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 | cloth. suited {adj} [men] | im Anzug [nachgestellt] [Männer] |  |
Nouns |
 | cloth. briefs {pl} [one pair] [short underpants for women and men] | 595 Unterhose {f} [Slip für Damen und Herren] |  |
 | cloth. bonnet [esp. Scot.] [men's or boy's cap] | 434 Mütze {f} |  |
 | cloth. bathers [Aus.] [coll.] [swimming trunks for men and boys] | 195 Badehose {f} |  |
 | cloth. skivvies {pl} [Am.] [men's underwear] | 137 Unterwäsche {f} [für Herren] |  |
 | cloth. shorts {pl} [esp. Am.] [men's underpants] | 116 Unterhose {f} [f. Männer] |  |
 | mankind {sg} [men as opposed to women] | 80 Männer {pl} |  |
 | cloth. drag [coll.] [womens' clothing worn by men] | 53 Frauenkleidung {f} [falls von Männern getragen] |  |
 | guys [esp. Am.] [coll.] [boys, men] | 52 Kerle {pl} |  |
 | nancies [coll.] [effeminate or homosexual men] [pej.] | 29 Tunten {pl} [ugs.] [pej.] |  |
 | cloth. coat [men's jacket] | 26 Rock {m} [österr.] [sonst regional] [Herrenjacke] |  |
 | guys [esp. Am.] [coll.] [boys or men] | 18 Burschen {pl} [österr.] [südd.] [Jungs] |  |
 | contraception [for men] | 14 Zeugungsverhütung {f} |  |
 | cloth. sports speedos [also: Speedos; men's tight fitting swim trunks] [speedo®] | 14 Zipfelzwicker {pl} [ugs.] [enge, knappe Badehosen] |  |
 | cloth. coats [men's jackets] | 11 Röcke {pl} [österr.] [sonst regional] [Herrenjacken] |  |
 | freeballing [coll.] [of men] | 8 [die Gewohnheit, keine Unterwäsche zu tragen] [bei Männern] |  |
 | cloth. serape [long blanket-like cloak, worn in Mexico, especially by men] | 7 Umhang {m} [traditioneller Bestandteil der männlichen mexikanischen Tracht] |  |
 | smoker [esp. Am.] [informal social gathering for men] | 6 Männerrunde {f} [zwangloses Beisammensein] |  |
 | [often pejorative nickname for exceedingly eager and convinced National Socialist young men] [Germany, after 1933] | 5 Quex {m} [ugs.] [oft pej.] |  |
 | century [a company of a hundred men of the ancient Roman army] | 5 Hundertschaft {f} [100 Mann starke Truppe des römischen Reiches] |  |
 | cloth. Jockeys {pl} [coll.] [Am.] [Jockey® shorts ] [men's briefs] | 5 Slip {m} [Männerunterhose] |  |
 | cloth. skivvies {pl} [esp. Am.] [sl.] [men's underwear] | 5 Unterzeug {n} [für Herren] |  |
 | cloth. [buckskin lederhosen, esp. of Alpine costumes for men] | Bückerne {f} [regional] [Hose aus Bocksleder] |  |
 | games [group of three or four men / women playing cards regularly] | Kartelrunde {f} [ugs.] |  |
 | cloth. briefs [more than one pair] [short underpants for women and men] | kurze Unterhosen {pl} [Slips für Damen und Herren] |  |
 | cloth. briefs {pl} [one pair] [short underpants for men] | kurze Herrenunterhose {f} |  |
 | cloth. changshan [chángshān, also: changpao / chángpáo, dagua / dàguà] [traditional Chinese dress worn by men] | Changshan {n} [traditionelle chinesische Männerkleidung] |  |
 | hist. mil. crimper [swindler of men into military service] | Werber {m} [veraltet] [Rekrutierer] |  |
 | duck [Am.] [sl.] [urine bottle for men] | Urinente {f} [ugs.] [Urinflasche] |  |
 | maledom {sg} [men considered as a group] | Männer {pl} [als Sammelbegriff] |  |
 | cloth. nightshirt [for men] | Herrennachthemd {n} |  |
 | pol. parity [esp. between men and women in parliaments] | Parité {f} [selten für „Parität (zwischen Männern und Frauen in Parlamenten)“, bes. in „Parité-Gesetz“] |  |
 | cloth. shemagh [traditional headdress typically worn by Arab men made of a square of cloth] | Shemagh {n} [von Männern getragenes Kopftuch in der arabischen Welt] |  |
 | cloth. shorts [esp. Am.] [men's underpants] [more than one pair] | Unterbuxen {pl} [ugs., bes. Ruhrgebiet] |  |
 | cloth. skivvies {pl} [sl.] [Am.: men's underwear] | Leibwäsche {f} [für Herren] |  |
 | cloth. hist. tabard [medieval costume mostly worn by men] | Daphart {m} [Tappert] |  |
 | cloth. hist. tabard [medieval costume mostly worn by men] | Tabard {m} [Tappert] |  |
 | cloth. hist. tabard [medieval costume mostly worn by men] | Tapphart {m} [auch: Taphart] [Tappert] |  |
 | cloth. trews {pl} [one pair] [esp. Br.] [fashion tartan trousers for men and women] | Trews {f} [modische Hose im Tartan-Muster und eng geschnitten; für Damen und Herren] |  |
 | cloth. underpants {pl} [one pair] [esp. for men or boys] | Unterbuxe {f} [ugs., bes. Ruhrgebiet] [Unterhose, bes. für Männer od. Jungen] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | et alii [and others; used for men or boys, or groups of mixed gender] <et al.> | und andere |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to adonize oneself [rare] [dated] [used chiefly of men] | sichAkk. schön machen |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | (gay) beat [Aus.] [sl.] [area where gay men meet or cruise for sexual encounters] | Schwulentreff {m} [ugs.] |  |
 | cloth. athletic vest [for men] | Achselhemd {n} [für Herren] |  |
 | med. sports bitch tits [vulg.] [pej.] [enlarged breasts in men (gynecomastia)] [coll.] | Weibertitten {pl} [vulg.] [pej.] [weibliche Brüste bei Männern (Gynäkomastie)] |  |
 | cloth. cotton briefs {pl} [one pair] [short, tight-fitting underpants for women and men] | Baumwollschlüpfer {m} [Damen- od. Herrenschlüpfer] |  |
 | cloth. cotton briefs {pl} [one pair] [short, tight-fitting underpants for women and men] | Baumwollslip {m} [Damen- od. Herrenschlüpfer] |  |
 | games cowboy's checker [also: cowboy checker] [nine-men's morris] | Mühle {f} [Brettspiel] |  |
 | crew cut [a very short haircut for men and boys] | Mecki {m} [ugs.] [Meckifrisur] |  |
 | Devil's Triangle [sl.] [threesome involving one woman and two men] | Dreier {m} [mit einer Frau und zwei (heterosexuellen) Männern] |  |