tätigkeitsrausch] |  |
 | med. backwardness [mental, physical] | 10 Zurückgebliebenheit {f} [geistig, körperlich] |  |
 | med. psych. stupidity [mental indolence] | 6 Geistesträgheit {f} |  |
 | tranquility [Am.] [mental] | 6 Entspanntheit {f} |  |
 | med. psych. decrepity [obs.] [decrepitude] [mental infirmity of old age] | 5 Altersblödigkeit {f} [veraltend] |  |
 | [Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Mental Health] | Institut {n} für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene <IGPP> |  |
 | agony [mental or physical exertion] | Strapaze {f} |  |
 | med. psych. burnout [physical or mental collapse] | Burn-out {n} {m} |  |
 | hist. psych. spec. drapetomania [supposed mental illness among slaves] | Drapetomanie {f} [sog. krankhafter Wandertrieb der Sklaven] |  |
 | headwork [mental work] | Kopfarbeit {f} |  |
 | med. psych. phrenesia [obs.] [madness, mental disease] | Hirnwut {f} [veraltet] [Besessensein von Wahnvorstellungen; Wahnsinn] |  |
 | med. psych. senility [mental infirmity of old age] | Altersblödigkeit {f} [veraltend] |  |
 | educ. trainables [dated for: children and young people with severe or moderate mental retardation] | [Kinder und Jugendliche mit einer geistigen Behinderung] |  |
 | tranquillity [esp. Br.] [mental] | Gelassenheit {f} |  |
 | wanderings [mental] | wirre Gedanken {pl} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | brain-fried {adj} | überbelastet [mental] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to be behind [in physical or mental development] | unterentwickelt sein |  |
 | to be boggled [coll.] | komplett daneben sein [ugs.] [mental] |  |
 | to relieve tension [bodily and mental tension] | Verspannungen lösen [körperliche u. psychische Anspannung] |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | med. psych. to be in therapy [from mental illness, alcohol / drug addiction] | sich in (therapeutischer) Behandlung befinden [bei psychischer Krankheit, Suchterkrankung] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | law order of commitment [to mental hospital etc.] | Unterbringungsbefehl {m} [in psychiatrisches Krankenhaus etc.] |  |
 | law warrant of commitment [to mental hospital etc.] | Unterbringungsbefehl {m} [in psychiatrisches Krankenhaus etc.] |  |
4 Words: Verbs |
 | to keep sb./sth. on the rack [esp. Br.] [idiom] [keep up the mental pressure] | jdn./etw. unter Druck halten [fig.] [selten] [ständig Leistung verlangen] |  |
5+ Words: Verbs |
 | to have no peace of mind | nicht zur Ruhe kommen [psychisch, mental] |  |
5+ Words: Nouns |
 | doing math in your head [Am.] [mental arithmetic] | Kopfrechnen {n} |  |